I like that idea. Making a few changes now.
Not a problem. I'm just going by my own experiences with him. But if he works for you then keep him in there. lol
I would probably take out Geth. He can be good but his costs are great. And for discard deck mana is key. Here is mine if you'd like to take a look at it. It works pretty well. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=75199
Odd, my wife and I did as well. And a friend of ours and his wife got 2 from one box as well.
Not bad. I might try to find some Dragonspeaker Shamans to throw in there. Here is my dragon deck if you want to take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=102685
My wife and I have 2 Mind Sculptors, so we basically share him. She has a few decks with him and I have a few. Since we both can't have a play set then we do what we can. But I do plan on putting test playing this soon. I have another deck similar to this. So it will simply transform into this one.
Cryptoplasm is a great idea, only bad part is I can't find anything to remove for it.
Changes applied. Any more suggestions? How about a sideboard for this bad boy?
Very good suggestions guys thanks. I'm using The Mind Sculptor because of his 3rd ability. Read it closely. It says "Draw three cards the put 2 from your hand on top of your library in any order." Because it says "Draw" it will activate Jace's Erasure and the Crawler. But I like the suggestions, making changes now.
This deck looks pretty decent. Though, I would probably take out the Blightsteel Colossus. Unless you have a strategy of getting him out early, I doubt you'll get the chance otherwise. And QuyRAWR, your friends deck looks pretty as well. My wife wants to use Tezzeret with a new deck so these 2 gave me some ideas.
Changes have been made. Thoughts anyone?
Yeah, I plan on thinning out my creatures. And making a few more changes. I just need to do a little more research.
Doesn't look to bad. Here is my version. There are a few similarities. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=113649
I really like this. But to be realistic, take out the Black Lotus and put in 4 Dragon Archs. Those will help you get Progenitus and the Archangel out very quickly.
I would consider running some mana ramp in order to power up the Apocalypse Hydra. Would also help get the Khalni hydra our much quicker. And, I know of one Hydra you're missing. But he wouldn't exactly be playable in this deck. Progenitus.
Not a bad build. Can't say that I would make any changes. Just make up a sideboard for it and you'll be good to go. It reminds me a lot of mine. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=113649
The deck look rather solid. I'd consider Replacing the Mantra with something else. Just not sure what exactly. I have a standard W/G Life Gain deck if you'd like to look at it. You might get some ideas from it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=77168
I'd consider dropping the Condemns for 3x Deprive or Stoic Rebuttals.
Looks like a good deck. I might consider running a bit more counter spells. But other than that, it looks good.
I like this. Hell I like anything with dragons. Using so many multicolored dragons, a card called Dragon Arch might be of use to you. If you want, check out my "Uber Jund" deck that I created.
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