I believe that Ashiok is far too slow.For the price of one "Damnation" you could have 3x Inquisition of Kozilek. Which is arguably better.You are the Unconventional Burn Deck. You don't care about the enemy's life total or board position, but I understand the compulsion to set the enemy back to put yourself in a better position to "Burn". That said, the PROactive approach is better than the REactive approach. Prevent a high-value threat from hitting board before it becomes a problem. With Ashiok and Damnation coming out, you have neatly opened up three slots (yey!). I argue 3x Inquisiton over 4x because they become SHITE in the late game. At that point, if you've been putting your mennas into Mill, you OR your opponent should be at the edge of death. Disruption becomes less impactful IMMEDIATELY after both players' Turn 2. From that point on, all your mennas should fund Mill spells and Mill abilities. Conceive of yourself as a Burn deck. If you don't find a way to take 10 cards out of their deck in your opening hand, ship it back and hope for better.
Collected Company will do wonders here, I'd argue replacing Dromoka's command entirely. I suggest 4 out for 2x Collected Company and 2x Secure the Wastes. Mathematically more bodies on board. I'd also argue that you don't need a walker at all. Your creatures ought to be the chief card advantage components in your deck.The beauty of Selesnya / Abzan decks is their access to above-the-curve creatures. Such as Thalia, Noble Hierarch. Those are the obvious overperformers. Since you want to stick with the Human subtype, I'd argue that you put in 4 x Mayor of Avabruck. It will work neatly with Anafenza the Foremost. With enough triggers, your creatures will be bolt-proof and Anger-of-the-Gods-proof. Other overperformers in the deck's color identity that are also human : Experiment One, Sin Collector, Orzhov Pontiff. Anafenza the Foremost must stay in. Up to three copies of her. Despite being new, she's carved out a place for herself as Modern's latest overperforming White Weenie. Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit.... unless you're doing "Abzan Podless"... she is not nearly as impactful as Anafenza 1.0.
As much as I look up to you and admire your work, I cannot hold my peace here. Vorinclex is a mean and un-fun card in EDH. Almost as awful as Jin-Gitaxias. I believe Mikaeus the Unhallowed makes for a better EDH General on and extreme budget with fewer feelings hurt than this.Also, I built your "Auras by Augustine" Budget EDH list from awhile back. It worked so well that I saw fit to spend money to de-budgetize it with mighty upgrades. It rocks now.
I do not approve of Felidar Sovereign. SURE, it IS a win button in pillow fort decks, but there is more value you could squeeze out of six mana than a glorified "Slaughter Pact" magnet. Diversify your threats, OP.
It's that Sygg is more a utility toolbox AND a swinging body that I endorse him(?) over Thassa.
OHGODYES! Modern-Legal!
I have problems with Thassa in Modern Merfolk. I play the Monoblue version and I axed Thassa in favor of Kira. Kira gives fair decks like Jeskai Control and BG/x a hard time because of her anti-removal static ability. Thassa... no. When she was good, she felt like a win-harder card. When she was bad, it felt like I was paying three mana to pass the turn. Didn't synergize well with the fish on board... which IS THE POINT of Merfolk, intra-creature synergy. That said, I think you pick up a hell of a lot of durability in Sygg. Mother of Runes effect is nothing to screw with. In lieu of Thassa, I reccommend two copies of Remand, and no more. Remand, while being a soft-counter, is a terrific tempo tool in G1. It will get sided out against fair decks, but it effectively bounces an enemy spell and nets you a draw. I heart Remand.Behold my decklist. Compare at your leisure. http://www.mtgvault.com/thgr8d35tr0y3r/decks/megalodon-modern-merfolk/UPDATE: I just noticed you don't have Spreading Seas. This is a colossal oversight. Not only can it set up your fish for Unblockable attacks with your lords down, but it can help you regain tempo after a deadass draw, provided you held onto it from the opener. It doesn't color screw opponents as much as I thought it would, but only once I gave up on that did I see the beauty of the added tempo. Ohalso, it adds to your devotion. That also is a reason.
Aaaaah-aaaah-aah-ah!I'm hooked on a feeelinnng!I'm high on belieeeviiiin'!That you're in love with meeeee.
Hats off to YOU, sir, for making this sort of consistency hyper-affordable.
I believe you'd get moar value out of Reclamation Sage! For it is a body, with Naturalize as an ETB trigger.
This is THE Abzan list for broke people. Don't be fooled by the ones on Salvation.The reason I can be CERTAIN you know what you're doing: you skipped over Abzan charm. It is the poopiest of the bunch. You have avoided the marketing trap and found an explosive solution in Thaumaturge - Launch the Fleet. Brilliant. I will be honored to sleeve this up for my next FNM.
Naht enough "Dredge" to make Delve and Sidisi good choices, imo.
This is the perfect application for Standard's impending sovereign. While not powerful enough to have a place in Legacy Dredge, a fantabulous EDH can be built on his (her? I don't know. The naga seem to be anatomically correct snakepeople [therefore no ridiculous female breasts like Kamigawa's Orochi] I don't know what sex or gender this being is) BACK! Good work again, Northie.
There's arguments for both sides. But the pro-Eidolon camp speaks louder with the "But it hurts the enemy more" argument.
"Getadelt ist wird Schmezen kennt >___> <___<Vom feuer das die Haut VERBRENNT!!>_>Ich werf ein Licht... in mein Gesicht! Ein heisser Schrei!FEUER FREI!!!" - Rammstein, "Feuer Frei"Always great to see Burn get some love. And hell, it may find a place in Standard after Retrav rotates out with Fetchlands now a thing for the cheapish.
I had my chest hollowed out by most of these cards in a Junk deck last week. Thoughtseize, Path and Courser will visit my nightmares for months to come. To put all these together takes a truly exceptional sadist.That said, I cannot bring myself to be disgusted by this list. It is as brutal as it is elegant. Courser will net you a max of 3 life a turn. The disruption package which has put BG/X on the map in Modern will strike home against ANY opponent. That and Doran flips the table when your Spellskites can swing for damage AND divert removal. Well done. I hope to see Doran get more love in Modern.
Nownow. The stock number of lands in Modern Burn is 20. Even without fetches, 20. Plox explain your choice to reduce to 18.
Dood. You're both wrong. It's Grey MAILMAN of Asphodel. Look at the pouch, dawg!
My ideal operating range is turn 4. If it doesn't happen by 5 most times, the opponent would have answers. I assume from the Remands, that your policy is to delay the opponent with tempo tactics while digging for not only your pieces but rebuttals to opponents' answers. Would I be correct to assume that?
I endorse Garruk 1.0 (Wildspeaker) over every other incarnation because you get to squeeze an extra turn out of your turn the MOMENT he comes down, additionally, the presence he has after plus-ing just once is palpable - as he is ready to ult next turn.
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