What about Quest for Renewal? Untap your stuff during his turn, attack with some creatures, untap them again in his turn... etc.
Maybe something to give Godhead shroud? It's awesome vs removal.
Dimir Infiltrator is mostly awesome in ninja decks, or at least as long as you don't have Higure on the field. Since that takes at least four turns, I suggest you put in the infiltrator and spam cheap ninjas with it.
Oh, and i forgot to mention... Idyllic tutor instead of the rector? Won't have to wait for him to die...
The storage lands are pretty useful in your pre-draw steps... Add all mana you haven't used to the storage lands, and untap all of it. You'll sooner run out of counterspells rather than mana. Especially since you don't have to remove all counters at once.
Add Snake Shamans instead of those elves you got there. Use Sakura-Tribe Springcaller, the Mother of Summer card, Sashi (2x since she is legendary, just as the mother) and some random snake shamans eg orochi leafcaller, sustainer or sakura-tribe elder. That really owns these elves. And you can add the Orochi Hatchery, and watch your oppo glare at all your 1/2 snake tokens. If you're going for the tokens, you should add Orochi Eggwatchers. But then, the deck also becomes of another type entirely. I still think the snakes are awesome.
Dude, you do know that you don't want your opponent to have some sharpshooters and some death greeters out there looking for your squirrels? I mean, if you're playing casual anyway... Looks good. I like the infinite squirrel combo.
Give one good reason to use Jace instead of a useful card such as duel grounds or the one that gives you an extra combat fase?
When I play bant I always like my 1 creature attacking to be unblockable. So I add the 1uw cleric that makes them unblockable, cant recall the name atm. You're hardly using your islands, btw. Thirdly, Akrasan Squire is one white mana and not in your deck.
Put in Cabal Coffers or Crypt of Agadeem. Your draw rate is high with the polluters, but your mana potential isn't. Also you can use Carnage Altar to up your draw rate as well, you can combine that well with the maggot carrier, or even better: Infectious Host. Extra life loss, extra draw power, extra mana power.
sorry, mistake: its 10 cards in the deck, and you need to start first.
Does anyone care about the normal rulings with this deck? It's already as illegal as heck, so why care about that stuff? :x Just make sure you have 9 cards in the deck... 1 forest 1 swamp 1 mountain 1 jhiora 1 joiner 1 death wish 1 hexmage 2 dark ritual and 1 random other card, you choose. You're not using it anyway. Black lotus would be fun thom then you win even earlier if the bottom card of the deck is a ritual :P t1: play 1 swamp, ritual, death wish t2: play 1forest, ritual, joiner, hexmage t3: play 1 mountain, jhiora t4: suspend pikachu, sac hexmage and own.
Looks good. You might wanna swap 2 mana leaks for 2 spell pierces. On the whole... All you need in your opening hand is 1 banneret and 2 islands. Nice.
Whoops, srry, pressed f5 there
Vampire hexmage to get those time counters off immediately. Ultimate combo though :D awesome!
Sigil Tracer for Uyo. Less durable, but cheaper and less mana-wasting.
121-138 of 138 items