I really like what you're trying to do here, but I'm a little perplexed about the "heavy card drawing": where is it?Also, keep in mind that Hypergenesis is one card at a time. As soon as your opponent figures out what you're doing, he's not going to play anything with HG and thus breaking your streak. You've done well to put in other freecastings.
My pleasure. I like it way better than before, and I hope you do too :)
When I build blue decks, I usually put in a lot of card searching, so I'd put in something like Brainstorm, Serum Vision, Telling Time, Ponder, Preordain, the usual stuff.I don't think you should be investing a lot in disabling creatures: your strategy should be bouncing them. In this regard you could consider Aphetto Alchemist and Hidden Strings to ping more with the Tim.
Well as far as Tims + Sigil of Sleep goes, it's okay.What's the point of Oyster, Memnarch, Geist & Clone?
Thank you so much ^_^ I'm glad you liked it, and I'd be glad to hear what you think about the others.
Not bad at all. But since your "Quest" is pretty crucial, and I mean I can't see this deck winning without that + Argentum Armor, I'd invest in some Idyllic Tutor/Enlightened Tutor to be sure.Not so budget, I know.
Well Sin Collector fits quite nicely in your deck, but if you're looking for cheaper mana alternatives... as far as clerics goes, my absolute favorite is Mother of Runes (Pssst, check out my "White Essence" deck if you're interested xD). That creature is 100% gamebreaking. Grand Abolisher is a close second.I think you might also like Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, but it's not as strong in your specific deck concept. You need live clerics to bring out the Scion.Glad to be of help :)
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, my bad, I'll try and better explain what I meant:I'm not against the concept of"Discarding", but I can't help but question the "Discard a creature from opponent's hand", unllike "Duress", which is fine because it lets you get rid of some nasty spells you wouldn't normally be able to deal with.I mean, Duress makes more sense because you don't have counterspells for Instant/Sorceries, and you don't have disenchants for Artifacts/Enchantments, but creatures are way more easiliy disposable. It's not necessarily wrong for you to play Despise instead of, let's say, "Vindicate". I just think it's not as useful as killing something the opponent has already played.Remembrance is a really smart choice, agreed 100%
I like the concept, and the deck's not bad, I just think it's overly complicated. If someone told me "Hey, try building a deck based on speed and invulnerability" I'd probably go straight for ramp into tooth and nail (BTW, not to be shamelessly promoting my own decks, but you could find more fast ideas here: http://www.mtgvault.com/razka/decks/green-creature-manipulation/) and play Avacyn. Then for assuring your victory, play Privileged Position (enlightened tutor? Sterling grove?).My point is, you only need those two cards to achieve what you're trying to do. I would put my focus on those instead of having all that other stuff in your deck.MAYBE some form of life gaining to avoid red decks explosions, but I wouldn't worry about it that much.
Dawn Elemental for more Chroma action? A little bit of blinking spells to trigger the Shepherd?Damn now I want to have my own goat deck.
That's 100% correct. Even if you have to sacrifice it immediately, it still entered the battlefield. ;)Thanks for checking out my deck, glad you liked it!
I think it's not good for this deck to have two very different approaches. I believe you should choose between doing damage by drawing with Niv-Mizzet (In which case you should DEFINITELY add Mindmoil, Tolarian Winds and maybe Psychosis Crawler ), and self-milling with Laboratory Maniac, in which case I'd still play Tolarian Winds, maybe Jin-Gitaxias if you manage to cheat him in play, Show and Tell is always a good option.Either way, I wouldn't mix these two concepts in a single deck.Edit: I didn't notice it was a Modern deck. Nevermind the Tolarian Winds then.
I like it. I'd swap Despise with Terror (or swords to plowshares or whatever): it's much better to let the opponent waste mana and possibly a turn to play something that will die, instead of making him discard it.Please clean up that ugly sideboard.
VERY nice concept, and very nice budget. Great job.
Hey I'm loving your 5 mono colored sweet decks. Also great $$$ price for all of them, bravo sir.
It was when I commented, you just took the "Low Budget" tag out. I can see you edited tags and description, no reason to lie about it, I don't particularly care anyways.
Deck's not really creatureless tho...?I suggest you take out Fire Servant. You'll NEVER play him with only 16 lands. I'd personally play with 19/20 lands, because you may want to use those Reverberate and you need around 4 mana to do so.Vexing Devil could fit well in here, but it's not low-price.Fireblast goes well in any burn deck.
I'd advise against the Simians as well: unless you're trying some cheesy crazy expensive combo, I feel they've got no place in any consistent deck.What I'd do is to somehow put in some kind of "Every player sacrifices a creature" or "Sacrifice a creature: blablabla" card. That way you could make good use of Geralf's Undying. Something like Viscera Seer or Mind Slash.
Nice try, but discard decks doesn't work like this. Your win conditions are Megrim/Liliana's Caress, so you've got to wait until turn 3 to start making him discard.By turn 3, your opponent has a Vampire Nighthawk, or a green 4/4 with trample if he's playing green, or several goblins, etc. And you're gonna die.You have to rethink your strategy. Either you make him empty his hand ASAP and win with creatures, or you add creature removal and you transform your discard in a "Draw+Discard" deck with Cephalid Broker.
You forgot the "Budget" tag
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