I'd use more lands that gives you the option to add any color. Just using basic lands will leave you without the colors you need. I know this because my Sliver deck used to do that to me. Use things like the Vivid lands, rupture spire, or reflecting pool.
Eldrazi Monument isn't a half bad idea. But Winged Sliver and and Muscle Sliver do the same thing. Just minus the Indestructible part.
Uhm, 1st off you can assign the number of a card in the deck to a single card. No need to do what you did here. If you fix that it would be a lot easier to read and I could help you out a lot better.
Deck has been updated, yet again. Please let me know what you all think.
Hmm, I'm not sure I'd run the Etched Champion. Simply because you don't have a lot of artifacts to make use of his metalcraft. You could take out a Ledgewalker and a Gladecover for 2 Melira. As for the Unlife, that is a bit more difficult. You could take out a Flickering Ward and an Asceticism. I say Asceticism cause of it's high casting cost.
Since you are running W/G and it fits the decks theme. You could side board Phyrexian Unlife and Melira from New Phyrexia. With both in play at the same time you basically cannot lose.
With Primeval Titan being reprinted in M12 I'd for sure try to get my hands on a few of him.
1st off. You have 8 Go for the Throats, and 5 Wurmcoil Engines. So you'll need to reduce those down to 4 total. You cannot have more than 4 of a single card in your deck and side board except for basic land. 2nd, you seem to only have 2 win conditions. Inkmoth Nexus and Wurmcoil. Try finding another win condition. Tezzeret can be a win condition but you don't have a lot of artifacts to make use of his last affect. Here is my Tezzeret deck if you want to take a look at it to get some ideas. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=163442
I'd probably throw in some Blackcleave Cliffs.
This deck, in my opinion. Wins so much. Angels, Demons, and Dragons. So much win packed into one deck.
Yeah, I figured that wasn't true. One of the reasons I don't have cards like Elvish Piper and Dragon Arch in the deck.
Mana Leak tends to work pretty well in the deck. But I have stoic Rebuttal side boarded for when a need a hard counter.
I once had a G/R Eldrazi deck. After some test play I removed the red and made it mono Green. Some cards that might help you are Primeval Titan, and Summoning Trap. The Titan is still rather expensive but can really get you mana ramping cause you can go get your Temples or the Eye. I like the deck though, Geosurge is a really nice touch. I do agree with the 1st comment. Some dual lands would really help here. Here is my Mono green Eldrazi. Which has been retired and turned into the deck below. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=94169 Here is my new Eldrazi deck that I've made. It's completely 100% colorless. And faster than any Eldrazi deck I've ever seen. If you're interested take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=199755
Thank you sir. I really like Demon decks and my old Standard one was the best I had. So I wanted to keep it around. Just make it better.
I would probably try to find a place to put in Eon Hub. It allows you to skip your upkeep. Which means you don't have to sac any creatures for the larger Demons.
Not bad. I like it. Here is my version that I've had for a good while. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=154726
I would probably try to cut the deck down from 85 to at least 64. 60 would be best. I would also attempt to make your spells more about mana ramp. Cause you'll need the extra lands to cast the Eldrazi.
Here soon I'm going to attempt to make it better with some older cards that are out standard. Since just about the entire deck will dropping out.
Nevermind. Read Birthing Pod.
I have to ask. How do you play Elesh Norn?
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