And while we are on the black subject, Tainted Strike is an alternative way to win if you can't manage to pull off the 20 damage.
WOW. I'm really impressed with this idea, I absolutely love it. You could add The Rack for longer games. Sooner or later, your opponent will have no cards in hand, so why not take advantage.
As far as equipment decks go, I find Stoneforge Mystic and Puresteel Paladin absolutely necessary. Please take a look here. It's not really an equipment deck, but those are a major focus of the deck.
Not really, I think it's fine. BUT... if you'd ask me, I'd suggest you using Mulch instead of the Skaabs.
Do you want Sadistic Sacrament to be your win condition or you just want to have it there to be annoying?
I quite like it.
Well how was I supposed to know you wanted to keep it modern? Fauna Shaman works too I guess.
You know what else would be cool but kinda hard to pull off? Splashing to black and adding virulent swipe. Classy.
Thank you!
Not exactly. Gravecrawler is still vital, I would get rid only of Carrion Feeder. What I had in mind was "Tokenizing" the deck a little, with the enchantments I wrote. Lord of the Undead allows you to recover zombies you discard for Zombie Infestation, for example. You can do that with a Gravecrawler too, and replay it. But I see your deck is really oriented towards the Carrion Feeder/Gravecrawler combo, so these are advices you probably wouldn't like very much :)
Rather than going for the abused Carrion Feeder/Gravecrawler combo, I'd stick with a more classic approach, and find some place for useful cards like Lord of the Undead, Endless Ranks of the Dead, and maybe some other token generator like Zombie Infestation + Volrath's Stronghold or Haunted Crossroads. P.s. Bump to the front page. You're welcome.
Needs creature removal. -4 Mind Rot +4 Murder
Too bad Tinker & Sol Ring are limited.
What kind of advice do you need. Please explain yourself.
"Nim" creatures would work really well here. BTW I think 16 lands are definitely not enough
Cool idea, Wordly tutor for fetching the 2 creatures and Cultivate/Explore for ramping and being faster (High mana cost anyone?)
I would stuff a deck like this with "Pay life" cards and have an almost endless supply. Sorry I have nothing more specific in mind, besides maybe Hatred.
Really good deck.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
Oh yes, Perimeter Captain is another OP one.
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