That's a pretty sweet idea, thanks!
It seems you are splashing white here just for Path to Exile. While it's a great card, splashing a color for a single card has never seemed like a good idea to me. I'd recommend looking at Mercy Killing--two more mana, but mana is rarely a problem in this deck, and you could go solid green. It will also help if the creature has shroud or is indestructible, because it targets the player and is sacrficed, not destroyed.
Also, you could probably lose two Nissa's and 1 Nissa's Chosen. This would open up necessary slots without reallya ffecting their place in the deck.
This deck is really cool--very original. One idea you might like is Wirewood Symbiote: ideally, you use him to return Visionary to your hand, in order to untap your archdruid/magistrate. This lets you play your visionary every turn, and allows you to keep getting 1/1s with Huntmaster. I'm definitely a big fan of wirewood pride/timberwatch elf. A turn two timberwatch slows your opponent down a lot--they won't attack because you can beef a creature with the timberwatch and kill theirs.
Glimpses have gotten really expensive, and elvish visionary is really good (I have a deck that uses him and Wirewood Symbiote to return him and play him over and over for draw power). In this deck, though, there just really isn't anything to take out to put him in. The draw engine here is infiltration lens, especially if I can put it on Taunting Elf. Thanks for the comment, though, I'll be sure to check out your deck.
Changeling decks are fun, but I don't understand the point of Tezzeret here. "Artifact" is a card type, not a creature type, so your changelings are not also artifacts.
Not to beat a horse that seems to already be dead, but is Kaim seriously arguing that someone shouldn't play a creature because it could be removed/killed? That may be the dumbest argument of all time. That's even worse than people saying a deck is weak to extraction--every deck is weak to extraction, that's the point of it. With this deck, I'd love to cascade into a spellbreaker, have them waste a terminate on it, and show them the broodmate next turn.
It's true--the only real thing this deck would need infinite mana with is Ezuri. I do have an elf fireball deck that uses a lot of infinite mana elf combos.
Haha, thanks, man. I went out of town for the weekend and saw this on the front page, which was pretty cool. I've been playing on and off for about 4 years total over the past 12. I don't really think I'm that great, I only really play casual with friends--the stress and cost of tournaments just isn't for me, haha. For me, it's just all about knowing cards, and comboing them. Glad you like the deck, man.
I was also thinking maybe Ratchet Bomb. Another direction to take this would be comboing with Throne of Geth for mad proliferating.
Blasphemous Act into a Salvo could be pretty epic.
I dig this. I could see with a little tweaking this being a contender for the slot Valakut left open.
Mulch also makes Dungrove, Splinterfright, and Goyf bigger.
I had nightmares all night long of spikeshot elders wearing Bone Saws.
I don't even want to think about the things this deck could do. Jebus.
Bah hah, nice. We just overuse the term 'douche.' "What, you're playing that douche card? Don't be such a douche, douche." I swear I'm not a bro.
Added the "If-I-Win-The-Lottery" sideboard.
I know...I kick myself daily for missing Future Sight during my hiatus from the game.
Don't you mean Saw Blade?
it could, but the main idea of the deck is to mill yourself, not your opponent. I may screw around with it some.
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