all right thanks he was really in there if for some reason there was a lock up but i can maybe switch him out for a siithiryx which could prove to be just as game changing. i'll figure it out thanks for the comment
the phoenix were really in there to provide something to discard for chandra that i can get back easily, as well as protection agains being over run by small things but u make a good point, and those advantages don't quit outweigh the disatvantages such as high mana cost and not really wanting to play them on account of them killing my own creatures.
thanks for the suggestion but i really like the distortion strikes with the kiln fiends unless the kill the kiln fiend that is theoretically 10 damage by turn 4 plus whatever other burn spells i can play. but thanks
alright thanks yeah that helps a lot
i think demonic tutor rather than diabolic tutor. and i've always been a fan of batwing broom in case they are able to get a significant attack mounted. but this looks like a fun deck.
good call i'm gunna try and squeze that one in
goblin matron would slow it down (3 mana for a 1/1?) this deck needs speed and if you play that on turn three instead of a goblin guide and a dragon fodder or just a goblin chieftain that's no good plus the goblins up there are better and i don't have room
i like it, it's interesting how you worked sarkhan vol into a naya deck i never really thought of trying something like that. the naya i had a while ago was 5 colors and it had a couple of the legendary dragons from planechase, and mayael the anima with a little mana acceleration worked well to drop scary things out fast. but in the end i didn't really like the style.....Nice deck though.
yeah i've had all the shards at different points but i've torn them all appart this was actually the last one that i made and it's the onlly shard i plan on keeping. i was sceptical at first but it turns out i really enjoy this play style. thanks for the comment
yeah that's a great suggestion, thanks. i'd just need to find a way to work black in without making it impossible to play obsidian fireheart's ability. i've been considering working black in just because there are a few really good cards that are black and geared toward this style. i don't know how it'll work thanks for the card name
ive always liked the style of a graveyard deck, and i really like hellcarver's ability. i made a demon based deck just for fun it is not fool proof but by turn two gets a big demon and if it's a hellcarver that's even more your deck too heres mine if you want to check it out and any suggestions would be welcome
well i really don't have the money to drop on 4 misty rainforests at 13 bucks each, thtat'd be 52 bucks plus shipping, unfortunatley that's a little rediculous given the situation, ohran viper is not a bad option but againn is a little expensive, and he's just green not blue green split. might be worth trying but i don't know, think i might just get this to start and modify after some testing, but thanks for the tip.
alright thanks, it's still a fast way to get an emrakul. just not as good
yeah if you know of a good way to fix it let me know, but i don't see this deck going past the 4th or 5th turns if it's going that long something went horribly wrong.
yeah, ok i completely understand. you just said that the black white slivers weren't exciting but necrotic sliver(which is the only one i know of) i thought was, so i just thought i'd ask. great deck.
awesome....i love slivers and my favorite color combo is black/white. but why do you think necrotic sliver is bad? it turns any sliver into a mortify, i would just like to know why you think it is bad. but hands down a good deck, nice work.
since this deck relies heavily on a very, very particullar combo i would take out some of the less necessary cards like unholy strength, and put more demonic tutors and maybe another vampiric tutor. seeing as the unholy strength's aren't really necessary with the demon and tainted strike combo. but just a suggestion
to "brokenboysoulja" it was the words you used that got me upset- "boy i get tired of saying that.....shurley consistency is not a hard concept to grasp" there's a line between helpful and rude. how was the coment that you posted intended to actually help all you said was that i couldn't grasp a concept that honestly i think you are mis-using. you can fit a theme which is CONSISTENT into a deck, without having 4 copies of every card in the deck. i've seen decks get flat out destroyed by a tome scour followed by a haunting echoes it just decimates on decks that are optimized toward 6 or 7 specific cards; consistency is different it means your deck does something specific everytime, not your deck plays the same card set everytime. if your going to be helpful, be specific, and don't act annoyed and high and mighty as if none else could possibly come up with something good that's different. however if your just going to get annoyed, you should probably call it something other than "critique"- besause noone is helped by-" (god i get tired of saying that, surely consistency is not that hard of a concept to grasp?)" try to understand why things are the way they are before bashing, conversation is better than misguided one-liners
first of all i don't buy singles enough or have enough money to drop on 3 sorin markhovs or 4 deathbringer liege, consistency will get you pretty far but with this deck variety works to my advantage. i've played with it for a while and it's variety ensures that it doesn't easily get shut out. Things that need consistency are their, 4 unmake ,and 4 pillories are necessary. Beyond that the deck works well with several good cards that can help but you don't see the same damn card everytime there are several win combinations, i'm sorry this deck isn't up to your standards but it works exceptionaly well for me, i have decks that have a single win condition but i don't enjoy playing them like i enjoy playing this deck. i appreciate you trying to help but to get annoyed because someone doesn't play like you do is a little stupid, immature, and frankly lame. exactly do you plan on playing geth, verdeloth, and flameblast dragon with no red or green or black mana sources, you have mox opal but can only have one on the field at a time cuz it's legendary.....just a question
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