there are more fun things at the 2 spot like perilous myr, or viridian emissary and as for three slot, try geralf's messanger instead of predator ooze. i like morokut banshee and would rather have 2 of her rather than the scavenger. and increase the amount of tragic slips to four, maybe put some more removal, like go for the throat. i'd have to see it play to analyze further.
steve it's all over the need four moonmist, 4 mayors, 4 reckless waifs, split lands, and there's so much more. unfortunately i just don't think you have nearly the amount of cards you need for this deck...........
if you make it white instead of black you get access to cards like gather the townsfolk, and midnight haunting, which become amazing if essence is out. also check out ambush viper, it can be used to "flash out an essence of the wild" as well as being a flash deathtouch otherwise.
the silver chase foxes are main board because they offer very good 2 drop 2/2 beater/defender. and they can remove very annoying enchantments, o-rings, and angelic destiny, and intangable vurtue. as well as the sun titan can bring them back to do it again. so they offer protection against both rush and enchantment, if i am playing a deck that those don't bother me i then side board them for more removal, that is why they are main board, id rather have them and not need them, then need them and not have them.
that could be fun, i was hoping to find cheaper creatures like one and two drops that would be fun to sac, like perilous myr but tuktuk might be just as good although he is legendary
yeah red sun;s zenith is a good card, i didn't keep it in the final version of my red deck, but it is a good card, and would work fine in this build i think
devil's play, it's far more agressive then giest flame, and koth's second ability can triger it for lethal easily. plus it's flash back cost is the same as giest flame's for 1 damage, but if you have more mana you can make it do more
yeah the combos that b/w can get are rediculous, especially with unburial rites that card is so good.
the shrine is not at all necessary in my opinion, i had some in there for a bit but i took them out once innistrad hit, and i also had arsonists in there, i loved them, but i don't know what to move around to get them in there.
this kid Abraham i know, he has almost the same deck, you probably got your ideas from him.
that's a good one, i hadn't seen or herd of that one before, but that sounds good. thanks
i thought about bizzaar trader, but he's just not necessary because my commander can just send them whatever i want anyway so he just takes up space.
reaper from the abyss? 4th turn....thats scary as fuck, i have a deck that gets that card out 4th turn and it needs to be immediatly answered or thats game over
ok well i can see how that would pose a problem
well stated^..........having one means you will only get it every few games, and using his ability late game, even if you have four will mill a significant amount of cards, it only costs two mana you can do it several time, and it adds up, you aren't gunna have one 2 from the top every time
you should by the knight vs dragon deck, it will give you knight of the reliquary, knight exemplar, and knotvine paladin, for a good deal or if you have a friend who would want a dragon deck split the cost with him and each of you will pay 10 bucks for a deck. and you will get some nice knights
you only have 2 swords and no way to search for them, and on a side note what would suck more than losing a sword to the milling of amored skaab, then praying you get one of your two noxious revivals? im just not a fan of him in this deck. you need more swords, and you can deffinetely run three st tafts, and ponders aren't such a bad idea.
go for the throat is pretty self explanatory, it substitutes for dooblade, if i play a heavy black deck, elite inquisitor substitutes for cloistered youth incase i play a werewolf or zombie deck. rebuke substitutes for tribute to hunger, for decks that drop lots of small creatures, because then the life gain becomes usless and they choose what i kill. as for the rest, that is what i need help with, i'm trying to play around with making some of those cards main board, like fiend hunter, can be really powerful, and bloodline keeper can give me a constant creature everyturn that i can sack for the disciple and make my priests morbid ability trigger,so what are your guys thoughts on all this.
i chose white because white gives me cards like gavony township that i can use its ability instead of a spell, and my werewolves will flip, so i don't waste a turn, and moment of heroism paired with prey upon is an amazing combo, give a wolf life link, prey upon something gain life, attack gain more life. so if i switched to black i would give up those two cards plus the pilgrims mana accel would be next to useless. how would you suggest making up for these loses whenn i switch to black?
up the amount of mayors and instigator gangs
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