i have to completely disagree that stormblood sucks. i have look at a lot of variants of this deck and just about each one of them has it. so i threw it it and it does work wonders. its not usually a 1st choice play on t2 but wheni dont have anything, its a great card. thank you for taking a look! feel free to follow me and i shall return the favor!
err, wheres the rites of flourishing, jace, and jaces erasure? to be brutally honest idont see anything turbo about this lol. just my thoughts
i only label decks tournament quality if ive played them in an actual tourney and have placed in top 10 or are variations of tourney decks that i have made from top decks in the current meta.
oh ok. do you have another one built on here? id like to make a nactal deck for casual play when i get home. been looking through everyones on here for ideas.
believe it or not defender deck was one of the best draft builds when eldrazi released
and how consistant is this deck? have you play tested it much?
i made a defender deck like 5 months ago. never thought to put it up here lol. i use pennon blade + chariot so you dont need creatures with power. i would ditch the waves bane fires and elixers. personally i dont think they are needed. you can use tree of redemption for life problems, and or momentous fall for life as well. stick some wall of omens for draw to. could you take a look at my elves? thanks feel free to follow me and i shall return the favor :D http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=379290
oh and you could try some oran-reif of the vastwood to put +1 counters on the nactals when they come out to toughen them out a bit. usually 4 is just out of reach of death.
i have a feeling you got that from me lol? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=382700
what about lightining greaves or eldrazi monument? greaves cures haste problem and eldrazi monument cures field wipe. + flying? for only 5. altho you have to sac a creature every turn you have plenty of tokens to cure that. it could possibly slow you down(?), but in turn it will make your war pride completely safe to everything but - counters or counterspells.
feel free to take a look at mine for any advise it may give you. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=379290
first of all why do you have so many 1 ofs?
bump to front page :)
id just wait for the golgari cards from RTR and then build it. it'll be alot easier to decide on what you want
yea i could do it more easily if i ran mana rampers like BoP and the like. i just like it better if i can keep it Kamigawa Block. makes it more special :) thanks for taking a look and feel free to follow me and ill be glad to follow back!
true delver is an aggro card, but if you look at how U/w delver decks started out, they comepletely controled you so that delver COULD beat you down. with its vapor snags, dungeon geists, snapcasters, and the images. in the later stages of delver if wound up going like half aggro/control with its delvers and saint trafts + resto angels.
yea he sure is. i would run him if i wasnt going with the rhys, bramblewood paragon route. check out my standard elves deck. he is in there. feel free to follow me and i shall return the favor!
i dont wanna sound dishearting but really any mono color that has a chence to be competitive in standard is red. and "red deck wins" kinda gave it a run, but ended up just dying to Delver, Wolf Run and the likes. i wish you the best of luck though!
fieldwipes only do so much damage to toughness. you may wipe some creatures but that will problly be what golgari wants to scavenge that shit back, attach a rancor run you over then sac it with the golgari lich lord to finish you off in one fel swoop
hopefully it does go to aggro. standard right now and has felt like nothing but control just because of delver. really annoying seeing delver win 7/10 tourneys. hopefully RTR will bring in more diversity and more then just one deck winning all the tourneys. it really discourages even playing a different deck other then delver. i do like playing for fun but going into tourneys with someone playing delver is just like a mindset of playing for second place.
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