
55 Decks, 592 Comments, 118 Reputation

Damn that's clever. Thanks for clarifying.

Posted 25 October 2018 at 15:22 in reply to #618983 on show and pact


Win cond...?

Posted 25 October 2018 at 14:32 as a comment on show and pact


I wanted to make one of these for a long time, but I never really had a good enough idea to make it work.
I THINK, for life manipulation you either use the Tree like the other guy said, or you use some red tims like Prodigal Pyromancer to have more precise control of it.
Most of your instants are useless: your goal is to bring the opponent to 13, thus you only need to do 7 damage in most circumstances. And yet you've got Lightning Helix and Bolt, Boros Charm, Blessing, way too much stuff in my opinion.

Posted 18 April 2018 at 14:18 as a comment on Unlucky Number 13


Hey, thanks for checking out my deck and for your comment :)

Why do you say that Empyrial Armor is not an Aura? Updated wording looks correct, which makes sense, since basically every "Enchant Creature" has become an Aura. See for reference: https://magiccards.info/wl/en/129.html

Considering this, would you still suggest removing it?

Posted 15 April 2018 at 19:48 in reply to #613967 on Elite


I think - and I may be wrong - that the copies you create with iso scepter don't count as "Spell cast", thus they don't trigger Paradox Engine.

Posted 06 April 2018 at 13:24 as a comment on Paradox scepter


Altar of Dementia might fit I think? It's not a mill deck I know, but it looks like you don't have a lot of options to sacrifice stolen creatures.

Posted 04 April 2018 at 15:05 as a comment on More Spirit Stuff


Oh I almost forgot 2 things:

- You may want to include an elixir of immortality in case the game stalls and you run out of cards before the opponent. It's not really necessary since you could always attack if in a tight spot, but you never know.
- Aren't Wild Research activated abilities white and blue? You're gonna need multicolor lands.

Posted 29 March 2018 at 12:16 in reply to #613476 on Death By Manabarbs


Nice changes, I like it.
Good job everyone, time for cookies.

Posted 29 March 2018 at 01:56 in reply to #613476 on Death By Manabarbs


I would ditch every damage amplification you have. It's a lockdown deck, you can have the luxury of winning 1 damage at a time.
You have limited options: either creatures with Defender, or mass board clearing such as Earthquake, Magmaquake, Flamebreak, Pyrokinesis. No ideas on acceleration besides cards like Pyretic Ritual, but I don't really like those.

Posted 28 March 2018 at 19:42 in reply to #613476 on Death By Manabarbs


What's the plan for surviving 8 or more turns...?

Posted 28 March 2018 at 16:14 as a comment on Death By Manabarbs


That's quite an elegant combo. Bravo.

Posted 27 March 2018 at 17:35 as a comment on 3 Card Instant Win: Turn 3


16 (SIXTEEN) cards that says "Your creatures/target creature gets xxx" and 4 creatures in your deck.

That's a fail.

Posted 27 March 2018 at 16:18 as a comment on Kill the Creatures


Hah, sorry, I totally overlooked co-op game modes. Then no changes are needed as far as I can tell.
Let me know if you'll build something else like this, I really like this kind of concept - and the flavor.

Posted 27 March 2018 at 10:50 in reply to #611341 on Nathan Addington's Orig. Deck


You can't have multiple Krark's Thumb, it's a legendary. Your single Mirror Gallery is not enough if you want to consistently be able to play it. Consider Fabricate.

Mana Screw is not even a legal card. Is this deck supposed to be serious?

Posted 26 March 2018 at 12:03 as a comment on Coin flip.(need advice/help)


That's how it's done. Good job.
Don't agree with playing Ensnaring Bridge tho.

Posted 22 March 2018 at 13:24 as a comment on Discard Son!


Thank you so much :)
I made several of these Pandemonium decks, and Ball Lightning is the main source of damage in my first one ever. You can find it on my list, it's the "P1" one. I didn't include them in here because I wanted to make it more different, but other than that you're absolutely right, they're really good in this kind of concept.

Posted 04 March 2018 at 16:42 in reply to #612594 on P3 - Selfdestruct


Yeah I think you could do that. Courier has basically the same function as a Thopter, but it could do some damage on its own. Same thing for Filthy Cur, those creatures basically have the same function, so you could swap them around as you see fit, there's no decisive right or wrong choice.

Fire Covenant is situational I think. In a perfect opening hand, you have an almost guaranteed win at turn 3, but would be not as good in a lategame situation, or against an aggro deck that can damage you faster than you can damage him. You could spare a couple if you've got some free space in the deck, but I'd personally not make it my win condition.

Glad to help :) And congrats again for building something original. This stuff keeps the game fresh, I really appreciate it.

Posted 01 March 2018 at 12:16 in reply to #612440 on Binding Fire


Very good concept and very good potential, but unfortunately much of it is wasted.

First of all, you've got a little bit of everything, which is okay, but I think that focusing on less ways to do what you want to do would be more efficient. For example, what's the purpose of doing 20 damage to every creature? You only need one creature at a time, as your main sources of damage are single target, and your main "link" cards are the auras.
Second, your mana is not nearly enough to cast CMC > 5 efficiently. I'm 100% sure you're NEVER gonna be able to use the tower, for example. Either you had a good hand and won earlier, or your opponent destroyed you by your 9th turn.

Consider trimming everything to pursue a single strategy: I like the indestructible Myrs a lot, so I'd do 4 of those, 4 thopters, 4 traders, a couple of stuffies. Only the auras for the "link", Shivan Meteor + Lightning Bolt + Crushing Pain for damage.

If you really want to go the "Massive damage" route, you're gonna need this. https://magiccards.info/ud/en/95.html

Posted 28 February 2018 at 18:10 as a comment on Binding Fire


I don't think that's how Hypergenesis works. You and the other players play one permanent at a time, until someone chooses not to. You can't just play everything you have in your hand, it wouldn't make sense for the way is written. It says one permanent, and to repeat the process.

Posted 21 February 2018 at 20:25 in reply to #612037 on U/G Hypergenesis


Depends on how aggressive you wanna be. You can either have 1 Tim do all the work while you control he field with spells (Like the mirror and Time Warp) or you could have more Tims and double your power.
I'm kinda of a jerk so I like to dominate the field and make the opponent rage quit, but you could very well put in a Prodigal Sorcerer or two. Just remember it's a different playstyle.

Oh and I almost forgot: check out Illusionist’s Bracers. You may find it interesting.

Posted 19 February 2018 at 20:34 in reply to #612007 on Blue Ping Combos Idea


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