The mana Radha gives you is only really good for the bolts--all your other spells are sorceries, so the mana will empty from your pool before you can use it. There's also harvest Wurm, Terravore, Argothian Wurm/Shivan Wumpus, and a few others.
Went ahead and updated it to Legacy, then. :-D As for the Jittes, I've picked up three heavily played ones at $10, $12, and $13 over the past few years.
Without tokens or card draw, bushwhacker loses a lot of it's power. I think this deck is better without it.
doom blade, go for the throat, victim of night, tragic slip, dismember, black sun's zenith...that's not counting burn, either. Creature kill is a pretty big threat.
Faithless Looting can be good in this deck,e specially for putting the Phoenix in the graveyard to get it out a turn earlier. Also, Whip Flare would be worth sideboarding, at least.
I really like using Scorched Earth the turn after a Raze. Combos well with Harvest Wurm and Terravore, too. I have a similar (though more aggro-heavy) version of this deck here:
This deck might be worth working Quest of Ula's Temple into. Might get Grozoth in quicker, and if something happens to the Myojin, you can drop more Grozoths and the Inkwells.
These are both good points. If I actually built this, I would do Legacy (I still haven't really been sold on Modern, but mostly because no one in my play circle has really gotten into it). I caught the Jitte and Bitterblossom when I put them in, but not these two. Soooo.....yeah. :-)
I really like Horned Kavu, and Scuzzback Scrapper for this deck. Also, Violent Outburst will cascade into everything in your deck, lol.
I run a pretty similar deck that's a lot of fun. Treasure mage can help you search out the hellkite/wurmcoil if you have the architect but nothing to use it for.
Cover of Darkness was almost made for Rogues, flavorfully and mechanically.
If you're going this route, why not just 15x Lotus, 15x Mountain, 15x Channel, and 15x Fireball? Or better yet, 15x Bone Saw, 15x Storm Crow, 15x Cheatyface, and 15x Chimney Imp? Game over, man. Game over.
If the spoiled version of Avacyn I saw is correct, it would go perfectly in here. =D
Pretty sweet-- maybe splash a little white for coordinated barrage and Brigid. I also like using Hankyu with Doyen's ability.
Sensei's Divining Top almost always guarantees forests on top.
It's not bad at all for being a $15 deck. It's won and lost in tourneys. It's like any RDW, the later the game goes, the harder it is to win. Reverberate actually made this deck a lot better--reverberating a kuldotha rebirth/goblin grenade is amazing, and using it to copy leaks is hilarious. The best win I've had: t1, mountain, signal pest. t2, mountain, wardriver. t3, mountain, chieftain. t4, mountain, lifestaff, rebirth sacing the lifestaff, reverberate the rebirth. Swing all out for 32 damage.
I think I like Scouting Trek better than Fallow Earth, thanks! As for Dungrove, what are you trying to do, make this deck good or something? C'mon...
Haha, forge and cloak are for some semblance of a win-con. Equip a dryad arbor with the cloak and drop the forge, and that's a 20 turn clock, son!
Runed Stalactite will also turn your Lord into an illusion.
Also, what's more terrifying--99 storm crows sharing one bone saw, or one storm crow wearing 99 bone saws?!?!
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