I find reverberate to be very handy between goblin grenade and kuldotha rebirth--you don't have to sac for the copy, so you're talking instead of R + Sac artifact/goblin = 3 tokens/ 5 damage; it's RRR + sac artifact/goblin = 6 tokens/10 damage.
MIght as well toss a Sorin or two in there.
No problem. The broodmother is amazing in EDH games, especially if you're playing multiplayer, because it says each upkeep. It will get a target put on your face quickly, though, lol.
Haha, I love having a duelist wearing an infiltration lens and empyrial plate. If you block, my double strike is going to get +2/+2, and I get to draw two cards.
Truth is I made this deck before Scars. Sometimes when the mana is wonky I'll run a steel wall, but I might swap those for the Tanglecord for the reach, which I lack. Good call.
Why Pennon Blade? Empyrial Plate on your Kor Duelist turn 3 is much better.
Also, Puppeteer Clique + Mikaeus + a sac engine = steal all the creatures from your opponent's graveyard.
Maybe Gigapede?
Ulasht, the Hate Seed and Dragon Broodmother might be a lot of fun here.
Eh, it's a bit of a stretch, but I like it. I haven't followed the story much. I always thought it would be cool if someone made a deck that told the story of Karn from the Urza block and connected it with his resurgence in the Scars block.
I really dig this idea. Me personally, I'd throw something like a pyroclasm in there to kill a lot of my eldrazi tokens then drop fresh meat. I might make a deck around this combo--and any deck that inspires someone to build a similar deck is spot-on.
For some extra kick, give the Sharpshooter deathtouch (Basilisk Collar is a common one) for wiping the opponent's board.
Are the two swamps there just for flashing back Alchemy? If so, it might be better to just spring for the dual lands. Mulch is also important in decks like these. Also, a lot of standard players don't care for it, but I find Turn Aside to be very handy. I threw together a R/G version of this, let me know what you think:
Animar would be great here, but that'd require splashing red. Also SImic Sky Swallower is a force to be reckoned with.
I like Scuzzback Scraper as a great 1 drop. Others I might look into: Undergrowth, browbeat, hull breach...all could be good here, at least for sideboard.
I've been digging more and more on reverberate lately. Big red doesn't keep mana open to use it as a counterspell often, but copying any of these spells (or there's) is pretty sweet.
I'd add some Wirewood Lodges, and also Wirewood Symbiote is great for returning the visionary to your hand/trigger huntsmaster again. Also Ezuri for elf-overrun/regen important guys.
Me personally, I would throw some caravan vigils or rampant growths to try to get the pod out asap. I'd also like to see your ideas on the sideboard for this. Overall, pretty sweet idea. Acidic Slime is a good one to have in there for some control.
Figure it like this: the average game will not use more than thirty cards in your deck (and will probably use a lot less). That means statistically if you have a one-of card with no way to search it, you won't even see it in half of your games. Realistically it will work out differently than this, but the more of a card you have in your deck, the more you can rely on getting that card. I understand the fun that can come in casual settings from getting a different play every game because it's not the same ten cards four different times, but if a card really lends itself to a deck, then put it in there. Also, yes, I would update the deck online as you make changes to the one you play, otherwise the community won't be able to help you improve it anymore.
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