Hmmm...Sudden Disappearance would be a fun to kind of screw over a board wipe.
Hmmm...interesting deck, but you're gonna be hard pressed to make it work in a large group. Rouge's Passage?
Oh, I don't need luck!
I really dig Tunnel Vision...I might have to look into that!
Cool deck! Wish I could play grieselbrand as a general. One question though, why so much targeted removal? That seems a little under powered for edh. I find that the winners in my play group (rarely myself) focus more on big effects and combo wins...though our average game does see 8+ players at once. Am I missing some big synergy with the removal?
This has some really cool ideas in it. Its very different in operation from my Esper EDH. I totally need to grab a Arcanis the Omnipotent for the deck I am working on. Check it out and let me know if there is anything else you might suggest to strengthen my strategy. =)
It seems like it would work pretty well as is, but I do like the idea of adding Viridian Longbow.
Hey folks, this is my current EDH deck, and I'd like to get as much advice as you all can give me. Thanks,-Z
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