i personally would -2 koth and +2 arms dealer. with krenko pumping out tokens arms dealer gives you a great way to spend those burning creatures w/o having to spend valuable burn spells on them.
well being i really dont know anything about legacy or vintage it looks pretty good to me lol. looks really fun and pretty fast
i actually have been trying fervor. i found it to actually slow me down rather then make it faster. i have a better spell to play about 90% of the time instead of fervor. usually a silver blade, honor, or readying a mauler for a t4 hero win. thanks for the suggestions and ill check your deck out.
i can see thalia being a 4 of. for me it just came down to my local meta. its about half aggro half control. she is amazing for stopping control and green giest aggro. and it kinda of goes the same way for the o rings. im usulally using fiend hunter for win con vs those big creatures like titans and will bring in o rings instead when i vs control. thanks for the comment and like. ill check your deck out.
- the ichorclaws and go with Phyrexian Crusader. and maybe even a contagion engine. that card is so bomb. as well as the infect dragon. he's won me plenty of games. hope that gives you some addtional ideas. if you or anyone else could give me some ideas on my deck that would be greatly appreciated! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
its funny damnation is 26$ and wrath is only 7$ for the same card just different color. lul
its interesting ill give you that. but wither has nothing on U/G infect! xD http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=360794
haha my favorite 2hg game ended up being a 2v1 estentially xD my opponents were playing r/g aggro and w/r humans. my friend played b/u control and i was playing mono green elves. my friend got mana screwed the whole game. while my opponents werent able to stop my mana ramp to easy. but we had to keep taking the damage because i could lose my ramp. they got us down to like 5. i ended up with like 5 random elves 4 token elves and i had 2 elvish arch druids out. top decked 1 of my genisis waves. casted it for like G/G/G/43. i basically put my library into play haha. used nisa's +1 gain 2 life for each elf you control. next turn i put out my eldrazi monument and won the game.
yea its attended knight i think. mind checking out my W/r humans for standard? Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
personally i run the W/r humans in standard. i think scars leaving is gonna hurt it bad. no more hero of blade hold :| i really dont think m13 brought in anything to really really help hero leaving. there is odric that im considering. but im not sure yet.
I'd agree with ragingoblin as well. i think you should ditch the mill spells and for sure grab 2 more birds. you could replace the mills with control. that should keep you alive until your heavy hitters come out and then be able to protect them. after game 1 they know they're gonna have to get NoR out asap. so you'll need to be able to protect that. you could use mana leak and dissapates for counter and then add a few card draw. Thought scour would be perfect! mill and draw in 1 card. couldnt get any better for this deck. so maybe something like this: -2 Sadistic Sacrament -4 tomb scour -2 Psychic Drain -4 Glimpse the Unthinkable -4 Cathartic Adept + 2 birds of paridise + 4 mana leak + 2 dissapate + 4 thought scour + 4 fog bank hope that helps! and if yourself or anyone else could take a look at my W/r Humans that would be much appreciated! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
yea its at 11 non creature spells now. a little more then i had orginally intended. i cant take thalia out just because of my local meta, soooooo what about -1 bonfire, -1 gather +1 odric, and +1 thalia?
really im not sure what those kinks are :p but thats why i put it up here. haha thx for taking a look at it though!
i think i would -2 lands and +2 land tax? its too bad there arent more white dragons. ever think about splashing red? idk if that completely change the idea of your deck or not. its looks pretty fun to play though. ive always like to beatdown with a big creature. favorite way to win :D if yourself or anyone else would mind giving me thoughts on my W/r humans that would be much appreciated! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
i never new a "ridiculous" deck like this was possible. haha its so awesome. death by squirrels xD. almost want to buy these cards straight up just to have it lol. as for improvements i cant really comment that well. i started playing magic when guildpact came out. i dont really know much about any cards older then that sorry! if anyone could help me out with my W/r humans deck that would be greatly appreciated~! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
looks pretty cool. idk about the waif really. with your norin guy it seems like waif might be hard to flip. i think really you do want waif to flip. you could try doomed traveler maybe. i really like that card
im surprised this deck is growing in likes rather fast i think. thanks for the comments and like everyone! really wanna get this deck out there. i strongly believe it has legs for standard!
exhaulted looks like a really cool deck idea. the first thing i noticed as well as poet it seems was mass control, like board wipes such as Day of judgement. and maybe against a U/W delver. i could see him bounce your creature for days. i guess im not quite sure how to fix that and/or if you even come across those problems. if you or anyone wouldnt mind taking a look at my W/r humans that would be much appreciated! : http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355125
well those are interesting suggestions, but this deck is for standard so most of those wouldnt work. accorder is a really cool card and i like it. but im not really going for mass army battle cry right now. thanks for the comment and ill check your deck out!
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