
53 Decks, 245 Comments, 120 Reputation

...except even at 100 grand, you aren't guaranteed a 1st turn win. You need 7 lotus on the field and either a miracle or Devil's play in hand. 1/50th the cost will buy you a vintage deck that can beat this e'ery time.

Things that beat this deck:
force spike
healing salve

Posted 04 July 2013 at 18:48 as a comment on Thats right i went there!


If you're going to run 8 fetches, you should probably mainboard the Seer at least 2x in place of the in place of 2x heirs.

Posted 04 July 2013 at 18:41 as a comment on Monstrous +1/+1 Vampires


You've got Galvanoth, Wild Evocation, and Jhoria, might as well throw in some serious red chaos spells: Warp World, Scrambleverse, Thieve's Auction, and/or Goblin Game. Hope you can get them into the Eye of the Storm for more silly than should be allowed.

Copying shenanigans can also make this even sillier. Redirect, fork, reverberate, swerve, can all provide you with defense and go well with your silly enchantments. Also, the Pacts can give you a win condition if you've got Eye of the storm or hive mind out.

You also could do with some other copying mechanics, in particular, Echo Mage. Storm cards also combo very well with Melek, so, Grapeshot, Warrens, and Brainfreeze.

There's also not many sweeps, consider adding Evacuation, Comet Storm, Earthquake etc.

There is also a distinct lack of card draw, Braingeyser or Blue Sun would work well with Melek. Your creatures and enchantments don't have many abilities. EDH is won or lost by abilities, so you need to be able to make up for that with card draw. Don't play abilities, cast spells. You absolutely must have card advantage with this deck in its current form.

Finally, you're missing quite a few staples, which could be budget issue, but Sol ring is a must, some mana rocks would be good, mana flare, lightning greaves, Counterspell, cryptic Command, Consecrated Sphynx, Rhystic Study, Control Magic, Soothsaying, Mind over Matter, and a whole bunch of lands.

Looks fun though.

Posted 02 July 2013 at 04:27 as a comment on So Confusing


Do you really need Tormod's crypt as MB? You'd probably be better off with more counterspells. You could even do some more cost-heavy control like Cryptic Command or something simlar (if anything could com close to Cryptic's power level)

Posted 27 June 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Modern Mill


What is your budget? That will determine what you can add to improve.

Posted 27 June 2013 at 04:10 as a comment on Everybody Loves Goblins


Krovikian Mist is definitely a common. In Coldsnap, the white expansion symbol is common.

Depending on how your counterspell situation looks in the meta you're playing, both Daze and Counterspell would be common, and of course Brainstorm, all of which could really strengthen your deck.

Posted 22 June 2013 at 06:10 in reply to #369036 on Use Your Illusion


I'd run Into the Roil over Repeal. Are you looking for a Pauper-legal deck or a Peasant-legal deck?

Posted 22 June 2013 at 02:58 as a comment on Use Your Illusion


Unsummon doesn't hit planeswalkers, and you can't bounce a land T2.

Posted 22 June 2013 at 01:18 in reply to #368813 on [Modern] Quest


Delver fits in here like a glove with your topdeck manipulation. If you can fit in more filtering, that would be great.

My version runs Dream Halls, if you want to check it out.

Swapping the Hatchlings for Delvers was a great idea, as it gave me early pressure and flying blockers.

Posted 22 June 2013 at 01:17 as a comment on [Modern] Quest


It is a 'mono artifact.' You actually have to tap it to use it, and always have.

Posted 22 June 2013 at 00:52 in reply to #368983 on What's the mana with you? :-D


Yeah, but those don't work as well with The Vise.

Posted 21 June 2013 at 04:14 in reply to #368670 on Drawcard, Not Discard


What's your budget?
Artifact Lands (Seat and Citadel)
Tolarian Academy
Moxen (cost-depending, but they help you tinker turn 1)
Sol Ring

You should have 4 brainstorm in your mainboard.
Also consider 4 ponder or more tutors.

Posted 21 June 2013 at 03:59 as a comment on TinkSteel Collosus


Is your plan to make them draw out their library?

