Call of the Conclave is no joke, especially if you're pulling in some of that proliferate from your sideboard. Also, why not at least one or two Armada Wurm?
Copying the spell does not count as another spell cast--for instance, reverberating a Goblin grenade would only put two counters on a Shrine of Burning Rage (1 for Reverb, 1 for GG), not 3. Also storm does not count as a new spell cast--notice how it does not affect Kiln Fiend. Still doesn't hurt to copy spells, though.
Have you thought about putting Curiosity on Lobber Crew?
What do you think about Krenko in here, and using Battle Hymn to fuel Devil's play?
Yeah, Cavern is mainly in here to make sure Armada Wurm resolves...not 100% certain how much I like it, as I need some pretty specific mana, and already get colorless from the Grove. The main reason for Rancor is to help Wayfaring Temple's damage get through to populate, and Giant Growth is a great response card for stuff like Tragic Slip and others. I'll definitely check your deck out, though.
Even though he synergistically (yes, I made that word up) doesn't fit in here, flavorwise, it's a crime to not have Seton, Krosan Protector in the sideboard. That card has, in my opinion, the most badass art of any Magic card to date (the nostalgic value of him being one of my first legends helps that assumption). For an actual addition, Centaur Chieftain is a fun late-game mini-overrun. Also Druid's deliverance isn't terrible if you know you're not facing any counterspells.
Awesome deck you have thrown together here. If I were going to fool around with it, here's what I would do: -1 Regrowth -4 Gilt-Leaf Ambush -2 Imperious Perfect +4 taunting Elf +3 wirewood Pride These are really just my personal preferences--both of these guys have won me plenty of games with this deck: (no worries on commenting, you already did :-) ) I'd also see about working some Wirewood Lodges in (great for untapping your priests to give that Genesis some more bang), and I'm interested in the decision of Essence Warden over Wellwisher. Overall, though, I think this is a very strong deck.
Me personally, I would mainboard the Detention spheres, especially since you have so much flicker--you can sphere some early game threats, then flicker and exile a late game threat when it doesn't matter if the new threat comes back. I also like Fiend Hunter here. Also, I'm not certain Urban burgeoning is worth the slot here.
Vitu-Ghazi helps at being a 2 drop over a 4 drop...I tried Trostani, and yes he's awesome, but I ended up taking him out. Wayfaring temple is a great 3 drop, especially if he drops as a 3/3 and starts populating centaur tokens quickly. Parallel Lives is an interesting idea--what would you take out for it? Also I'm still considering on DD--it's saved my life a few times, but it really worries me that it only prevents damage to you, so if you drop it and it gets dispelled, you take it all to the face instead of to your blockers. I'm still debating on that one. Thanks, though! Commented on both your decks.
Rhys, the Redeemed would be great here.
Also Artful Dodge, even if Guttersnipe is your only creature out, is basically 4 damage for (U) twice--2 unblockable + 2 from Guttersnipe, then flashback.
Thanks for the tips! Credit Voucher would be great, but this was for a Modern challenge. I do like the idea of Bump, though. The other two--I think the Magus's cost is a little high and the Archivist would hinder me as I plan to have more cards in hand than my opponent most of the time.
This is mostly for kitchen-table casual Magic, where you don't see a lot of sac decks, though they do come around every now and again. In my opinion, pretty much every deck is weak to extraction techniques, especially if the person playing against you knows your deck well. I don't really know what I would extract if I was playing against this deck (probably O-ring), but there is no single combo this deck depends on, which is what I love about kitchen table. Probably should update this, though, haven't touched it in about a year and a half, and there is plenty of new stuff I would add here, like precinct captain.
I see this deck has seen a lot of editing, so I'm not sure what was originally in there. One of my favorite janky combos in my Defender deck is to hit my Sprouting Phytohydra with Wojek Embermage--phytohydras increase exponentially, helping VentSent or BattleBall go off. It's a bit mana intensive, but hilariously fun in casual. I also love using my wall deck during a six man Emperor game, if you've ever played that variant.
I run a pretty similar deck, and Rage Nimbus is definitely worth sideboarding, mostly for small creatures you wouldn't want to waste a Banefire on but that might mess with your combo.
True, but because Breath of Fury makes you sacrifice the creature it is attached to at the end of combat, it would not go infinite if it wasn't being attached to War-Pride tokens.
Artful Dodge would be good, I also like Mask of Riddles. You might want to look at other things with fear.
Thanks, I think one was supposed to be the signet. Edited.
I thought about Rith, but I'm with you, I don't know which slot he'd use. And did you mean Wild Nacatl? While he'd be good for one-on-one EDH, most of what I play is group, and in my experience the more aggressive you are out the gate the more likely you are to get teamed up on.
It's tough to beat Immaculate Magistrate combo'd with Joraga Warcaller. Elvish Archdruid is cool, but Priest of Titania is better. Naturalize is better in the sideboard, and Nature's Claim might be better. Taunting Elf combos incredibly well with Infiltration Lens, especially if you regen with Ezuri. For some card draw, I'd go for that, or Genesis Wave, or comboing Elvish Visionary with Q Ranger/Wirewood Symbiote/Wirewood Lodge. Wirewood Pride and Wirewood Lodge are musts in almost any elf deck, imo. I personally would drop Ranger, Wood Elves, Behemoth, Asceticism, Chant, Ramps, and Naturalize in favor of some of these, but that's just me. :-)
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