
38 Decks, 190 Comments, 21 Reputation

4 copies of the skite is too much. You'll end up drawing spellskites when you want dragons or other stuff. You have plenty of ways to protect your lord, probably too many.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 22:03 in reply to #186686 on Standard Illusions


Metamorph does not kill illusions if it copies them. It doesn't target anything.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 21:57 in reply to #186890 on Standard Illusions


Decimator Web is awful here.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 12:17 as a comment on Architect of Phantoms


I was able to cast 4 wurmcoils in a single round with this type of deck. Though my opponent was able to get the empires combo in play so it didn't matter much.

Wurmcoil is rarely a dead draw, though. It can come out as early as turn three, latest turn 6.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 12:14 in reply to #186796 on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


But he doesn't have multikicker, just a regular kicker.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 12:09 in reply to #185183 on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


Gotta add something to cast with your architect mana. Wurmcoil is the go-to fatty, but I've been experimenting with a couple batterskulls. Steelhellkite is an option for a cheaper, more control type creature.

People all talk about automaton, but I feel he has no place in an illusion deck. It doesn't have anything overly powerful. LotU and GA are more than enough for lords for this kind of deck. It's a much better card for tribes that don't have major lords already.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 12:03 as a comment on U Aggro ?


Wurmcoils can come out as early as turn 3, actually.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 11:59 in reply to #184279 on U Aggro ?


That's a much better reason to include it over ornithoper ;)

Posted 30 July 2011 at 00:55 in reply to #184727 on Quality Steel


Yeah, you have a much better chance at getting a good or decent artifact off your polymorph. Misty Rainforest would hit both your mana types, if you can afford them. Mimic Vat is amazing with precursor too. Is this for extended format?

Posted 30 July 2011 at 00:54 in reply to #186700 on Replicating Golems


Prepare for a rotation once you start seeing spoilers, but never limit your standard decks before the cards are cycled. It's just silly.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 20:20 in reply to #184727 on Quality Steel


Cryptoplasm doesn't work the way you think it does. It's already on the field when it copies precursor. Precursor's ability triggers when it enters the battlefield. Tel-Jilad defiance is very efficient card draw with precursor on the field. Also, Fabricate and Polymorph are not standard legal, even if they were... You have too many small artifacts to make Poly useful. You'd end up often getting ornithopers a palladium myr and a prototype portal or some other semi-useless combination of cards like that.

You're on the right track with the other things though.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 20:17 as a comment on Replicating Golems


Maybe drop your spellskites down to 2 or 3. They don't save your illusions. Redirect won't save them either. Phantasmal Image is one of the best ways to keep your creatures hexproof, just copy LotU. Consider adding more draw, or my personal favorite-grand architect and wurmcoil engine. Adaptive Automaton is somewhat lackluster in Illusion decks, not bad but not great.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 19:52 as a comment on Standard Illusions


Isochron is a nice card to have for burn but I don't think the spell played from the scepter activates the Ascension's ability. Throne of Geth might be a decent idea since it pumps up Pyro and the shrine. As of now I use the wellsprings to activate metalcraft for Galvanic Blast and I crack them later with Artillerize.

Thanks for the suggestions, I might change it up after the deck rotates out of standard.

Posted 28 July 2011 at 10:00 in reply to #183275 on Pyromancer's Arsenal


Frost Breath is nice because it's cheaper and it's instant, the obvious down side is that it doesn't affect all their creatures. I like Frost Breath better but I suppose it depends on if your local meta has swarm/weenie decks.

And the fake out thing, well that's just something goofy you can do whenever but I was using an example where you trick them into thinking you were going to counter a spell so they keep it in hand and you end up casting Jace's Ingenuity at the end of their turn. It won't fool everyone and you'll probably only get away with it once or twice. You can tap/untap a land as long as you don't declare you're tapping it for mana. Some players use it as a way to think out plays before committing to playing the spells.

Posted 24 July 2011 at 00:56 in reply to #183827 on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


You'll never sell me on Mind Unbound in this deck. You do want some draw but MU is just too slow.

These are probably pretty standard sideboard suggestions.
4 Flashfreeze(valakut/rdw)
4 Spreading Seas(valakut)
3-4 Frost Breath(aggro)
3-4 Spell Pierce(control/rdw)

Posted 22 July 2011 at 08:38 as a comment on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


Yeah, untamed might seemed very underwhelming when I was testing, I didn't like it at all. Thanks for commenting! I'll continue to improve this deck. I get to playtest it against my friends this weekend so I'll tweak it up and maybe buy some cards for it.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 06:12 in reply to #183780 on The First Stomp is a Doozy


My first attempt at an actual stompy deck. Standard ready:

I think I do'd it right?

Posted 22 July 2011 at 04:32 as a comment on Stompy 101


I'd go with Spellskite if you have them. Boots are nice but the skite is another body they gotta burn before they can turn on your real threats.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 04:27 in reply to #183651 on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


I'll have to disagree about the boots, Phantasmal Image is better LotU protection imo. Faster and cheaper and gives an additional, self hexproofing, body. Grand Architect is always awesome but Platinum Emperion kinda sucks. Wurmcoil Engine and Batterskull are both faster and better effects. Metamorph gains a lot of ground with either of those in the deck.

But yeah, definitely ditch Jace, he makes no sense in this deck. Summoner's Bane is kinda slow but it gives you a 3/3 or larger(if at least one lord is out, which it should be at that point) and counters a creature. Use at your discretion but I personally prefer Mana Leak.

Adaptive Automaton seems like an obvious choice for any tribal deck but honestly it just takes up valuable space in an illusion deck. Levitation sucks, your big hitters already have evasion. Replace with Vapor Snag asap. Mind Unbound is terribad here as well, go with Jace's Ingenuity. Hold out the mana like you're going to counter whatever they may cast and spook em by tapping/untapping your land a few times when they are casting, then at the eot draw three to refill your depleted hand. 1 or 2 is all you want.

This type of deck is awesome but vulnerable to board wipes so you probably will want to end up replacing Summoner's Bane with Mana Leak for when you sense one coming.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 02:08 in reply to #183651 on (Help Please) Illusions Standard


Platinum Emperion is slower, doesn't do anything against infect decks, and is pretty underwhelming in general. Wurmcoil and Batterskull will always outperform it.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 00:15 in reply to #183549 on standard ullusions


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