i 've seen worsoe on this site believe me but this deck is useless
don't use mortivor if you use scarblade
this deck doesn't tur,n around well look for better synergy cards and indeed scarblade counters mortivore think a little more when you make a deck
why a blue card when you don't have blue ?
play outrider en kor cool combo with knights of holy nimbus
teferi's isle may not be use d6 times because it isn't a basic land and remember if you have 2 of them on the field both are destroyed ; )
sorry i wrote a complete book about elves : p
listen you ar erunning an elve deck tokens? no no no aggro with a blasting 322 elve? yessss remove drove of elves you have jaged scars. use timberwatch elve it is a fucking nuke. use berserk and giant growths. silhana ledgewalker is a card that's allmost can't be removed but can be pumpped up easily and is evasive. and off course use llanowar to produce mana wolf-skull shaman is a good elve too it's a 2 drop with a kinship effect that says you can put a wolf token into play allmost every turn. nettle sentinel is a 2/2 for 1 and only untaps if you play a green spell. it isn't that hard with elves thornweald archer is a good blocker and creature remover in early game.(reach and deathtouch.) gilt leaf ambush, can give you 2 defenders with deathtouch what means you can clear the field while opponent is attacking. add some black. eyeblight's ending and lys alana scarblade are awesome immaculate magistrate permanently pups up your elf and my favorite. scarred vinebreeder for three mana and removing an elf card it gets a freaking +3+3 do that mate game and you annihilate everything. the goo dthing to elves is that it doesn't matter what the opponent destroys you allways end up pumpung another creature
play more prismatics. if someone sidedecks a enchantment removal
your lands wont work and you don't make tokens fast enough so tjhis deck is kinda missed
your spells aren't ok in this deck i think shivan meteor isn't that good there are bettercreature removals
i saw you are opne of the only tournament competitive players on this site. coul dyou please comment on my cascade deck i don't seem to find my way out
yes those decks are played with only monsters. the o,ly spells that are used sometimes are berserk and iant growth but berserk is an expensive card. there are better alternatives for wood elf and i would concentrate more on timberwatch than anything else and i wouldn't use taunting elf. thats all for now
that' isn't true dude when are you gioing to learn your deck is instable as hell. turn 5 i kill you and if i haven't well you playyour big cards you know what i do? terminate path to exile scourglass or exec capsule. and you have nothing anymore.
too slow dude by the tie i run out of cards i beat you 5 times
yes i can cause i play scourglass. and you do too if you activate scourglass byebye walls of denial. and you are stalling but not attacking by the time you will attack i have a whole wall of creatures you won't get through. and even why marble chalice? useless. don't make decks on this site if they are worthless. try to make a good deck by trading or something?
dude only 1 lightning talons only 1 hellspark allways the same it won't work
ever played tournaments? ever seen someone in a tournament who played only 1 copy of each card.?
wait wait you play only 3 monsters right? how are you supposed to win? tou play deny reality right? wtf does it do in your deck when you only play counters! you lose a counter for nothing -_-'
and again -_-' are you new to magic?
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