I feel the numbers could be touched up a bit.4x thoughtsieze is super taxing when you face an aggro deck or burn.Dig through time is actually banned in modern(not sure why this website doesn't know that)I feel the only way to make this deck work in modern would be to up the cost of the deck a lot.Could also work in a gifts deck?
I agree, UB gives you cheap wipes(the new drown in sorrow, languish and crux) but like you said more delve spells and just better removal overall like foul-tongue, cut, misc other kill creature/walker spells.
if you have like 8-10 lands in play...
casual magic and commander ALWAYS demands main deck artifact and enchantment hate for exactly that reason.and there are lots of things that can't be touched, just most cost a decent penny.
Why do you think the interaction is insane?They only count as elementals if you animate them so thats like paying 4-5 mana(cost to activate+tapping the man land post activation)just to get +1+0
It's more of a soft lock, they can still destroy the scepter in response to it's activation.Still a very strong combo, but not untouchable.
No problem, its a card a lot of people forget about for some reason.One of my favorites ever printed.
Fun idea, I have been working on a Blue/Black modern eldarzi list.Mostly because of sire, the interaction between ghost quarters and sire is just fun.
Also fitting in 1 cavern of souls may not be a bad idea for the control match-ups or delver matches.( you could even drop down to 22 lands)
You're seriously missing out on running "zealous persecution" it's an absolute blowout card in modern.I would move 2 azorius charms to the sideboard put 2 "zealous persecution" in the main deck and 1 in the sideboard.zealous persecution is basically a board wipe vs affinity, and deals with tons of creatures in many other decks.Destroys the mirror match, and is the best combat trick in modern.Beside that the 3 negates main may be iffy. Mana leak would be better overall for what your deck wants countermagic for.even 2 leaks and one negate could be great.Just some small tips looks like a good deck overall though!
You can do anything as long as its using the cards legal to the format, and follows other card qty rules etc.This deck obviously isn't optimal, and could use 4x Jace, but that adds like 200$ to the price haha.plus a few other cards like dig through time etc.
Then tag it as casual also, because if this deck ever won a single round against a modern deck I would be surprised.
Don't tag a deck as "modern" if you don't want people to give those kinda comments.Simple as that.
I honestly feel this is a budget version
It's basically a control deck, going black nets you better removal and better sac effects.its just an alt wincon for control.
Then at least make it half decent... you don't need 4x main deck offerings... even as a lifegain deck its subpar...
You don't have to play at a Cut-throat level to play soul sisters...That's the fun thing about modern, you can brew viable combo decks that aren't meta decks.What it comes down to is playing worse cards for n real reason.
I was watching this deck on twitch, I would almost main deck 1 spellsnare also alongside dispel.Deck has a lot of issues with the creatures dying is response to shape anew.
You don't need 4 kiki-jiki you only need 1-2.
Literally the exact deck posted by wescoe...I feel W/G would be better honestly.
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