You do know that your opponent is going to love you when you pull out your "general"? An extra card each turn in EDH is awesome...
You don't have Stinkmoggie. It kills 2 lands at 1 creature... you might wanna get one of those.
By the way, you might want to check out this deck i posted just after you posted yours... It's mostly based around Rafiq of the Many but I think there's a few ideas in there that you could use as well. The blue and green top x card tutors are very good.
In my experience, there's only 9 cards that are more than 3 cmc. 23 lands should be enough, certainly in this case where there's lands that search for others or make all sorts of mana themselves. I think it should do.
Rafiq of the many! Double strike means double damage! Also there's no point in lots of power when your oppo just throws a 1/1 in front of it. Either bring Trample or unblockability. In Bant you can also throw in Mosstedon as it gives your 20/20 attacker also trample.
You must force your opponent to draw more cards. Howling Mines are useful for that, and they also give you advantage. If you want to do more damage, Megrim is useful as well.
If so, explain the use of Kaleidostone, since in my opinion it is rather useless.
You need draw power if you want more spells in 1 turn without cascade. I don't see any, though... Glimpse of Nature?
This concept is not new to anyone on this site. I'm betting there's a deck out there which looks exactly like this one.
I seriously don't get what you wanna do with Iname As One, except getting them killed, but I suppose that's the point.
Orochi Eggwatcher is a great combo with Shisato (you lose 1 token and get 1 token every turn.) When you flip Eggwatcher and get your 3/3 legendary snake, which has an ability that lets you kill your lesser tokens (in case they are only 1/1 or 2/2), while pumping your other creatures for +3/+3. I used that a lot in my own snake deck (with Orochi Hatchery, too). Also you might want to add some Sleep cards to simply tap everything your opponent has and then attack with Shisato. If you're really afraid of fliers add Gale Force to your sideboard to insta-kill every single one of them.
Wait, are you underestimating Explore? Even if you don't have land cards in your hand, you get to draw a card, and if you really aren't believing you'll get any add in some Journey of Discovery cards. They combine pretty well. also, there's an enchantment that does practically the same as Keeper of Progenitus, it's called Heartbeat of Spring. Maybe that can help you out as well?
You might want to switch Elvish Piper for Explore. You need lands for Bear Umbra to work, and Piper only lets you bring out a creature while you actually don't have the mana to play it. Explore lets you do that.
kick in Silence. For real.
Quest for holy relic. Makes sure you don't need all the Kor guys to pull out your Unscythe quickly. also, there's this new ogre axe thing (dk teh name any more) that gives +5/+0 to equipped creature. You might wanna think of that. And Loxodon Warhammer instead of Behemoth Sledge.
Please explain Light of Sanction for me...
More lands? 16 surely isn't enough for a 66 card deck. Especially when you're trying to play big dragon cards.
If I were you i'd just focus on the bear umbra - dragon combo. So dump the 10/10, he's crap, and Emrakul too. If you put the dragon on the field (which will be way earlier) you're done already, no need voor big ugly stuff. Find some tutor cards. Maybe splash black or white for creature/aura tutoring.
Joraga Treecaller perhaps. and Wildheart Invoker for sure, lol.
You could use Ancient Stirrings to run through your library in search of Spawnsire. For the rest, I like :P
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