
123 Decks, 190 Comments, 0 Reputation

I have just a few thought. First, and most important, you should play this deck more. It played just once, but with the hexproof, indestructible, haste, and undying, it's one of your best decks against control bullshit. Two, Satchel sucks. Three, Thrun is good, but I disagree about Asceticism. It would help with counters, but it would just get countered otself, and it comes in too late. I think I would look to replace the Satchel with Beast Within, Ratchet Bomb with Naturalize (BONKERS against a lot of decks in the meta, but criminally underplayed), and Acidic Slime with Bellowing Tanglewurm (you don't need slime if you have 4 BW and 2 naturalize and Tanglewurm HOSES other creature decks). Primordial Hydra is fine, but probably a little slow in this list. -Boyf

Posted 11 September 2017 at 21:39 in reply to #605269 on Forest (BS)


Two things with this deck:

1. I'm adding blue for the blighted agent and gitaxian probe. The blighted agent has evasion and the probe lets me see what I need to play around. I know I should probably take out the Crusader because it is slower but I love it and it's protections so I'm gonna drop the Elf.

2. Should I go back to Zendikar instead of forward to Innistrad? I's lose Wild defiance and the dual land but I would gain vines of vast wood and groundswell which are two of the best pump spells in the game. Plus 4 power and hexproof is ridiculous but for 2(!?) and plus 4 power for 1 mana is also dumb. I'm leaning towards doing this but I'm curious on your (honest, not "don't do it cause I hate this deck already") opinions if you are willing to offer them.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 16:20 as a comment on Infect (BS)


I think I want more Blind Obediences probably to replace rest in piece. It gives me time to come up with answers when graveyard shenanigans happen and gives me somewhat of a clock for the opponent, especially if I can get out more than one. A single copy of Aetherling would give me another win con. Pithing needle is a consideration as an answer to things like activated land creatures, and other land shenanigans (Nepali Drownyard mill, Vault of the Archangel, Gavony Township, If anyone ever plays Kessig Wolf Run, etc). I wouldn't run more than 1-2 needles either.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 15:54 as a comment on Azorius Law (BS)


First and foremost this deck needs more copies of Jace. I could also add traumatize to build to with five mana but then I'm worried about my curve and would probably need to go more control in the early turns that thing like the Phantasm and Wight.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 15:41 as a comment on Dimir Mill (BS)


I'm not entirely sure what to do with this deck. I think it is pretty good but it needs a certain matchup or the cards to come up a certain way. I feel like it has a split focus and is almost 2 decks in one. On one hand I want to get out a troll or Varolz and get creatures in my graveyard to scavenge them and beat you down while on the other hand I want to kill everything you put on the battlefield and then get Vraska out to assassinate you. While they two side can work well together, the duality of the deck makes it seem inefficient. I could just lighten one half of the deck and boost the other side but I'm also considering splitting it into two decks: Troll and Vraska.

Add cards like pack rat and Arbor colossus to give me another discard outlet and another value scavenge creature. I'm not sure where my resiliency to disruption would come from because while the Trolls (Varolz/Lotleth) can be regenerated, bounce spells and couterspells would kick my ass.

Add cards like putrefy and mutilate along with Liliana Vess to have a bigger hate on creature based decks while not really running many (if any) of my own rendering opponents creature hate mostly useless. Adding some discard effects like mind rot or duress would help me protect my Assassin tokens for my win con.

Not sure any of this is going to be better than what it already is but is something I might try.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 14:01 as a comment on Vraska's Assassins (BS)


Eventually, the sideboard cards will be added to this deck, replacing wayfaring temple, precinct captain, alive // well. The question mainly is Thragtusk or Entreat the Angels filling out the final 2-3 card slots. Thragtusk is a better control fighter but Entreat the Angels gives me evasion. I know also that entreat is much worse if I don't miracle it so I'm leaning towards Thrag but another 5 drop worries me a little. Not sure how to fill it out once I add the other cards.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 12:30 as a comment on Parallel Wurms (BS)


I want all of your thoughts on whether I should take this deck back to Zendikar block instead of forward to Innistrad block? I'd lose Vexing Devil, Hellrider, and Bonfire of the Damned, but I would gain access to things like Lightning Bolt, Comet Storm, Chandra's Spitfire, Chandra Nalaar/Chandra, Ablaze, Obsidian Fireheart, Leyland of punishment, Pyromancer's Ascension, Quest for pure flame, among many others. I think the gains would outweigh the loss but I'm not sure so any thoughts on the matter would be great.

Also, I totally want more Koth's (being one of my favorite planeswalkers) but he is like ten bucks these days (stupid modern) so adding him will be slow going.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 11:43 as a comment on Koth (BS)


I definitely want Thrun, especially because the advent of new counterspell shenanigans with Sam's cycle deck, Mike's counterspy deck, and freaking spellqueller. I'm not sure about asceticism but it would let me regenerate creatures in response to a board wipe. I am probably going to add the hydra back in. I know i can't zenith it which is part of the reason I took it out but it is still just an instant threat.


Posted 09 September 2017 at 11:35 as a comment on Forest (BS)


Deck is in transition from Khans to RTR. The sideboard is the cards I removed for RTR.

Other things I want to add in:

High Priest of Penance
Eidolon of Countless Battles


Posted 08 September 2017 at 02:26 as a comment on Agent/Hero (BS)


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