
12 Decks, 140 Comments, 3 Reputation

If I were you, I wouldn't put Sorin Markov in the main deck. The best ability for vamps he actually has is his second, and you're not using that realy. Sorin's cmc is equal to that of Bloodwitch, and I'd favor the latter. And since you're going for the attacking-vamp-theme, Coat of Arms? Boosts them like crazy if you have any in play.

Another thought on Hexmage: it also kills the enchantments that use quest counters. For example, you can annoy any deck using Archmage, Luminarch, Pyromancer, etc... Ascension, and delay your opponent's Landfall quest enchantments such as Quest for the Gravelord. And you can kill creatures with only +1/+1 counters on them to keep them alive. These also include Allies... So that's kind of great too.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 10:15 as a comment on Vampiric Control (standard)


Is it just me or aren't there any Tendrils of Corruption in there?
Oh, and, Vampire Hexmage.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 09:48 as a comment on Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vampire Deck


So, how are you gonna make sure your foes won't just throw a 1/1 in front of your huge exalted attacker?

I'd add some unblockable stuff. Jhessian Infiltrator or Balmgiver is awesome.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 15:05 as a comment on Type II Bant


Bant = Dueling Grounds. Protects against Bushwacker assaults, Vampires, Tokens, ... anything that stamps at you really. In my own bant deck (but without islands) I use it too, together with Topan Ascretic for blocking.

In this deck however I'm not quite sure if you want to keep attacking with 1 creature all the time. I mean, Jhessian Infiltrator is awesome with Grounds, but it's only good if it's exalted... So you need Asylum there still. I'd recommend a kick of Honor of the Pure. It gives +1/+1 to your lonely attacker... Well, I suppose you'd guess what i'd say to that.

Posted 09 March 2010 at 09:37 as a comment on THIS IS IT!!!! (HOPEFULLY!!!! FINAL VERSION)


And why not go with Dark Ritual? Easy to get Thrumming Stone on the field with those. And maybe some way to give all your creatures Haste. It's boring to sit out another turn with thirty 32/32 rats.

Posted 08 March 2010 at 12:41 as a comment on THRUMING RATS


Oh, completely forgot to tell you I like the idea of this deck ;) Although, if you're not low on budget, you might want Elspeth, not for her soldiers but for her +3/+3 and flying on your exalted attacker.

Posted 08 March 2010 at 03:12 in reply to #55562 on FULLWHITE RUIN


You can lock any number of creatures, not 10...

t1: tap 10 with the first go
t2: tap another 10. Your opponent won't have an untap step so the previous 10 will still be tapped.
t3: tap another 10. Still, no untap step so your opponent is going to be annoyed with 30 tapped creatures.
t4: ...

Posted 08 March 2010 at 03:10 as a comment on FULLWHITE RUIN


You do know that Anowon makes you sac all of your zombies?

If you're going for the "I recycle all my nub vampires so i get zombies" idea, you could look at cards such as Carnage Altar. Makes the sacrifices worth their while. Squeezing in more Crypts completes your mana curve for the altar (you need to pay 3 mana aside from the sacrifice... crypts get better with more creatures in graveyard, so you should be fine with that). And put in 2 more Bloodghasts, and check wether you want Butchers of Malakir (7cmc), or Grave Pact (4 cmc, enchantment). The latter is earlier on the field and harder to kill (duh, it isn't a creature).

Posted 08 March 2010 at 03:07 as a comment on Sacrifice to the Vampires


You should've made it B/W and add Tidehollow Skullers and Oblivion Rings etc.
These are pretty good at controlling your enemies' game, just like Faceless butcher etc.

Besides... Why the "destroy everything" artifact?

Posted 07 March 2010 at 15:43 as a comment on Control


Please explain why Kalitas is good in this deck...?

Posted 07 March 2010 at 13:17 as a comment on Vampiric Rage


You're playing white, so I suggest you bring in some Paths to Exile as well. It's better than Journey to Nowhere as it's 1 mana and irreversible. And G/W asks for Selesnya mana boosts.

Posted 07 March 2010 at 09:59 as a comment on G/W Ally deck, t2 need help immediately


Child of Night is awesome in life gain decks.. You might want to add him too.

Posted 07 March 2010 at 07:35 as a comment on Life sucks.


Why Blade of the Bloodchief? Seriously.

Posted 04 March 2010 at 08:45 as a comment on Vampires


Ravenous Trap is also useful in this deck's sideboard. Yes, it's black, but if you mill 3 cards in one turn, you play it for free, countering any revive-deck.
Also I'd recommend some unsummon, always useful to get the nagging creatures off the field if you're playing blue.

Posted 04 March 2010 at 08:31 as a comment on Beginning Mill (Please Help)


I suggest some ordering your library before casting Treasure Hunt. Then again, that's not in the deck yet. I suggest some ponders, sage owls, etc.

Posted 04 March 2010 at 08:26 in reply to #54946 on Control Control Control


Also, I'm seeing you run high on black spells. How about a Crypt of Agedeem? Unless of course you were thinking of milling your own graveyard with shadowfeed.

Posted 04 March 2010 at 08:23 in reply to #54960 on lifegain deck


How about the creature that says you win the game at >40 life?

Posted 04 March 2010 at 08:21 as a comment on lifegain deck


It says "speed token". Doubling season is not speedy. At all. You need your mana to put this deck into work, none left to spend on that ench. The strategy says : build a sick amount of tokens and make them 4/4 trample". You don't need Doubling Season for that. Maybe Heartbeat of Spring. Speeds up your mana like Woot! And maybe even Nature's Will to do another Token Round whenever u attack.

Posted 03 March 2010 at 14:43 in reply to #54768 on Token Ramp


Blade of the Bloodchief over Sadistic Glee.

Posted 03 March 2010 at 12:46 as a comment on sac dec


The Kithin Heir card that says it gets +1/+1 for each kithin when attacking might be useful in this deck as well.
Also, what use is the Clachan?

Posted 03 March 2010 at 11:13 as a comment on Kithkin


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