Off the top of my head, Soul's Power and Wurmskin Forger (which is usually a crappy card, but she'd be extra cheap here and pump animar) might be good additions. If there were more elves, I'd suggest Immaculate Magistrate, but I'm not sure that's really worth adding here. I also think Fungal Behemoth might be good here.
I didn't have it in here to begin with, but the real weakness here is the smaller creatures are almost too valuable to chump block with, so I needed at least a few good bodies to be blockers.
I know what you mean, but because each instance of flanking triggers seperately, I can combine the jabari's banners/cavalry masters to cause each of your creatures to get (for example) -5/-5 before they deal damage when they block my prized unicorn/creature with lure, and I get to draw two cards for each of those creatures if it's equipped with infiltration lens.
Haha! If you feel like helping him out, I always sideboard x4 Spidersilk Armor especially for flyover decks, lol.
it'd be less useful than forced worship, but whip silk might be a good way to go here, too. basically repeatable GG for a 4/4 angel with Sigil.
I'm really not a huge blue player either, but I was thinking cards that tap their creatures, so they will just try to get out as many creatures as possible, and stuff that makes their threats more expensive, like soul barrier.
How about Mercy Killing? Take out a big threat of theirs, giving them a bunch of 1/1 elves, then dropping SD, causing them to lose life for each of those elves. I also wonder about sideboarding some extraction techniques in case they have anything that lets them sac creatures...
Joraga Warcaller is great, but when you combine him with Immaculate MAgistrate, things get ridiculous. Heedless One is also great, but Timberwatch Elf/Wirewood Pride can turn any of your elves into a heedless one (minus the trample) after blockers are declared, so that 1/1 they let through becomes a 12/12, for example. Lastly, I would think about some draw. There's always the fallback of Harmonize, which has saved my life many times, but there's also Genesis Wave which is great in elf decks, or my personal favorite, a taunting elf equipped with an infiltration lens. I'd move coat of arms to the sideboard--if you're playing another tribal deck, it could ruin things for you, but if you're not playing against another tribal, it can be a good addition (if your friends don't shun you for using it, lol.)
Good call. Edited.
This is pretty sweet. It would take it in an entirely different direction, but I could see this easily turning into an awesome esper prison deck...
You might check out cards that give all your creatures flying, like levitation and student of elements. If you do, Gravitational Shift would be great here.
I'd definitely go with Griffin Rider--he can be quite a beast once you start dropping Griffins. Some older cards you may be able to find cheap are Griffin Canyon, Mtenda Griffin, and Zuberi, Golden Feather. All are Griffin-related. An adaptive Automaton might not hurt, either. I would replace Cloud Key with Semblance Anvil. I also really like Aven Squire for flyover decks, too. You might also look into some other mono-white exalted creatures for another direction to take this in. There are lots of great mono-white flying finishers out there. Angelic Arbiter, Blinding Angel, Archon of Justice, and a few others could give you the last push you need to get them down on life. Good luck!
A blue/white deck with no spells? Hmmm... Steady Progress, thrummingbird for more proliferate. I really like echo mage in my b/w level deck. Unsummons for picking up venerated teacher or bouncing their power cards, some counterspells, definitely.
Coat of Arms in this deck is just plain nasty. Shields of velis vel would make it insane. Also, Ambush Commander would make a howl of the night pack/promenade also ridonkulous. Check out my Rhys EDH if you get a chance.
What format do you play this in? I would pick one of the three color legendarys and turn this into an EDH deck. As it sits, there are far too few lands, and the mana curve is far off.
Every Boros deck needs Brion Stoutarm. A giant with dreadlocks that throws your crap at your opponent? Yes, please.
Throw in Vent Sentinel for some extra awesomeness, and Rage Nimbus can be great here, too.
You've done nothing wrong.
And this is also why Force of Will is a $60 card, lol.
Also, with all the zero mana cost artifacts, mox opal would make sense, too.
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