worship has nothing to do in this deck and lord of atlantis is waaaaaaaay better than sovereign cause it makes all your creatures unbklockable play aqcuitect thingy i don't remember the name making th eopponents land island and making all your merrows unblockable selkie is handy too it makes you draw cardsfor each dammage it deals and it has islandwalk
why dude WHY coral merfolk ? it's useless youd better add cursecatchers they r really good. and why th ematriarch if you don't have enchantments???? and why cancel if you can use familiar ruse! but for the rest it's ok
en dan nog hebt ge 64 kaarte! wtf da mag ni
waar s uw creature removal en counter naartoe da was juist goe
haha ja u deck staat bij the ew decks net boven mijn twee decks
it sucks why dralnu? and why lich lord if you don't play zombie s its useless
not that bad but you don't have enough +1+1 counters since your liege s bonus won't count as counters
are you new to magic? this deck isn't good at all sorry, it's just a mixture of blue creatures and red spells
shrewd hatchling useless replace it by 4 times crag pucca. add cloak and dagger to equip with your noggle bandits works destroyingly well oh yeah and th emono RED version is MUCH MUCH better
this is th eshittiest deck i ve ever seen
well what you need to do is NOT TO PUT ONLY ONE COPY OF EACH CARD IN IT AND PUT A NUMBER IN FRONT OF YOUR LANDS INSTEAD OF POSTING 5 TIMES SWAMP and then find a theme and after that better cards
must be fun to play "hey look i can pay a 100 mana for banefire HA ha!"
totally not 2010 black is more going to be B/Wknights or mono vampires
can't anyone ban this freaking fag from mtg -_-'
nooonono this deck is based on the haste believe me thecolossal might is what runs this thing with the cerodons i have haste and some defence, collossal might blows out extra dammage or helps blocking biiig creatures. i often end up cascade bloodbraid,violent outburst,colossal might it's a freaking 8 dammage turn 4 together with the turn 2 dammage 10
panoramas are bettter since they can make colorless mana too the turn they come into play. cause if a terra comes in on a wrong moment you can't play anything also why do you play 3 copys of each, and why would you play deathbringer liege remove deathbringer. out of that it's ok but now you run a zombie deck without too much mill. so i suggest you go for aggro zombie OR zombie milling and put in some nemesis
yes indeed or with whispers summon leveler on th eopponents side then pass your turn and he loses kinda cool but indeed try what hunter said whispersilk
th efamous combo used by soooo many people
121-140 of 221 items