
53 Decks, 245 Comments, 120 Reputation

Seems a tad optimistic.

If you're building a modern-legal deck that is supposed to be decent and not have any lands, why not make it a storm deck? I feel that would best loan itself to this style of play, I don't know why you feel the need to go G/W.

Go mono-R or r/b,
manamorphose, Gitaxian, Pyretic, Desperate R, Simian Spirit Guide, Grapeshot, Street Wraith...

I don't know, that'd probably be just as unreliable. Really hard to run something landless in a modern environment.

Anyway, consider adding:
Serum Powder
Street Wraith
Gitaxian Probe
Mishra's Bauble

Which will allow you decrease the number of filler cards you have by quite a bit.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 12:13 as a comment on NO LANDS!?!?!?


That is 100% correct.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 05:18 in reply to #389078 on Undying Devil From Hell



Both of us agree that you CAN'T cast undying evil AFTER you opponent has elected to take the 4 damage. (or, at least Ninja did at the end, even though he's basically illiterate)

You CAN cast undying evil in response to the ETB trigger going on the stack, but NOT in response to the decision of the player which occurs during resolution.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 00:43 in reply to #389078 on Undying Devil From Hell


I have a problem with:
"you dont have a target for undying evil before your opponent makes the choice"
"once the spell resolves, the opposing player receives priority, and makes a choice"
"you have no chance to play undying evil"
Each of these statements you made are blatantly wrong.

608.2f does NOT relate to this, as it specifically relates to how spells are put on the stack. No spells are being put on the stack here.

Seantastic is correct if 'choice' means 'ability'. and 'choice is made' means 'ability resolves'. Which, why I upvoted it.

You butchered the rules by trying to use 608.2. 116.2e is applicable to Vexing Devil.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 23:37 in reply to #382804 on Undying Devil From Hell


You just butchered those rules.

116.2e- no player has priority when an ability is resolving
608.2f- relates to things like Epic Experiment or Hive Mind. As a part of the ability resolution, loads of things get put on the stack, and none can be responded to until the initial ability finishes resolving.

Cast Devil
Casting may be responded to.
He resolves, enters the battlefield
Enters the Battlefield trigger
Ability goes on stack
Ability may be responded to.

As the ability resolves, nobody receives priority until it has finished. So you can't respond to your opponent's choice.

You could cast the devil, and in response to his ability on the stack, cast undying evil on him.
You could NOT cast the devil, let your opponent decide to let him die, then cast undying evil on him.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 16:49 in reply to #382804 on Undying Devil From Hell


Yeah, well, you know, it gets tiring having to explain over and over and over to players why pure lifegain decks are a bad idea, why fetchlands are good, why decks should have 60 cards etc etc.

That's beside the point. The very fact that you had to post this AS A DECK goes to show just how fucked up the system is right now with the hot page. There's an outstanding number of comments (and likes, seriously, wtf?) on decks that are so 'sub optimal' anyone who uses their brain can build a better deck, or the decks are pure jokes (50 black lotus, 10 bonfire, what the hell? that's not even a good deck) and the 'joke' decks, while they CAN serve as a learning/teaching tool, are inane, stupid wastes of space (guess what, I get to have an opinion too). Or General's 'post your decks here deck.' There's something fucked with the hot page, and when EVERYBODY feels the need to comment on a deck where the owner REFUSES to admit there might be a problem. The people helping get tired and they get frustrated.

I personally will CONTINUE to be an ass when dealing with decks that aren't really decks, but still be helpful when the owner of the deck is willing to learn.

If you have a problem with that, go ahead and 'downvote' me. There's no moderation here. The decks on this site are not a forum. But, before you start your 'war' against me, look at my comments, and decide just how much attention you're going to spend on this 'asshole'

Don't blame the assholes, blame the people who don't want to learn.

Posted 25 July 2013 at 16:25 as a comment on How to Comment on a Deck


Allow me to rephrase:
"Lose five cards."

Until you do that, any advice, tips, ideas, or valuable input you can receive from the community will be wasted. If you can't understand WHY having a 60-card deck is important, then telling you to add dark ritual is really just a waste of time.

Posted 11 July 2013 at 13:44 in reply to #376509 on eldrazi from the graveyard


Could use some improvements

Replace Cathedral Sanctifier with Martyr of Sands, and you can get a ton of draw if you replace Life Burst with skullclamp. Finally, since you're running monowhite, you might as well throw in one or two Emeria in place of plains.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 16:53 as a comment on life gain with infinite dmg v2


Seems a bit wasteful unless LD is extremely rampant in your casual meta.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 14:32 in reply to #376074 on Cavalaria


And, since we're all posting our knight decks here's my tri-color one:

Posted 10 July 2013 at 06:06 in reply to #376078 on Cavalaria


Yeah, I don't play it very often. It either loses right away because it gets out-aggroed, or it wins in the most painfuly slow way possible.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 05:59 in reply to #376093 on U/R Isochron + Guildmage


Haha, thanks. Hope it inspires some quality deckbuilding.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 02:47 in reply to #359972 on Knights


One of the first things you need to learn when starting to play more magic is WHY everyone plays at 60 cards. (excepting EDH, which is a case unto itself)

Simply, it is because it gives you a better chance to draw what you need to win. Sure, you may not have all the flashy cards you WANT in the deck, but, if it can be done in more than 60 cards, it can be done better at 60 cards.

