Lol actually I couldn't think any other card either, so don't worry.
I absolutely love the use of Proliferate & Paradox Haze to make tons of spore counters. Really good budget deck. Mycoloth costs quite a bit, but it's just to good.
Demonic Tutor is uncommon. That's just wrong.
Don't want to sound like a dick or something, but this would never work. You are relying on a perfect hand of 8/9 cards, what are the odds? I like the idea, but I strongly dislike this "Turn 2" approach.
Giant Growth Brainstorm Dark Ritual Savannah Lions
Not entirely true, you can tap all your lands, float mana, then activate the ability of chimeric idol while still keeping mana. But I like wind zenkidon more anyways.
IMO, -4 curiosity and +4 sigil of sleep
Chimeric Idol might be slightly better than Guardian Idol. Also, what are the Chimeric Masses for? Good idea for a deck.
I would landramp a little more, making Epic Experiment more effective. Also why do you have X cards like Devil's Play and Increasing Confusion? With Epic Experiment X is 0.
First off, your mana base is all wrong. You can't have 7 7 7 because you have more blue than black and green. So fix that as a first thing. Second, your spells are very random. It looks like you did this without much thinking. Why a single Duress? In a mill deck? It makes very little sense. So start by removing Duress, Traumatize, Dream Twist, Mind Sculpt, and focus on winning with Axebane Guardian + Increasing Confusion.
When I read the title I lol'd.
Check out Disciple of the Vault. You also might want to use the artifact lands.
I agree. Drop at least 1 Riders and add the 4th Silverblade. They're just too good.
Because Show and Tell needs you to have the Eldrazi in your hand. Same for Elvish Piper. Defense of the Earth/Natural Order is the most reliable way to work it. I know it would be completely different, but for me it's pointless to have an illegal deck that you never gonna use. It's like making decks with 4 black lotus, I just don't see the point in doing that. That said, I don't dislike the idea, as I already said. But to me it would be better if it was legal.
Gigadrowse would actually be AMAZING for flipping Erayo. The only problem is that is slightly less useful than the other cards I'm using. Yes, I could remove Daze or Flusterstorm because it's unlikely that counters with "spend 1 more" actually work, but still. They are counters and I don't have that many. I would be glad to hear from you guys about this. Cyclonic rift goes in, I didn't update it with RTR :) Thanks!
I like it, but it's a shame that it's SO illegal. With a little effort, it could very well be an excellent competitive deck (Forbidden Orchard + Defense of the Earth or Natural Order)
Very good deck. Jace's Archivist would work really well here.
Well, once you get the Erayo/Arcane Laboratory combo out, you can just keep on playing until you win with Blighted Agent. I mean, there's no hurry. Add an Elixir of immortality for super-long games. If you need any other idea, please check out my Blue Essence deck based on Erayo and leave a comment. Thanks
Ahah that's got to be the most epic comment I've ever received :D And that is quite what I was aiming for actually! Surgical extraction would be useful in many ways, but it's a black card and I really wanted to keep these "Essence" decks pure. At least, that was the original point in making them :) Come on post some link, I'd be glad to share some thought, and I honestly don't believe they "suck". No no. :)
Looks very inconsistent. Too many other win cond and not enough ramp imo.
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