I'd use the Wing Splicers against any deck that doesn't run lightning bolts. Flying makes winning with one Blightsteel swing that much more likely.
I'm thinking of putting my Eldrazi monument in here as a one-of, too.
I have several copies of that laying around, but I'm not sure it's fast enough for what I want to accomplish with this deck. I might toss one in as another backup measure for games that go long.
You need Blade Splicers to play on turn 3, then you can shape anew right away turn 4.
I suppose I could give it a try in place of the mambas.
hahaha, whoops. Derp moment.
Too many bad creatures, not nearly enough pump. Too many lands and not enough Inkmoth Nexus. My suggestion is to check out the cards available to standard and try again. Groundswell is your friend. Mutagenic Growth. Some artifact infect creatures are pretty spiffy too and might make your Mirran Mettle a little better because as of right now there is absolutely no way you can use it's metalcraft with one artifact in the entire deck. Take a look at my infect deck for some tips.
Nevermind on the Myr thing, I think I got it handled. But any other suggestions are appreciated.
Great call, Lumpy! I reread the thread on salvation and they had added some more stuff since I last saw it haha. It totally works and now this thing is back in full glory. Great suggestion on the Treespeakers, allows for an easy turn two Superion, beating out my old fav-Leatherback Baloth. I'm thinking the Gold Myr can probably go, any suggestions on what to put in it's place? More splicers maybe?
I'd imagine a flame slash would work just fine.
Put your commander in the sideboard instead of the main deck.
I don't see one.
Magosi is unbreakable. Trust me. I've tried hard to exploit it.
Seems slow and doesn't have many, if any advantages over most infect decks in standard. You almost always need green for glistener elf in an infect deck to be competitive at all.
Do you ever have problems with so few creatures? Or do ya just mully til you get one in hand?
I like it. I'm gonna have to steal some ideas. Mostly the tunneler because that's just awesome.
I saw that one, but I can only produce colorless mana in this deck with the current General so it would be useless.
Well Nature's Claim is standard til October... Who knows, they might reprint it. Why gimp yourself when it's perfectly legal for like 4 or 5 months? It makes no sense when you can easily change it later. Do yourself a favor and don't start preparing for the rotation until you start seeing spoilers for m12.
The count is off because this site doesn't count artifact creatures.
Also Pistus Strike SB to deal with fliers. (Pistus Strike+Surgical Extraction to screw over Caw Blade!). Though I think Caw blade will be out of fashion soon enough. I've been meaning to toy with Flight Spellbombs and Pistus Strike in my mono green infect deck. Either pop an annoying creature of theirs in the air with the spellbomb and blast it with a Pistus or send your own creature soaring over their defenses and pump it for a win. Either take out a Livewire Lash or two or definitely add more pumps. Nothing like getting 2 extra poison counters out of a pump spell on your equipped creature!
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