I already have a standard R/B deck constructed that works pretty well. So chances are I'll just edit that deck with the new Rakdos cards. I think my wife will be building G/B. What do you think of the new Jace?
I was always partial to Rakdos and R/B decks. However from the looks of the spoilers. Golgari and G/B is where it's going to be at.
A very interesting take on Slivers. I like the use Soul Foundry and Aether Vial. Nice touches. Good work. Looks pretty solid. Here is mine if you want to take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=69369
Thanks man. When the Eldrazi came out I fell in love with them. So I wanted to build the fastest Eldrazi deck I possibly could. And this is it. Like the description says, I have actually hard casted Ulamog on turn 2. It's crazy fast.
Seems pretty solid. Though I would probably take out the Hellkite, and Wurmcoil Engine. They don't really fit the bill here. I'd use Ulamog's Crusher instead. Yes it costs an extra 2 mana, however it attacks each turn with Annihilator. Also, I noticed that most of the cards here seem to come from the Zendikar block. If you're wanting it to be Modern. Then you can use cards all the way back to the original Mirrodin set. So enchantments like Heartbeat of Spring and Mana Reflection would really do the trick here. For cheaper than the cost of Vorinclex. The locus lands are another great way of getting tons of mana really quick. Cloudpost, and Glimmerpost work very well together. Here is my Eldrazi deck that I created. It's completely void of color, yet it works better than any other form I've made. Good luck man. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=199755
I would add in more lands that give you a mana of any color. Like Vivid lands. They come into play with counters. Remove a counter, add a mana of any color. And can also be used normally for mana. I use them in my Sliver deck and are life savers in a pinch.
Try taking out the Curse for Mana Flare. It's what I used in my old Mono Red Dragon deck. And 9/10 times I'd have tons of Dragons out by turn 6.
It looks pretty good. Except for a couple of spells, and a few creatures. You're close to having a deck like mine. You could run the Urza Lands. They work extremely well with the Eldrazi.
I can see Urabrask, the Hidden being extremely useful in this deck. With all the low casting cost creatures you have. Like Vexing Devil, and Treacherous Pit-Dweller. Them gaining haste could be quiet overwhelming for an opponent.
This reminds me so much of my Progenitus EDH. Since this and it use the same basic concept. Which is a good one IMO. Nice work.
Thanks guys. I didn't think my Sliver deck would get this good of feedback.
This deck isn't for any format. It's for casual play only. And I was using Spellbook along side Necropolis. Which both cards have been removed for better things.
An interesting design. A Solar Flare deck without the blue aspect. Faithless looting is a good replacement for Think Twice. Only bad part of replacing the blue is the loss of counter spells. It's a great design though. Here is my take on Solar Flare. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=264532
I certainly hope so. I'm hoping to take this and Solar Flare to FNM.
I only have 3. But I wish I had 1 more to make a play set.
This is just unfair. Totally awesome. But unfair. I love it. Great deck.
You're basically looking at Solar Flare. Which is a standard version of reanimator. Your version doesn't run white while Solar Flare does. Here is my Solar Flare deck if you want to take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=264532
Nice deck. I like the addition of Animar. I would suggest that you expand your mana base a little bit. In a deck that uses all 5 colors it's crucial to have the colors you need at any given time. Ancient Ziggurat is a good start. But there are a lot more you can use. Here is my Sliver deck if you'd like to take a look at it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=69369
Abyssal Persecutor.
This reminds me a lot of my Tezzeret deck. Except I don't focus so much on equipments. But all in all it's a nice looking build. Only thing I might do is add in some Mana Leaks. Other than that, great looking build.
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