Dude, did you actually check the combo in there? You need, like, three turns to get it out if you're lucky handed. There's only one card you can't search and that's Quillspike. I would kick Blue and add Black to add tutors instead of Intruder Alarm. Harbinger is a tutor for the druid, so that + 4 tutors should be enough. also, you don't need to attack. Just sac the quillspike to the altar, or sac it to Mercy Killing. You should have won when that is done.
Wow, a vampire deck. Haven't seen those around for a while. Kalitas ftl.
In my exalted deck I got a reference to Ranger of Eos. It's pretty good for taking out 1/1 exalted creatures (thinking of Akrasan Squire here, or Soul Warden) and that adds speed to your exalted.
Check my I Hate Counter Decks deck for more fast shroud stuff. There's loads. But then, mine is G/R and is more aggro- than overrun-styled. Safe Passage is maybe something for this deck? Targets your creatures, thus providing protection against big stuff attacking you that actually works on your shrouded creatures. Give it a thought.
Cosi's Trickster? Why? :x
41 card failure. Make it 60. Beside the fact that this probably won't work.
I recommend Bone Splinters for a sac deck. Imagine you having Grave Pact and saccing your Festering Goblins for this removal card. If your zombies are going to die I also recommend Vengeful Dead. If you are going to get a lot of zombies, I also recommend Noxious Ghoul.
So basically you pump Lorescale?
Lol. I never saw Sneak Attack before. Should be awesome with the new Eldrazi creatures :P
I don't see any mono white spells in this deck, so the tap ability of the Liege won't trigger often alone. Therefore, I will refrain from recommending Royal Assassin. It's pretty expensive, too. Still, I think you have enough removal to remove 2 Slagwurm Armor and add 2 more Cloaks. Unblockability is pretty useful. Shroud too.
And Butcher of Malakir can be replaced by Grave Pact... idk if you have him for the ability or for the 5/5 flyer... Also, I wonder: why did you add Basilisk Collar? What are you going to attach it to?
How about Latchkey Faerie? In it's prowled, it's a 3 mana 3/1 flyer that lets you draw a card. I suppose that you will have SOME faerie do damage to your opponent by then. Also, maybe try to figure a way to get rid of the less useful 4 mana faeries and add some cheaper stuff. Wasp Lancer is pretty good imo; 3 damage flyer.
You forgot to put in Berserk. Apart from that, looks good.
Lol, this is a really mean deck :P
The point is that Coat of Arms will give him +1/+1 back when the token comes into play, so basically he just switches from being a 0/2 to 1/3 back to 0/2 back to 1/3 and so forth...
The second combo only works if you actually have lands left in your library which I doubt you have often. That's why I like the first combo :P Good deck.
I suppose you probably know this, but I still like saying: you know Jund sucks, right?
Dude, you need more elf tokens and a Wellwisher.
Primal Rage. I mean, a bunch of 7/7 wolfs is great, but you need to give them trample.
Does this have a strategy?
61-80 of 138 items