bad cruel control is 5C inkwell is useless where is broodmate or baneslayer? where's wincon?
listen quietus spike is useless here unless used with rhox acidic slim eis too expensive for what it does cairn wanderer is useless becaus eyou don't hav emany effects aside of deathtouch moonglove is bad here drudge skeletons is bad wall of bone has nothing to do in this deck listen deathtouch and regenerate is no theme. you need a goal this deck has none
why th efuck dragon's claw if you don't have red why composite golem if you don't hhave 5 color spells kraken's eye is noobish card cromatic star is not needed air elemental i stoo bad to be your finisher clloud elemental is bad does nothing cloud sprite neither doomed necro is useless in your deck clone too arcanis too useless since you don't need that draw power you don't play combo dehydratation is bad grave pact is bad in this deck afflict is to oweak there are cards that do -1-1 for 1 peek is plain unusefull consume spirit is bad cause you don't platy mono black
more copies of each card and a deck doesn't play around swamps or plaisns but around the strategy the 2 colors offer this is bad
it's good for a starter but you have no winning condition try to find a good one and i suggest spellstrutter sprite instead of pestermite
OLD OLD OLD OLD dude that guy didn't invent this deck everyone plays this deck allready glimpse of nature to draw more cards remove hedgemage and hatchling and mimic and some more drawpower or a tutor 4 glimpse of nature 4 avoid fate
listen indeed this is dumb cause springjack is kinda useless when you don't have much white mana symbols icatian cryer is bad cause you have to discard and lord AND liege is toooooo costy why bring back to life? bad idea dude there are better cards for this genesis chamber gives each turn tokens that's a better idea using creakwood liege? it gioves you tokens each turn AND will buff your creatures !! and there are other cards
listen nyxathid is good but in a puuuure discard so with funeral charm, blackmail, duress and constant discard cloe doesn't have it's place in a milling deck 4/1 unblockables neither your goal is oto deck him but you mix multiple goals discarting milling unblockable killing and stuff like that that never works dude! if you mill mill coompletely otherwise you will only help your opponent having his needed cards in time if you discard make a deck about it or aggro discard so the opponent can't play anything big while you attack with weenies listen you still have the beginner mentality "ooow this card looks powerfull and usefull so i use it" no cause it lacks synergy you don't want to play opponents spells you wanna play yours! to give YOU an advantage if you playfrom the opponents grave you never know what you ll get and when you ll get it and in a goo ddeck you know each action so get your own spells you must allways choose 1 goal not 1900000000 cause it's never going to work try to focus on something hat do you want? aggro discard? milling? or unblockable control?
ehm 8 stalking stones? card limit is 4 remember? only for basic lands
did you go to nationals with THIS? haha really bad dude bad bad bad and if you play aggro don't use agent of masks there are much better orzhov cards and i can tell you this is not ok at all
blue mana is written as U play discard OR decking best decking=aggro mill with oona, or nemesis and the zombies check my dekcs for suggestions OR play discard and when you play really discard play with the charm and stuff like that instant discarters maximize mind funeral remove memory plunder mind shatter is bad really bad mind spring is ok but not more as 2 and your creature choice is far from good you have too many enchantments that's bad grimoire thief is a goo dcard for milling
i'd say 40, 00 % of inning chance not more than that
well now you're gonna explain me how you start at 40 life and with 10 cards this deck is just bad
your cretaures are pointless and your spells not goo denough it's a no
yes kraken s eye is the noobiest-ish card ever : p dragon whelp isn't good at all neither maybe a big creature that can end the match will help but yeah your deck is pretty basic and not really good so i would suggest to remove jace your mountains your necropolis and add in some walls or unblockable creatures
actually nooona sis al ot faster than any merfolk and the merfolk mill is plain bad AND it has no decent defence and stuff like that cause too many cards are needed to set up a goo defence last thing this deck isn't built ONLY for milling it's more like an aggrocontrol mill and yeah i forgot the black lands
it's kinda ok but nessian and armodon are blah and elvish warrior is too choose some creatures that DO something
lava dart is bad dude and why only 1copies that sucks 70 cards sucks even harder never do that thunder thrash sucks unless you can give it haste it's a waste of monsters the wall too even if they like playing shadows ok so allmost all the creatures are useless
modified denial? it's kinda bad 65 cards o .O and opnly 1 copy of most of them
61-80 of 221 items