Thanks, man. I definitely agree on that, and would probably toss some goyfs and cradles if I actually built it (and had goyfs).
Ahhh....gotcha. Pretty sweet combo.
Also, I think she's kind of the antithesis of Lich Lord of Unx, when you think about it.
In that case, check out my Zed EDH deck:
Bahaha. Awz? and Wumps will both appreciate (and be able to help immensely) this deck:
That mana curve is sexy as hell, ain't it?
Good idea. You could also go Akroma's Memorial (expensive) or Sword of FaF or LaS for protection, too. The last would probably be the best for this deck. I was also thinking you could add some creatures to kill off yourself, and then use Songs of the Damned for a lot of damage with Wumpus.
Does getting an additional upkeep step give you an additional draw step?
Interesting build. I'm pretty sure if you wanted, you could regenerate the Wumpus instead of needing to make it indestructible. Not sure how cost effective that'd be, but it might be easier to accomplish.
Just to be one of those douches who comments on the Latin and not the deck, Ambulabo would be "I will walk," Ambula would be the imperative " (you) walk."
Dude, if we push SWN's deck with no cards in it to the front page, SOOOO many people will get butt hurt over it...
Maybe a fish deck. Why not Zoidberg?
Pretty sure that since Priest is a creature, it is affected by sum. sick., and so can't tap--also, Gatherer has errata'd him to not have the "mana source" line: That being said, he still comes out a turn earlier, and can be used on others elves--I'll get back to this in a second. Awesome elf deck here--super fast and super deadly. I'd think about dropping Bramblewood for Taunting Elf. Trample won't matter if none of your creatures are being blocked. I'd also consider finding room for some Wirewood Prides--giant growths on some serious elf juice. Also, if you do both of these, you double the threat of mercy killing: use it to sac one of their creatures (something indestructible, perhaps), giving them the elves, tap your priest, still netting the mana (which druid won't do) drop a pride on your taunting elf, and swing, killing off all of their elves. I LOVE doing this with my elf deck. The only other consideration I might make would be to swap 2x Joraga Treespeaker for 2x Rhys the Redeemed: quadrupling your tokens (with a DS) every turn? Yes, please. If you get a second, check out my elf deck:
Bahaha, that's awesome! Thanks!
I really dig this--I didn't know how this ability would work with exalted, but that's ridiculous. I've been tossing around ideas for a Traft deck, this is what I came up with, I'd appreciate you taking a look:
Keep in mind this deck doesn't look like it's been updated since it was made two years ago.
The turntimbers are a little out of place here--only the other two turntimbers will trigger them to getting bigger/wolves, so they're essentially 3GG for a 3/3. The other thing I'd thing about changing are the adaptive automatons--there are so many elf Lords that there are plenty of better options (Elvish Archdruid, Joraga Warcaller come to mind). Also, there are much cheaper ways to give your creature flying than skinwing. My main question is what your win condition is besides Nissa. You've got a good amount of mana ramp, but not a lot to do with it. My recommendation would be to take this in one of three directions: Classic elf bodies: Tokens, big creatures, aggro/overrun. Wither elves: This is a good way to do G/B elves. Elf/wolf/allies: If you really want to keep turntimber ranger, I'd roll with something like this. It's a lot of fun to play, and is pretty reliable.
Holy crap, dude. This is reedonkulous. Awesome build.
Airdrop Condor is great, basically fling goblins for 1R, plus gives you some flying that come come in handy.
As much as I love Dragon Broodmother, she's really not worth splashing green in here just for that one creature. I did the same thing, and when I went to mono-red, my dragon deck goes off a lot faster. Try replacing it with Taurean Mauler--counts as a dragon, and gets really big quick, especially in multi-player. If you really want to keep the broodmother, I'd balance out the mana curve with more ramp.
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