your decks just baaad dude one infest and you are down. if you play tournaments no one will let you even make one attack and you will lose
sliver and oversoul why??? this deck is a loose
remove blaze lava axe and put in some cheap dammage cards like rift lightning lava spike or something
listen up putting only one copy of a card is senceless unless its a finisher or you have drawpower like font of mythos 4x remove thraximundar you play OR thraxi OR sedris not both. grixis sojourners? no why? play shambling remains dude and play or countersquall and soul maipulation. or terminate you platy or control or offense but don't play counters if you play aggro. it won't turn out well. why blightning just remove it play cruel ultimatum it's a game winner. it gives a GIGANTIC advantage. but you'l l have to use borderposts or more nonbasic lands . and those 2 vedalke ghouls are useless unless you play them 4 times care to check my grixis decks?
i would remove mycoyd sepherd
well about extractor demon i thought about it too but since i don't really unearth or sac the effect won't be so effective. and i would like to keep it on zombies to mill faster with lich lord. and forced fruitition is indeed faster but more expensive and what i want is to play the font as fast as possible so i can have everything i need. but thanks!
limit yourself to 23 or 24 lans maybe even 22 5 genju's isn't possible 4 is the card limit 5 wizard schools is forbidden too 4 is the absolute card limit except for basic lands and cards who specifically contradict the rules since you got more white than blue play more islands than plains having only one copy of a card in your deck is senceless. don't use useless creatures like the merfolk but yeah it's your first deck right? good luck
nemesis deffinitely in main he' smuch better than szadek, oona is super font of mythos is perfect in such decks it makes you mill faster than anything but it looks nice care to check out my zombie mill? set constructed
why souls of the faultless dude? and looming shade? remove white from your deck it's senceless and looming shade is well buh
sorry but it sucks it needs more structure why only 1 master o fetherium maximize it and maximize your sculptors this deck won't work even for 2 seconds
i would remove thralls he costs too much for what he is and the fact the opponent may pay 3 life is sucky! zombie uitlander takke it out for strix or another death baron and dreadwing slave of bolas is a bit costy and double negative i din't get the pooint of countering 2 at a time when opponent plays only 1 at a time
pretty cool i think but i would indeed use or sedris or extractor and not slavedriver. i would use terminate and not yoke of the damned. care to take a look at my grixis? quality grixis
ah no not contaminated bond i dunno whisch card but it exists
there s a black card in lorwyn that says everytime you play a land you ain 2 life and your opponent loses 2 life it costs 2b and 3 contaminated bonds i think but i m not sure
doesn't work cause tokens don't go to the grave so if you sacrifice tokens you won't get tokens
okok i ll comment you suck! and your decks suck! and your mother sucks and yourbrother too and your scarf does really goo dtoo and... okok this deck is just bad :p greets from you very best friend
your only damage card is drain life... if you play against a counter deck no way you can win
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