why the fuck goblin piker it's useless adn d why don't u have counterspell this deck is a bit bleah
haha same deck idea as me check ou my noggle fireworks but why th eheck do you play island when everything is red!
why only one batallion? no winnower in this deck bah 4 packmasters 4 wren's run vanquishers no leaf gilder why do you put some 1 copies in it? don't do that! only for overrun
it's a bit n'importe quoi like they say in french
listen against who do you play your lil brother ? cause on a tournament this deck won't stand a chance dude you play 5 years? i don't even play 3 years but i know how to make some hell of a deck this just sucks dude sorry?
it should n't work well at all dude! are you crazy? what we don't see in keeper ? quote: Look, you need Black and Blue Mana to play Progenitus. Keeper of Progenitus only works on Mountains (Red Mana), Plains (White Mana) and Forests (Green Mana). and so it doesn't produce colors other than red white green arte yu really that dumb?
well forst off this deck isnt fantastic at ALL this deck won't stand a chance against anything no creature removal no powerbuff no spells at all? only creatures and even 3/4 of your creaqtures are uselesess are you new to magic cause your progenitus deck was particularly bad too
DUDE blind or what? you don't have themana for progenitus that's all
try to play some counterspells i mean if you offer your live and i play a mortify or unmake on it or i counter you rite of consumption you can't ake that happen cause it would be an autoloss and you make the opponent draw so that means he'll get his counters and need ed stff really fast
nono sovereign is bad lord of atlanti sis good so don't listen to people who tell you to put in sovereign : p seems like you're one of the only ones that makes goo decks. on this site there are many bad magic players and are you a fan of tool?
nahnahnah deadwood s too costy no llanowar brawler is useless cloudcrown s sidedecker if you want treefolk conider adding leafcrown elder you get free treefolk every turn reveilark, kitchen finks tidehollow sculler if you want REAL doran deck you need gaddock teeg, thoughtseize,
play more zombies and wheres nemesis of reason?
o and the new elves are huuuuuuuge
look i would replace the taunting elf by -if you want vintage= that elve that has trample it's a 1/1 ? - and if you want better the sylhana ledgewalker (can't be the target of opponent spells and can't be blocked by nonflyers) i would pt is some berserk but it's expensive
i'm glad this is only a fun deck
must be good an dfunny i lik eyour creativity
why i slpashed white so little? look the control of white is PRIMORDIAL the tidehollow scullers and above all the covenant who i sthe KEY of this deck that's why and apart of that if you play 3 colors you allsmost alllways have 2 main colors and 1 splash
listen look on internet look on tcgplayer there is only 1 merfolk deck that made it to the top 8 and it ended on 1st place . sovereign is too slow t costs 1 more than atllantis dude. and making 1 monster unblockable makes no sense. listen di dyou know that if you play 4 merfolks a lord of atlantis and a acquitects will you win? you will swing for 20 damage or more. i wasn't talking about streambed thing but about acquitect's will . it will make 1 of your opponents lands an island and even make you draw a card ! so all your merfolks are onblockables you will finish your opponent in 1 or 2 turns believe me and worship is really useless believe me. if you thin k like that every card could be usefull in any deck. worship must not be in it cause this deck is made to kill in 1 turn. 4cursecatcher, 4silvergill adept, 4 atlantis 4 reejerey 4 selkies and most of all! 4 syggs aaaaand ! counterspells!
haha you're kidding me? unbeatable tthis deck isn't worth that much to many cards that have nothing to do in here go to FNM and youll get beaten up by feary shit each merfolk eck needs lord of atlantis it's freaking good what is better? your deck or a deck of merfolks that are all unblockable and 3/3 i think i made my choice
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