ahh. should suggest OCTGN to them. much better and maintained client that is also free
yea you could add me to it. what program do you guys play on?
i sure do have one
yea might be a good idea. plus you'll have the BUG wedge lands after rotation hits as well.
to be quite honest I think running 4 colors in current standard is a little too ambitious. I would cut the white and try the BUG walker list that has cropped up recently tune it to your liking.
I'm going to be playing this after rotation hits. what I lose is the mana base and some of the removal. that's it. the core of the deck stays the same. the mystics, sylvan. coursers, and all the walkers stay. the mana base will change to fit what ever comes into rotation along with the new removal to replace the old removal leaving. only reason I wouldn't play this is if the mana base is horrible or no good removal coming in.
woah whats up bro. yea its been forever! I haven't tested a polukranos to be honest. but I don't think he is needed. there isn't usually much out on the board for his monsterous to be that effective. with the abundance of removal creatures aren't usually swarming me. and after board were just swapping out the sorcery speed removal for the instants to be more effective against rush decks. along with caryatid and courser to block for days. if your not taking advantage of polukranos's ability then I don't see him being that great as a 5/5 for 4 when you have D Demon.
and sideboard cards for control are counter magic and Rest in Peace. since your deck has no interaction with the graveyard, RIP exiling everything would be better then ground seal. in a world of acidic slimes RIP is better then ground seal. i would also run another aethering in the SB vs control and 1-2 caverns main or 1 main 1 SB to make sure you stick your aetherlings. once you land that guy he is unkillable aslong as you make sure your keeping blue mana up. bant decks have a much better advantage running aetherling because they have more mana to commit to it, farseeks, so you are able to race other aetherling decks and win. take out the thalias. yea they are decent but not good enough in this shell.
drop the pilgrims for farseeks. any green should be running thrags and farseeks. the best green cards in the format. the pilgrim doesnt really help with anything and dies to removal. only thing it does is a potential T2 smiter. but thats not really what your deck is about.
you cant use sarkhan vols ult right away. you need 6 counters to take off. cant do it with only 4
naw 4 color reanimator doesnt use any planeswalkers
examples of what you think should go in instead? I got alot of this From Brad Nelson. and this deck finished 8th at StarCity Games cini.
how heavily do you rely on the pilgrims for ramp? i hope not to much because after first game the G/B is gonna throw in golgari charm to f that shit up lol. and also its curious to see no thrag tusks. this is deff a more token deck correct? as opposed to a g/w beatdown aggro. if you wouldnt mind looking at my G/B zombies? Cheers! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
only 1 ward sliver? prolly go with 4 might slivers ditch the synchronous sliver since you have the quest. if you have a chance could you give a look over of my golgari zombies? cheers! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
i havent yet been able to watch the testing of this deck on SCG.com as ive been to involved with work and researching golgari zombies so much lol. once i watch it and get more insight on it ill let ya know here!
to me this is a very strange route to build this idea. but hey everyone has their own taste! as for the deck ill try my best to help. id ditch the guildmage as he really sint that good. id put in rancors for a back up win con with the hydra incase your jarad goes by bye. ill be honest, i have no idea what yeva and forcemages are doing in here. what do you really need to flash in on your opponents turn? i would put in some tragtusks ad wolfir silverhearts to give you some defense. i think this is kinda slow so they might be able to help you slow the matchdown to your pace. if ya wouldnt mind looking at my Golgari Zombies? Cheers! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
yea i agree, no oliva is bad. from what ive been reading on SCG articles(hours of them :p) jund wont be competitive w/o her. dont bother with slitherhead, he isnt that good. not sure why you have the dragons in here. have yet to see them in play.im iffy on varaska. id take liliana over her in jund for sure. i would have more feedback, but i cant for the life of me remember what some of the cards were in the jund deck that took secondplace at cini SCG tourney a few days ago. Hope that helps! if ya wouldnt mind taking a look at my Golgari zombies? Cheers! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
ok well, ill be honest. if you want to be really competitive at FNM's or tourneys you gonna have to shell out some money at least. i dont like the temblor, spears. spears needs to be mizzium mortars, and temblor should be bonfires. also maybe trade the inactions for talrands invocation maybe? Cheers! if you wouldnt mind giving me some feed back on my zombies? Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
juust to start off you can call it naya instead of w/r/g. its those colors term most commonly used when describing the deck colors. juust fyi :) as for the deck really i dont like virtue here. ive only seen it used for token swarm. like midnight haunting and gather the townsfolk really. your token are strong enough already that they dont need the boost it gives. yea viligence is nice and all but there are things better imo. what i would do is sideboard Dryad Millitant and put your burn in mainboard from sideboard. another option would be ditch the virtues for Rancor. dont see many green decks with out rancor now days for a good reason. you slap that baby on your temple and you'll be populating for dayyyyyys. sorry forgot reasoning on the dryad. she = death of flashback and most importatnly snapcaster. it turns into a chump blocker. Then you will be aggro racing a delver vs your creatures. pretty confident you can win that race ;) if you could take a look at my zombie aggro that would be great! Cheers! Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391261
still disagree. i dont see anyone playing it in top tier decks. gotta mean something :p
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