You'll figure it out.

Posted 07 July 2013 at 20:14 in reply to #374875 on Nightmare


I really think you should try to get it down to 60 cards. Short of a Battle of Wits deck, there's no justifiable reason to have more than 60 cards in your deck.

Posted 07 July 2013 at 03:37 as a comment on Nightmare


Here's some thoughts:
1- you don't really need the walls. If you're fixated on using them, why not use them for ramp too? I'm talking Overgrown Battlement, and Vine trellis, while upping the current number that you have. That will give you a very sturdy creature base to start with, and really give you a lot of 2-drops. (if that is important to you)
2- Consider adding more 1-drops. Arbor Elf, Fyndhorn Elves. That will bring your curve down further.
3- Landfall. You're actually pretty close to running a landfall-centric deck. If you throw in some fetchlands (the cheap ones) you can double your landfall, and actually get some mana fixing. You don't need expensive dual lands. If you pursue this route of landfall, you can change your bombs around to use the silly amounts of mana you're generating.
4- Bombs. You're pretty lean on them. I don't really think of the Artisan as a 'bomb' because he doesn't shape the battlefield as he enters (think in terms of Iona). He's just a fatty. Jin is more of a typical 'bomb.' If I were to suggest something, It would be adding more Baloths and landfall, and even another budget bomb like Wolfbriar Elemental which would A- flood the field, and B- use up a ton of mana.

5- things you should drop: Not sure. You're going a bunch of different directions with this deck. Right now you're leaning pretty heavily towards a landfall-based green deck with a little bit of blue to maintain card advantage, but the problem is that you're not doing any of it too well. Things like Genesis wave don't help much unless the majority of what you're putting in to play will help your board advantage, Even if you hit it for 9, you're getting a lot of little things that a pyroclasm can negate. You need more stompier creatures lower in the curve, think Thragtusk, Vigor, or Silvos more than Emrakul. If you've got ramp, you need to use it or its a waste of deck space.

Think of it like lifegain. Gaining life doesn't win you the game, it prevents you from losing. Ramp doesn't win you the game on its own, but it is a tool that you can use to win.

If you want to win purely by ramp, Omnath + Helix Pinnacle.

Posted 06 July 2013 at 20:39 as a comment on Ramp Draw Win


So basically , you just added 4 demonic tutors?

clearly you're constrained by some kind of budget. Disregarding legality and budget, you could add all kinds of interesting things that would make this concept more efficient and better protected.

So, if you add:
fetches, actual duals, time vaults, workshops, might as well throw in some moxxen, lotuses, Painter's Servants + Grindstones, more tutors (if legality doesn't matter, imperial seal? you're missing lots of good stuff) etc etc.

you can obviously improve the deck with more money, so what are you looking at as your limits?

If you're just looking for simple infinite combos, you could throw in some classic in-color combos such as:
quilspike + Devoted druid
add Bloom Tender
add helix pinnacle
Earthcraft + Squirrel nest (basic land can be targeted by fetches)
Add paradise mantle + Grimoire Thief (freed from real)
etc etc.

There's tons of cute little infinite combos, decide your budget, and go for it.

Posted 06 July 2013 at 06:11 as a comment on Death by Defender: Not Budget


If you throw in some fetchlands, (which you probably should have, even in a mono deck) you can gain instant-speed reanimation of the bloodghasts, which can be pretty powerful. also, Knight of Infamy doesn't have first strike... (Black Knight does, Order of the Ebon Hand can)

On the topic of your land, if you throw in Urborg, Tomb, you can get much more milage out of your Coffers, and with the new legendary rules, you don't need to be terrified of playing a second one if you tap the first before it enters the battlefield.

Posted 06 July 2013 at 03:30 in reply to #374146 on Mono Black


Would it be worth the sideboard space for Overmaster?

I suppose if they're going to let Wish go off, it might not be terribly useful, but it does replace itself.

Posted 06 July 2013 at 00:04 as a comment on Legacy Blitz Reanimator


I agree strongly with Jack.

Posted 05 July 2013 at 23:53 in reply to #374444 on Thats right i went there!


Hymn to Tourach is now one of your favourite cards. Add that sucka.

Posted 04 July 2013 at 18:59 as a comment on Mono Black


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