i like it! but there are some things i see that could be fixed. i wouldnt have crackler in here. to aggroy. Personally i HATE Thunderous Wrath. it looks great when you can miracle it. but on your t2-5 if it comes up your forced to spend the mana playing it and then throwing off your whole rythm. if you dont use it then you just have a dead card in your hand until lategame when you have nothing better to spend 6 mana on. and for the flames of the firebrand, meh is all i have to say. ditch those for 2 more pillars. pillars value Skyrocketed with RtR released. there are so many 2toughness creatures that it kills. in izzet colors you MUST have mizzium Mortars. flame slash for 2cmc with that little overload ability juust makes it sweet. thinks thats all that i can find. otherthen that nice deck bro. mind checking out my golgari? Cheers! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
ditch the brimstone volley. the only reason to be using it is for its morbid, which you have no real way of triggering that. go for 4 pillar, it got a HUGE boost with RtR. sooooo many of the good creature cards are 2T so its all you will need. and for Izzet decks Mizzium Mortars is a MUST. a Flame slash for 2 mana these days is amazing. Plus having the overload for field wipe is just the cherry on top. Why you dont have any izzet charms is beyond me. it has probably the best utility of all the charms. get those in for sure.and when/if you get the money obviously get bonfires and snapcasters. also once you get the snapcaster you then should add faerie imposters. 2/1 flying for 1 blue that returns a creature you control to your hand. but is that really a drawback? no you return snapcaster so you can recast making it a positive instead of negitive. with deathrite shaman coming he will spell the death for control decks, graveyard decks, and most importantly, Death of snapcaster. so thats what the imposters are for. With out snapcaster delver decks are sitting ducks. Flipped delver wont win you games anymore with giant ass lol trolls running him over. even with pike equipped your spells will be gone from graveyard and the first strike doesnt do much vs regen, and then that 1toughness gets run thru with trample. sry for sooo much but ive been doing a ton of reading lately haha would you mind checking out my deck? ofc id ont expect as much feedback xD Cheers! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
this is my Golgari Returns. after spending like 10 hours reading forums it looks like aggro FINALLY has some defence against control.(about damn time(hopefully delver wont be half the meta anymore -yawn-)) Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
oh also with the ground swells, trade outsome basic lands for evolving wilds or teramorphic expasne to help out with the landfall.
have you look at the standard version of mono green infect? its a very strong way to build. unless you wanna stay more creature infect beatdown or kinda trickster kill asap infect, thats up to you. i have 2 versions of the deck on my list. check it out if ya want any ideas! if your wanting it to stay like what you have then i would - tutors + artful dodge, or + rancor to go with the growths if ya have time i would appreciate a look at my elves thanks! feel free to follow me and ill return the favor~! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=379290
it depends on what type of format were talking about here. standard format decks dont win by turn 3. usually 5-7 4th with a very good draw. i only label decks with tourny qual that are at core on the same basis as teir 1 decks that are winning tourneys right now. just with my little twist in there. or decks that i have made and i win tourneys with. otherwise they get labled the archtype they fall under.
this deck,... ill juust be honest, its terrible. is this the first youve ever made or...? 1. you have 16 lands in a 91 card deck, 91 cards! 2. its 91 cards... why? its obvioulsy not EDH so it should be 60. 3. throwing a bunch of singleton cards together and calling it a deck is the worst possible way to make a deck. it will never be consistant, and it will be very slow. sorry but your name hurts all of us that play elves. you certianly need some improvement before you can call yourself an elfmaster.
terribly wrong. yes they are bad and useless but a 3/3 for 4, 4/4 for 5 are fair cmc for their p/t
tbh i think i have to disagree with lawkeeper being able to tap him. the only thing that can get rid of emraklul would be a mass board wipe such as Wrath or day or damnnation. unless the rules have changed since he came out thats the way its always worked at tourneys ive been at.
like it! i made one of my own a little while ago! use it for any ideas if youd like. :) i think you have 2 or 1 to many avacyns. im a little iffy on the hearlds, but thats because i use decandants path, and just pure ramp to get out my heavy hitters. with the right draw i have gisela out T4. Take a look! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=378007
im sorry but this is terrible. how do you even plan on casting jace lol.. i wont say anymore then just delete this off the vault..
-3 somberwalds -3 arbor elves -4 boneyard wurms +4 forbidden alchemy +3 mulch +2 Laboratory Maniac +1 memory's journey with this you have 2 easy win cons with milling out or splinterfright beatdown. you can rely on both to win instead of just one and hopefullying have a back up. ditch the jorad idea. no point for him when he gets removed(nobodys gonna want to blasted for 10 from tree or splinterfright) unless you have a way to protect him.
ill be quite frank with you. never have i seen a life gaining deck be ultimately competitive. casual it will work just fine but as for tournament quality i dont see it ever making it against teir 1 decks. on a side note, serra avatar is a must have if you are gaining life. P/T = to your life total.
i disagree with vizzerdrix being on that list lol.
for other defenders to power it up the def so you have a blocker that can kill things.
yea if thalia wasnt legendary she would be mythic rare her ability is insanely good for aggro decks playing aggainst control. how you dont see that amazes me lawl :p
not trying to be a troll but, lets see you get tamiyos emblem and omniscience out at the same time. its pretty far fetched.
i tried g/w humans. to be honest i didnt find them as good as W/r humans that i run for standard now. my only thoughts are with mikaeus or the triumphs. i would personally ditch 2 triumphs for wolfir silverheart. i ran him with silverblade enchanted with rancor. its usually a game ender for sure. and actually id -1 plains since you have your pilgrims and put in 2 orings for the land and mikaeus. the only thing else i can think of would to put the nightshade peddlers back in. those plus silverblade paladin bkock for days. does my W/r humans look anything like what you use to ran? unfortunately im gonna have to ditch them until gatecrash is released and boros comes back. RTR didnt really have any replaces for the stuff im losing after rotation :S feel free to follow me and i shall return tha favor :D http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
better yet, why no sublime archangel?
its a different approach from what ive seen from W/r humans which is cool. id ditch the shocks for gather the townsfolks for sure. im not sure about the angels and splicers but thats what makes this deck different. take a look at my W/r humans? thanks and feel free to follow me and ill return the favor! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
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