I would have replaced some colored weenie like dryad arbor with the more themed phyrexian walker. Other than that, no suggestion here. Really brutal deck, bravo Beowulf.
Well, why not sword to plowshares your Persecutor and win? Looks better :P
Hello Mash, I loved what you did here. This is a very resourceful deck that can win in many ways, it almost resembles a blue deck. My concern would be the speed here. You wouldn't have much card advantage and may end up with 2/3 of the combo. And yes, I see you have some utility card to fetch what you need, but still, these combos look very heavy on mana & card requirement. This is why I'd put in some drawing spell, my personal best in green are Explore and Multani's Acolyte.
Gah, I thought I did something original, but nope. Oh well, I'm glad it works at least. Thanks for stumbling upon!
Myr Galvanizer. Quite useless in this deck.
If you splash to blue and add Turnabout, you can have some endless fun. Archaeomancer for retrieving it, or Snapcaster mage for Flashbacking it.
It's easy to build decks with 4 black lotus and 12 moxes, isn't it?
Sliver Legion is so much better than Sliver Overlord.
Why don't you use Mutilate and/or Dry spell? It kills off Blood Artist, but it also kills off your tokens. It's easy to burn out 20 creatures in a single shot. You'd better play aggressively IMO. If you're worried, put in a couple of disentomb, but they really aren't necessary. I think you should reconsider this. Killing your own tokens is invaluable.
Yeah, it's probably over complicated. The point is, I wanted to do something different than the usual reanimate deck - Discard big creatures and reanimate them -. I'm trying to work my way with graveyard-based mechanics, and the result is, well, a little messy. :P Unearth creatures are not that appealing because you end up exiling them, and they simply are not good enough for doing that. Same thing for Flashback, with the exception of Dread Return. That said, I made some changes, it's way better shaped than before, but still it badly needs some testing games. I'll see how it works, for now thank you as always Mashitta :)
Haha you're right, I wasn't really trying when I did this, I'll add some utility card and make it a bit more competitive, the ones you brought up are super :D By the way, I've never thought about giving Deathtouch on direct damage creatures like these, that's GENIOUS. And yes, I do believe people are gonna hate me :D It will be just like playing Touhou lol
Reckless Abandon on the Marauders would be nice.
Did -1 Brave the Elements and +1 Swords to Plowshares. Looking at this again, I fear I was carried away with protections lol. I mean, there's probably too much stuff, is there? I mean, with a single Story Circle I probably don't need anything else. Story Circle and Mother of Runes + Any creature and I'm quite done. :P As for the Lions, it's a good idea but I'm unsure what to remove. I'd choose between White Knight and Order of the White shield. One is great in early game, the other maybe in longer games. Thank you again Mashitta, I'm really glad you liked them, and thank you for helping me out so much in improving most of them, especially the blue one! I couldn't have pulled this out without you guys ;)
Do you mean defensive formation? It's not bad at all. It's a 1 drop, and choosing how the damage is inflicted to blocking creatures can save their asses, or can save the really big ones you need to keep on the battlefield.
Force of Savagery can't stay in play :( Or, well, it can if you've got a Primal Forcemage or the Spider. I find Gaea's Anthem better because it's a static bonus and last beyond the end of turn. Also, it's an enchantment and thus it's harder to remove. But nevertheless, I really like this one too! It's like red, but it's green. And this my friend is priceless, you don't see these very often :D Good job!
I see what you did there :D Really funny deck Mashitta, and the amazing thing is that it's REALLY effective :D
I like it, Abeyance for a nice Orim's Chant buddy that allows you to draw a card, maybe Holy Day. You can imprint it to Isochron Scepter and stall the game until you get to work Luminarch Ascension.
You're supposed to play her in a monowhite Weenie creature-based deck. This way her ability affects the opponent and possibly not you.
Interesting battlefield manipulation. Don't have any particular suggestion, it's ok the way it is. For any other issue, follow Beowulf's advice lol. He knows. Congrats
I agree, but being an artifact it kinda isn't what I was aiming for with the red themed deck, you see. But would this have been an ordinary deck, I'd surely put in a couple. Thank you :) FYI the card is Shrine of Burning Rage
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