I like this. My suggestion is to get rid of around half your bounce spells (you got 12, I think 6 is enough) and high tide, to favor search cards like Impulse, Telling Time, Preordain, Intuition, Brainstorm, all your usual stuff.Counterspell for emergencies might be appropriate.
This, and Khalni Heart Expedition.
Alright then :) Here's my share:Cards you want to play:- Hymn to Tourach, because 2 random cards for BB.- Dismember, because it's one of the most overlooked and yet effective creature removal tool.- Cabal coffers + Consume Spirit- Hypnotic Specter, because 2/2 flying that makes opponent discard.- Painful Quandary, because why not.- NyxathidSo as you can see I'd give this deck some more sexy discard power.This is why I would get rid of:- Corrupt. You don't have enough swamps nor mana ramp to make it worth.- Have no more than 8 creature removal cards.- Swarmyard- Ruthless cullblade, there are more efficient creaturesIf you're interested, one of my oldest deck could be further source of inspiration. This one:http://www.mtgvault.com/razka/decks/tell-me-your-secrets/Hope this helps :)
Skullcage doesn't seems that great of a wincon... Black Vise would be a much better choice, since with the opponent locked down he won't be able to play cards - Thus having 7, inb4 Black Vise.
Oh the good ols Trix is an adult now.Really nice take on the concept, love all the possibilities here. Nefarious Lich is kinda risky tho. 4 black mana in a dual color deck is not a guaranteed thing. Other than that, really amazing job here.
Hello there.Open for suggestions?
Heavily edited. I got a little carried away xD but your suggestions made quite a lot of sense to me, so I adapted the whole deck to make it more "Titan based".Thank you very much sir :)
Good call, I could try and add some artifact ramp - I like Sol Ring and Wayfarer's Bauble better tho.What do you think I could remove for, say, 4 total?
Liked because beer.
Well yes. But Decimate is still a "Destroy 4 permanents for 4 mana", I quite enjoy it.And even if you need 4 targets, you can target the same permanent multiple times if it's got multiple types - artifact creatures and so on.Nice stuff.
Thanks for the heads up.Slightly edited, still needs some work, but I think I'm heading the right way.
Yeah exactly xDAlso, I wouldn't look over at least a couple of Decimate.
How come there's no Stone Rain or Molten Rain?
I'm more about this kind of thirst. Please make a deck about it.http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Thirst&defid=5374982
Well there's 2 things wrong with this deck imo.First is the mana curve. It's atrocious and could cause you lots of trouble.Second, it's the overkill. You've got so many big creatures that you're not even gonna need half of those.Solution for both problems: Get rid of some of those demons (doesn't really matter which one, they're all quite powerful so it all comes down to personal preference) and replace them with useful stuff like Terminate, Dreadbore, Night's Whispers, Dark Ritual, and of course some form of tutor: Gamble and Demonic Tutor if you have money, otherwise just stick with Diabolic Tutor.If you could drop your feedback here I'd really appreciate it. Thank you sir.http://www.mtgvault.com/razka/decks/make-this-deck-better-plox/http://www.mtgvault.com/razka/decks/do-not-blink-oh-god/
Yeah he's been kind of a jerk. But he was still right, so it was worth mentioning.
Looks cool, I like it.Sorin could find a place in here maybe?
Unfortunately he's right. I didn't know that either - I thought you just had to pay life - but I checked and this is the ruling from 2013. Bummer.4/15/2013: You must pay both X life and {X}{B}. For example, if you want each other player to lose 2 life when Bond of Agony resolves, you must pay {2}{B} and 2 life.
Puresteel Paladin also provides you card drawing, which is always nice. Not to mention you got unlimited equip cost = 0 when you got 3 or more artifacts on the field, so basically every game.But your red splashed version here still works good. Nice job.
Looks promising but I personally wouldn't invest in alternate win conds like Helix Pinnacle. I'd go 100% creature hardcore with ramp and stuff.If you could drop your feedback here I'd really appreciate it. Thank you sir.http://www.mtgvault.com/razka/decks/make-this-deck-better-plox/http://www.mtgvault.com/razka/decks/do-not-blink-oh-god/
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