If so,
Memory Jar
Forced Fruition (seriously, run this)
Laquatus's Creativity

Other staples:
Arcane Laboratory
Forbid (run as your main counterspell, you'll have tons of cards as it is)

Consider (other ideas for the deck, depending on how you want it to play):
Notion thief (turns into a massive draw card for you, flash at beginning of their turn, and never need to cast a draw spell on yourself)
Bounce: (increases their hand size, keeps you safe)
Wash Out
Mana Breach

Erayo and Arcane Laboratory hurt, because you're GIVING them cards. If you want to win this way, you need to REALLY go for it. What you have now, will just give your opponents an advantage. If you want to turn this into a more viable deck, you need to A- completely swamp them with card advantage, and B- reduce their ability to cast all the cards they're drawing.

Posted 21 June 2013 at 03:51 as a comment on Drawcard, Not Discard


Nah, the fatties are fine. Sheoldred and Reya are too slow, and eldrazi don't give you the immediate board position shift you need with reanimator.

Posted 20 June 2013 at 14:48 in reply to #368430 on Classic Reanimator


On topic of angel decks, I went reanimation:

Posted 15 June 2013 at 18:17 in reply to #366582 on Guardians


You don't have Akroma.
I am not down with that.

Anyway, other angels you could include in your toolbox are Empyrial Archangel, Gisela, and Platinum Angel, you can cheat them the same as your other critters, but if you're worried about hardcasting them, throw in an island, a mountain, and a few generic fetches.

I'd also drop the Asceticism for some Quicksilver Amulets. You're dropping absolute bombs, your angels should be enough shut-down, preventing you needing the hexproofing

Posted 15 June 2013 at 17:16 as a comment on Guardians


Actually, under the M14 rule changes, there is a way you could do it with legend-chaining. I'm pretty sure that this isn't what DragonWolf meant though in his original post.

So, if you had one Aurelia on the field, attack with her, to put into effect the second combat phase, then you'd need to flash in the second aurelia (it'd be easier just to flicker the first) and have the second auriela be the permanent that stays on the battlefield, and send the first to the grave. Now in your second combat phase, auriela number 2 is having her first combat phase, and she triggers your 3rd combat phase on attack.

But that's needlessly complicated, and a waste of legend chaining.

Posted 15 June 2013 at 16:55 in reply to #366469 on Boros Indestructible


First thing I thought of was Martial Coup. It could serve as a huge boardwipe and equalizer. You can probably get it off easier than Elspeth (who, is notoriously hard to 'get off'- hue hue hue)

Overall though, you need to remember that lifegain doesn't win you the game. It prevents you from losing it. The distinction is absolutely huge. If you're intent on gaining life, consider doing it more efficiently so you need fewer cards dedicated (Martyr of Sands(?), Baneslayer Angel, Batterskull, True Conviction, select things that give huge lifegain) and/or things that actually benefit from you having higher life totals - felidar Sovereign, Serra Ascendant, Serra Avatar, so you can really beat face.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 03:26 as a comment on Life Gain


Then you need better card drawing. Most of Dragonwolf's recommendations are really solid.
Well of Lost Dreams, Skullclamp and many more. I know you're trying to cut cards, so I won't suggest any more.

Of course you can't add mana flare, I'm sure it was just a mistake.

Cut back really hard on your instants and creatures. You aren't running much recursion, so every instant you include NEEDS to pull its weight. You can't afford to spam removal, you can only remove direct threats that WILL lose you the game. You should be very worried about card advantage, as your opponents who are playing blue, green, or black will all have more.

I don't know why you're so fixated on tokens. Other decks will be running more tokens more effectively than you can. Coat of Arms, Hour of Reckoning could really, really backfire.

You've got a lot of deadweight creatures.
Stuffy Doll
Pentarch Paladin
Order of the Sacred Torch
CHildren of Korlis (if you need them, you've already lost)
Goldnight Commander

Pull these:
Gleid Shackles
Intangible Virtue
Mantle of LEadership
Luminarch Ascension (you don't have the defense to resist aggro of every single other player)
Mox Opal
Golem Skin Gauntlets
Crucible of Worlds
Coat of Arms
Blade of the Bloodchief
Moonsilver Spear
Anvil of Bogarden (helps others more than you)

Posted 13 June 2013 at 04:07 in reply to #365592 on Kemba EDH (Needs Help)


I don't think Shields of Velis Vel works the way you think it does. It only affects creatures on the battlefield when it resolves. When you play it, targeting yourself (i assume) all it does is turn your creatures into allies. There's nothing entering the battlefield, so no ally abilities trigger.

Instead, consider Ghostway, Cloudshift, Phantasmal Image, or Ghostly Flicker. Those might work better with what you're trying to accomplish.

Posted 13 June 2013 at 03:29 as a comment on More Ally Fun :D


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