Many lists I see in Modern do not run any Magma Jet. I assume this is because they have fetchlands to account for the pseudo-card advantage of topdecking good things - which is the lifeblood of RDW. Is that your reasoning for Magma Jet?I concede that fetch lands are ungodly pricey.
Genuinely impressive. Especially with such relatively low overall price. I assume mill is the backup plan against Witchstalker or other Hexproof beef?I understated my amazement. The synergy is positively thrilling.
Truly beautiful. Do you have a practical reason for not sticking 1 or 2 Frogtosser Banneret in?
Certainly. Good decks and cheap decks rarely are one and the same in this format. Put a couple years' work into this thing. It'll really kick some ass once you get a hold of some format staples.
Guttersnipe with Tandem Lookout. Every spell is a burn AND a cantrip.
Fetchlands are expensive for a reason - they've held their value out of Standard and into deeper formats. They're a staple in Modern because of the good things they do. Best to sit on a paycheck for awhile and acquire (at least) 4 x Marsh Flats. Otherwise, very, VERY solid spell and creature base. Contemplate acquiring Path to Exile, Spell Pierce and Snapcaster Mage as well. This ain't gonna be cheap if you want it to be good. After all, they say Modern is the poor man's Legacy. I'd know. I'm broke as crap.
That may be. I'm not professing to know the Legacy Meta at all. I've only read the primer for this deck. Theoretically, you can do the same for cheaper, quicker, with Leonin Arbiter and Path to Exile. With Arbiter, they can't search for JACK... ever.But doing so would make Stoneforge Mystic unusable. The equipments that she allows you to cheat up are simply stellar for what this deck does with but a few creatures.
Y U Flickerwisp and Karakas without Mangara of Corondor? It's one of the funnest things to do with that deck. Additionally, it's a "Path to Exile" without giving that sucker a land.
Fun, slick and simple.
Boom - Mana. All I could recommend is Craterhoof Behemoth, but you've got that covered. Excellent deck.
This deck's mana must just explode. Gaea's Cradle be busted. Helix Pinnacle can serve as a dump for all the extra mana once your creatures are already mad-beefy.I secretly love and respect green as it has tools to deal with removal, control and slowdown tactics of the other colors. It hits back and hits back hard. I can see this deck recovering from boardwipes which would be lethal to other decks.
Wut? Wut? Wut?
Northern, you are a visionary.
Just when I thought Goblins had the market cornered for Legacy aggro. Merfolk. Thank you for restoring my faith in the most versatile tribe in Magic.
I believe you could swap out the Aquetect's Will(s) for a Rune Snag/ Mana Leak. A counter of your choice. Or a Vapor Snag to be less of a bastard. My reasoning is that Spreading Seas is simply a (slower) miles-better version of Will.
I recommend one or two Sphere of Safety.Once you drop it, you're guaranteed to take no further damage, owing to the number of enchantments that would already have come down. The way I see it, you could live without BOTH of your Near-Death Experience cards. As your deck seems to be more heavily stall-focused.
Too many counters and not enough meat makes one stuffy, boring, and weak.This IS a butt-ton of counters. You could fill tons of butts with the amount of counters here. I'd opt for one singular nuke - be it creature or enchantment that wins once you have 6 or 7 mana. I like Call of the Nightwing very much. And Mind Rot is good here.
Tell me if there was a hilarious apple in its mouth!Also, what sauce it was glazed in. That sounds incredible.
Excellent work! Very cool to see a graveyard focused deck that is neither Re-Animate or Dredge.Also!The poems are back, and so am I
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