I like it. Livewire lash is a great touch. I never would have thought of that. The only thing that I might change is Throne of Geth. I'd replace it with Contagion Clasp. Other than that, looks great.
And Koth's ultimate only works with Mountains. Take out the other 8 lands and just use mountains. You're wasting life by using them when you could just drop a Mountain instead.
I'll agree with that. I'm working on an idea for a Myr deck. I'll agree that out of Scars the Myr is going to be the biggest thing.
If you want it to be as fast as possible then take out the black and run mono green. That's how mine is and it's super fast.
I like it. It looks pretty much like mine. Though I must ask why you decided to use Throne of Geth. There isn't many artifacts here. So unless you sacrifice it unto itself it's not doing much good.
I'm not sure if they'll be more than casual. I've been editing and play testing mine for weeks now. I have a Mono Green Eldrazi deck that's super fast. And my Infection deck beat it 2 to 1 last night. So with some minor tweaks perhaps, it could be made for Tournaments.
I like it. Should be able to do the job. Here is my version of Infect. It's Black/Blue http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=96605
You really don't have all that many creatures with Infect. And where is Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon? Add in some Hand of Praetors to beef up what Infectious creatures you have.
Ah, lol. Well, I'd consider taking out the rest of your Spirits and just focus on the Vampires. It'll cut your deck size down a bit allow you to get key cards easier. And if you still want to use your spirits then you can always check out my spirit deck if you'd like.
Just out of curiosity. Why the Kamigawa cards? They don't exactly fit here.
Feast of Blood, Gatekeeper, Corrupt, or Sac him the Demon of Death's Gate.
The point is to cast Wrexial with Ula's Temple. I don't plan on trying to hard cast any of my large creatures.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Yeah, I took it down to repost it as Type 2 Standard. Here is the link. I'm still working on it so any advice would help. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=95084
Looks to be a good solid discard deck. Only thing that I might do is exchange Megrim for Liliana's Caress. It does the exact same thing for 1 mana less. So you could have it out a turn earlier. Other than that it looks good. Great job.
There's way to many 1 of's here. Did you have a theme picked out? And a deck must be at least 60 cards to be tournament legal. So I'd try to make it least 60 if you can. If you want a theme with it then I might be able to give you a direction to head towards.
You posted on a few of my other decks and gave some great advice. Would you take a look at these please? My mono green Eldrazi. Redone from my old one. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=94169 Grixis Control http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=70907 And Heldrazi http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=94287 Thank you ANON
I agree with MrBarrelRoll up there. The Monument would greatly benefit you.
It's nice to see that I'm not the only one that's preparing for Scars.
You can only have 4x Darksteel Citadels and Cloudposts. Other than that I like the concept. You might consider adding Mycosynth Lattice to go along with Fist of suns.
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