its all the snaps and mutas really
you take snaps out and this deck becomes 100 or less lol
yea I suggested adding a second tarpit because the lack of win cons. also suggested uppin to 4 snaps and 2 cliquescould anyone give some thought to my standard deck? thanks and take care!
yea im thinking sarkhan will be replacing the desecration demons
think possibly you want maindeck counterspells if your going for a combo deck to work. or some way to protect the combo. because soon as the combo is broken, then the deck falls apart. that being said i would aslo possbily include another 2 power unblockable creature to help getting counters on bloodchief. the wight can serve as a good back up plan i think if the combo does end up being disrupted. 4x tramuatize is very bad. you want 1 maybe 2 at most. this deck has so much focus on mil based cards that i think it will die soon as your opponent plays a threat and it sticks. there isnt much reason to have all these extra mill cards when you have an infinite mill combo already present in the deck. all those other cards should be slots used for protecting your combo and holding off your opponent while you assemble your combo to win.mind giving a like and look at my deck? thanks and take care!
if you want right now then i would say -4 of those and add in 1 mountian 1 swamp and 2 mutavault
bloodstained mire is only thing, and thats for after rotation
what about adding in thassa to help vs dragon? i think 4 "anthems" is a bit to much. especially when your not flooding the board.i might think about switching the obelisk and the hall out for 2 archangel of thune. if you have a miniute could you check out my standard deck? thanks and take care!
i think 4 cryptics and 3 cruel ultimatum is A LOT..i personally would bring cryptic down to 2 and ultimatum down to 1.up 1 snapcaster and up 2 vendilion clique. also maybe change 1 tarn to a second creeping tar pit. if you have a few mins i would appreciate feedback on my standard deck! thanks and take care
i think if your trying to do something along these lines this is what i would do, (standard version)
forgot link XD
The only things im seeing are possibly changing out the swan songs for maybe another path and another bonfire? and maybe switch out 1 seachrome coast and a tech edge for maybe a island and another celestial colonade? I haven't played miracles personally so I could be wrong. if you wouldn't mind stopping on by and checking out my standard deck that would be great and much appreciated!
KJ is pretty much spot on. you need the 2 confluences to help with the double black in the early game. then once you hit the urborg you can just tap it for a swamp later to avoid life loss. thus the reason for 2 urborg. the disciple are more for the r/w burn and hyper agrro match ups. appreciate the time taken white!
well, i dont really see any purpose for the generator servant. since your only creature you can use it effectively on is mogis. and you will most likely never have the devotion to turn it on with the haste. and the zurgo already has haste and not sure why soldier is in here either.both of those cards are for fast aggressive decks. its very awkward to see soldier and elspeth in the same deck lol. i feel like its trying to do 2 different things at once if you go the walker route then i would build it like my jund walker list. early cheep removal in order to keep you alive until you can get to your walkers.
i can just see it now, "hey Justin!" reply,"hi x3" lol
LOL popular name it seems
That's kinda funny. my name is Justin :p
are you justen -z-?
ah ok will do then.
Lostwords2 is his Skype name?
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