Ermehgerd, Rul Zurrek.
Gykx, you're a force of nature, man.
FRONT PAGE, SON!Excellent work making Maze's End a powerface.
Ah. You're back.I see now that budget decks are your mission. Keep it up. That being said. I'm having the worst Magic Identity Crisis I've had in a long time. And your Budget Mill Deck got me out of my slump. Thank you.
Consider Paradox Haze to milk an "extra Upkeep"
Run it with them and tell me if there's anything more than a marginal improvement.If not, chuck 'em.I like VERY MUCH what you've done it. It offers a rejection of Standard's overpricing while still being effective.
Narcomoeba?If you would mill it, rez it.
Crypt of Agadeem would be ridiculous.
YEY!! Your long-awaited Dralnu deck.Delighted to see Patriatch's Bidding - that would have been my chief addition.Death Baron is expensive and rare, unless you already have one, I believe you could live without HIM, because you have other "Lords" here.Plunder looks hella fun. SOOOO much rez here.You're a bastard-man for putting in Bubble Matrix. I'm eager to play this thing.
Y U no Panglacial Wurm?You have way too much land-search to NOT use it.
EYYY, how bout Soul's Fire?
Buried Alive? Mill Grimgrin and Bloodline Keeper to have the strongest Necrotic Ooze in the galaxy.Love the addition of Havengul Lich for that infinite, btw.
I've been looking for a way to get you into EDH and I think I've found it. With your cards here, you have more than half the materials to justify building a Mirko Vosk EDH with the General secretly being Grimgrin, Corpse Born.
I've been considering building a Merfolk aggro like this for a long time.Thank you for this awesome formula.
Love it. An excellent take on the archetype with Iona.
Naturalize or Ancient Grudge.
Also, the deck cap for EDH is 100. End of story. Unless your play group doesn't care. You've GOT to make sacrifices. 99, plus your General for 100.
Deadly Allure.
Additionally, if you're running the Marit Lage Land (Dark Depths), why not throw in Vampire Hexmage? She's good in this format on her own (blow up a Walker, Nerf a Voltron, Delay a Nuke) you could crack her and Dark Depths in the same turn for an instant Marit Lage.
No Szadek? He's Count Millingpants!
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