haha, I have an infect deck too... my friends refuse to play with it now...I've pulled quite a few turn 2 wins with is...http://www.mtgvault.com/suitangi/decks/budget-infect-5/
haha, that's like my friend's Thievery deck...
looks nice!
I'm using Angellsong, which can be better late game because of cycling,and because of flavor reasons :#Thanks for the suggestion though
haha, don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us.
What about Surgical Extraction?
If you're looking at card advantage, it is one card against one card. But I guess looking through your opponent's deck on turn one is ridiculous. Especially if it is game 1. You know exactly what to sideboard and exactly what to expect while your opponent is still trying to figure out your deck.Yes, I agree it is super powerful... but broken beyond measure? hmmm. maybe just broken...
yeah, extract is powerful...
in this deck, yeshttp://www.mtgvault.com/suitangi/decks/budget-terra-army-10/
What about entomb?
I really like Flickerwisp. Added it to the main deck!Sadly, Venser is too costy for this deck :(Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks for the suggestions, I've added it to the Sideboard
SB updated!
Here it is!<a href="/suitangi/decks/budget-bloodrush/">[Budget] Bloodrush</a>
Card draw is a great idea!I'll try a bloodrush deck :)this deck had 0 likes when it was marked unloved... xD
Go for the Throat is like 4x more expensive than Ultimate Price :( sorryalso, according to the rules:702.15e Multiple instances of lifelink on the same object are redundant.so Gift of Orzhova wouldn't work here.I'll add in Ajani's Pridemate. Thanks!
I really like this version better than mine! Good job!
Don't forget that I have Darksteel Ignot for some ramp as well...I added in explore and took our Rampant Growth completely. See if you like this version, and thanks for the suggestion!
IKR! ugh I wish cards were cheaper...
Finally, a simic planeswalker!
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