Are you using this specifically for Modern? If not, I'd second Beowulf85 on the Wirewood Lodges--they're awesome. I also like priest of Titania better than the archdruid--he comes out a turn earlier, and is far superior in a mirror match, or if your opponent is running any elves. I am also a big fan of both taunting elf and wirewood pride--they can be finishers quickly if you don't have time to work up to your combo.If you're just in Modern, the main thing I'd think about adding is Mercy Killing--you can beef one of your own creatures then sac for lots of elves, or use it for removal if need be. Some other elf combos I favor are Devoted Druid + Presence of Gond (+ Coat of Arms if you want to go infinite, but that's not for me, really), and Taunting Elf + Infiltration Lens (+Ezuri's regen can be sick, or +any buff spells to wipe out the opponent's side).
You've got a great deck here. One of my favorite tactics with Wort many people overuse is recurring Tarfire and Warren Weirding, but you've got them, so +1 for you. The only Goblin that immediately comes to mind to add you don't have here is Mogg Maniac--amazing chump blocker who will recur over and over with Wort. Goblin Recruiter, Krenko, and Siege-Gang Commander wouldn't be bad additions, either. I'd also add a Dragon Fodder and Krenko's Command. The only other thing I'd consider adding is some staple EDH artifacts--sol ring, a sensei's top if you can get one, and skullclamp. Even without these changes, this is a pretty awesome deck. Have fun with it!
Blood Artist might be good in here--I also like Mortician Beetle in Jund decks. Some token generators would be great for sac'ing, and there are loads to choose from in all three colors you're running.
Pretty awesome deck here. Me personally, I would take it one of two directions--either more token pump stuff, or strictly r/g aggro. If you go token pump, I think Mycoloth is a definite inclusion here. I also really like Dragon Broodmother, especially for multiplayer games. Battle Hymn might be good for pumping that fireball a little higher, and the new illusionist's bracers would be awesome on Krenko.I would lean towards r/g aggro, but that would be a different deck. I love both Krenko and Ulasht, so let me suggest three guys to work into here: Scuzzback Scrappers, Boggart-Ram Gang, and Boartusk Liege. The thing about Ulasht is each r/g creature puts 2 counters on him, which gets crazy with Doubling Season. Either way, have lots of fun with it!
I've never used Shenanigans much, not sure why. I'll definitely playtest around with it (and throw it into my Wort EDH) and see how I feel about it. Anything you'd recommend pulling out to free up the slot?
I'm a big fan of tribal decks--elves will always have a special place in my heart, being my first, but goblins are a very close second. Whether you want a mechanically and competitively sound deck or a flavorful bag-o'-fun-times, goblins can bring what you want.
There's some good goblin stuff in r/b that'd help a lot here. Warren Weirding is great--you can make someone else sac a creature, or you sac your own and get two goblins. Also with a Wort, Boggart Auntie out (my personal favorite general) you can return that Warren Weirding to your hand every turn for free.
To get the bang for your buck with populate, you really want to be getting something bigger than 1/1s. I would throw in some Call of the Conclave and s/b some Selesnya charms.
Anything specific you've seen in the Gatecrash spoilers you'd like to add here? I've a feeling Gyre Sage will do more for R/G than it will for G/U.
Nice--I tried to build a standard version of this a few weeks ago, here's what I came up with: idea being you can put curiosity on Snipe or Lobber Crew (who I realize is not that great, but I am blinded by my love for goblins), and a fair number of multicolored spells. I don't know what I would put in here to improve it, though. It's pretty smooth!
I ran a very similar deck when this was in standard, but I ran Steel Hellkite (because I never dropped the dimes on the Wurmcoils), and it was actually a pretty brutal deck. Good one!
Keep in mind, if you deal enough damage/take life with Rakdos out, artifact creatures are free. Fun to abuse. This looks pretty sick, though.
Good call--I swapped it for electrickery instead.
Yeah, this is for a buddy, who is wanting to do Standard Pauper on MTGO.
I would sideboard the Sundering Growths and Replace them with Rootborn Defenses. I would also swap Armada Wurm for the Worldspine, and work some Selesnya Charms in--great for fattie removal, or tokens.
I think you're misunderstanding Modern/Standard. Standard is the two most recent blocks and the most recent core set (currently, RtR block, INN block, and M13). Modern is every set from 8th edition forward. This is a Modern deck, and so unless your FNM runs Modern, this won't be legal.
Not sure what format you're running this in, but if it's just for casual play, Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter would be nice here. He's a vampire, he has lifelink, and his synergy with Blade of the BC is amazing. You also might want some Bloodghasts.
What about running Moonmist for the prevention? Prevent to you if you're tapped out, or basically make your creatures indestructible until end of turn. Could be great in a lot of blocking situations.
Do you feel the Avacyn's Pilgrim is really necessary with the low mana costs? If you need another 1 drop, I've had a lot of fun running Deathrite Shaman in my G/W deck--with Dryad Militant, the B ability will rarely trigger anyway. He's mostly good to shut down other Deathrites/graveyard recursion, so it's really more of a S/B card, but he's a decent 1 drop.I would maybe run Call of the Conclave here, too, especially if you s/b any of the populate stuff. 2x Collective Blessing might really put this over the top, too.
If you like the Lure ability, just run Taunting Elf instead (unless you're running this as a Modern deck). One of my favorite things to do with Taunting elf is to pump him, attach Infiltration Lens, and regen him with Ezuri, but the Sledge will also accomplish a lot.
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