I know what you mean--this has been a work in progress for years--I've opened/traded for pretty much everything in here when it was either new or cheap, the only cards in here I paid more than $3 for were the Cradles. Many cards in here have aged fairly well.
I like it. I would consider adding Harvest Wurm and Raze.
Modern goes back to 8th Edition/Mirrodin; Extended is the current Standard legal sets, + previous Block, core set. Current Extended Legal sets are m12-RTR block.
First blade would be good, but it's uncommon, so not legal in Pauper, though it'd be fine in peasant.I honestly haven't updated this since before GTC came out, so there is probably a lot in Boros that would make it better.
Instant speed is nice, but not being able to do the damage to players isn't. Also, this is for Standard.
I would look at adding Thornbite Staff into here.
For more shenanigans, wouldn't hurt to throw Bloodchief ascension and/or Mindcrank in here.
A couple other options for this combo:Presence of Gond. Throw it on the Devoted Druid. If you want to go infinite, add in Coat of Arms.I personally run the combo as Devoted Druid + Presence of Gond + Immaculate Magistrate, including some ways to untap the Magistrate, who I then tap to put counters on Joraga Warcaller for a ridiculous amount of power to all my elves. You can also run stuff like Timberwatch Elf and Wirewood Pride to pump the druid, who will then die at the end of the turn, but still spit out a lot of tokens.Another option for inifinite elves that is faster/less cards is Presence of Gond + midnight guard. With Flourishing Defenses, try wither + proliferate. A ridiculous amount of tokens abound.Good luck!
Militant is mostly in here to help curve out the aggro. Most of the token makers are mid-late game drops, so I want to punch aggro early game. I agree that 2 may be kind of pointless, though.As for token makers, I have 16 token makers in here right now. Any suggestions on what to add that won't tilt my curve to heavily?
Good point, wasn't thinking. Looks good!
Looks good. Oblivion Ring is also uncommon, but you could throw another burn spell or fling in to but it back at 60 cards.
Is this a pauper deck? It looks all legal except for Boros elite. I know there's also a peasant format that I think allows some uncommons, but I'm not sure exactly how that format works.One thing I would definitely add in here is Thatcher Revolt. It basically guarantees you battalion for a turn. Krenko's Command wouldn't be a bad addition, either.
Understandable. I'm also a fan of Twilight Drover in my Rhys EDH, and he would fit in comfortable here.
First thing I would do for this deck: 4x Intangible Virtue. Benefits all your tokens, and makes that turn 4 Advent even more brutal, as it's now a 6/6 trample vigilance.Second thing that I would really work on is your curve. You've got a great shell of a deck here, but a clunky curve. I would give it a little more acceleration/ramp, and take out a few things. Here are my suggestions on what I would take out/move to the sideboard:-1 Garruk-2 Obzedat's Aid (Really only good for your planeswalkers and smiters, and by turn -2 Scion of the Vitu-Ghazi (Is a good card, but there are better options here for that amount of mana. The populate would likely be targeting, hopefully, a wurm, and if not, a centaur. For that, pretty much any other populate spell is nicer.)-1 Healer--great card, but you have 12 cards at a 3 mana spot, and I would shuffle these down before the smiters or souls to make room for more 1 and 2 drops.For acceleration, I would look at adding either Arbor Elf, Avacyn's Pilgrim, or Farseek. Voice of Resurgence would also probably be nice here. Lastly, some Selesnya charms in the sideboard.Overall, a really good deck already. Hopefully, some of these changes might make things faster. Good luck!
A couple suggestions: Rhys, the Redeemed, Advent of the Wurm, and Doubling Season. Looks pretty awesome, though--populating those Ajani avatar tokens feels awesome, haha.
By "mana burn", do you mean "land destruction"? I only ask because "mana burn" is something that used to be in the rules that is gone now (that if you had mana left in your mana pool at the end of a phase, you took one damage for each mana in the pool). A lot of newer players might not have heard of it.That being said, if Land destruction is what you are looking for, there are lots of cool ways to pull that off. Maybe check out Deus of Calamity. There are lots of good spells in r/g. I also like starting early game with things that target both of our lands, then use creatures like Harvest Wurm to get mine back.
Even with the 8x dual lands, I feel like Strangleroot into Messenger is going to be tough to pull off. I personally would swap the 4x Strangleroots for 4x Lotleth. I've also been playing around with Bioshift and the Messenger to get him out again.
Interesting deck. I personally would run Mizzium Skin over Ranger's Guile. Have you also thought about using Cackling Counterpart + Proliferate?
I thought about Hellraiser, but here is the thing: he basically says, "creatures you control can't block." As it sits, the only way I will have creatures for blocking if I was running a hellraiser would be to tap Krenko on the opponent's turn. With Goblins, sometimes you really need that one token or Arsonist to sit back and chump for you, and hellraiser doesn't allow that outside of finding some way to give your creatures vigilance. I do really like him, though, and the fact that he allows Krenko to be useful a whole turn early is nothing to sneer at. I'll playtest him around a bit and see how I feel. Thanks!
This is Standard, and both are no longer in Standard. If you read the description, I talk about how this deck misses both of them.
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