You're still up a land after you cast Harrow. You don't set Scute Mob back a turn unless you miss the land drop on turn 4. The reason Harrow is better in Stompy, specifically is since it boosts you up one land while also providing two untapped lands to play a creature or two on turn 3.
Definitely needs more lands in addition to some ramp. 24 lands usually curve off to 4cmc, so you're going to want like 27/28, in my opinion. This deck really can't afford to miss a land drop until turn 6 or so. Mana ramp you could look into: Cultivate, Explore, Kodoma's Reach, etc. Otherwise looks like a pretty fun tribal-esque deck to play. Hopefully nobody runs Baneslayer in your playgroup. Hohoho.
I would replace the 4x Jwar Isle Refuge with the B/U Manland, Creeping Tar Pit. The 1 life from Jwar Isle Refuge is essentially neglible, but the unblockable 3 damage from Creeping Tar Pit really helps against Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Also, Mana Leak is more powerful than most people think it is. All W/U and B/U run 4x Mana Leak in their Main deck. Even most RUG Turboland run 4x Mana Leak mainboard, I think. I would replace the 4x Unsummon with Mana Leak. Oh and trim your deck down to 60 cards for consistency (take out Contaminated Ground since you're a mill deck) then try Tome Scour with Echo Mage. Finally, make sure you sideboard in graveyard hate (Nihil Spellbomb) for Eldrazi Ramp or you'll get an auto loss.
Indestructibility does not prevent the exile effect of Path to Exile. What you're looking for is Whispersilk Cloak, Lightning Greaves, Neurok Stealthsuit, or a couple other equipment that provide shroud. Also, there's no need to run 4x Shield of Kaldra and 4x Sword of Kaldra. Both are legendaries and multiple draws of either are dead. Essence Feed isn't as useful as Corpse Hatch although neither is actually very good... And you have 5x Dragonskull Summit. Quick edit will fix that.
Considering the curve of your deck, you're going to want like 30lands...Most Eldrazi decks run 27-28 with legit ramp such as Explore and Cultivate. Yours only has 20 lands with limited Eldrazi Spawn ramp. Also, 4x Emrakul is overkill. If you don't want to start with a 15cmc card in your opening hand, then run 2.
Considering the mana curve of your deck (extremely high), I would play at least 24 lands. 20 simply isn't enough to be able to multikick a card as many times as you want. Also, I would take out Skitter of Lizard for the extra 4 lands since the creature doesn't actually do much.
You've got 8x Overruns now. =) I would replace 2 for 2x Eldrazi Monument. God with his wrath and special Day is better than a handful of squirrels. That is unless they have Eldrazi to back them up. Also, I think 2x Deranged Hermit still deserves its slot in the squirrel theme. However, I am glad you took out Nut Collector. Personally, I would go 22x with 2x additional mana accel (explore/harrow) and the 2x Deranged Hermit because of the expensive pump-up spells you're going to be running (overrun, eldrazi monument, coat of arms, garruk)
Where's Deranged Hermit? Even if you don't echo it, it still throws down 4 squirrels for you to overrun with the turn after. Imo, it's way better than Nut Collector. After all, by the time you have 7 mana, you're probably going to lose next turn. And even if you survive, you won't get 4 squirrels until four turns have passed by. Also, Garruk Wildspeaker is better than Overwhelming Stampede. The Stampede is reliant on Coat of Arms for any ability whatsoever (besides +1+1 to all your creatures). Garruk can produce beasts when you need blockers.
Well, he can almost make it into an EDH deck now. Anyways, if you're going to run your black bombs (Lord of the Pit and Xathrid Demon), you're going to want a lot more creatures to sac to their triggered abilities.
Doomblade or if you're really nitpickey about the non-black, then go for Rend Flesh. Who runs spirits anyways? You make Dauthi Embrace sound good on paper, but the mana cost of it and the loss of a card that should be a Doom Blade-esque or creature spell is pretty disappointing. If you're going for 24 lands, then go Corrupt as well. I tried to run mono white shadow and it didn't work. The life gain was better than none, but there aren't enough shadow creatures to make a good deck. None of them beat the curve (provide more damage per one mana than a shock). In fact, they're all below the curve.
The problem with Carnifex Demon is that it kills more of your creatures than your opponent's. 3x Darksteel Myr (despite indestructibility, it still dies to -1/-1 effects), 3x Ichorclaw Myr, 3x Thrummingbird, 3x Plague Stinger, 2x Ichor Rats. That's a lot of creatures that it kills on your side of the field. I would just go Skithyrx or something. Also, what do you mean by standard game mechanic?
Needs Gold Myr and more mana if you think you'll ever get the 9 mana for Darksteel Forge. Also, that Darksteel Forge really won't do much, like cornbread_88 said. By then, you're either dead or...yeah. Just dead. Also, Perilous Myr > Ichorclaw Myr in this deck. You can have Perilous Myr sit back untapped to keep your opponent from swinging in with his 1/2/3 toughness creature.
Instead of using lifegain cards, you should be running overrun effects such as Garruk Wildspeaker, more Ezuri Renegade, or even Overrun... In most cases, lifegain with a weenie deck is only good against early game aggro (RDW, WW). When you're facing up against a mid-game/late-game deck, you're just stalling your inevitable death by using "gain 6 life." With elves, you should want to end the game as soon as you're able to muster up an overrun attack.
Goblin Buswhacker would be a nice addition to the 1/1 with Haste theme. I would take out Firebreathing for him. After all, with only one toughness creatures, the creature you enchant will easily fall to any creature with power. You'll lose card advantage if you trade 2 cards (Firebreathing and a 1/1 hastey) with your opponent's 1/1. Also, you should run 18 lands because you can usually keep 1 mana hands. Goblin Guide is great, but isn't a 1/1, unfortunately. =(
Too reliant on Kiln Fiend If you're running blue then throw in distortion strike. Condemn/Mana Leak = your worst enemies. If your opponent runs either, your 4x Kiln Fiends which you'll draw into every third game or so, won't be enough.
what do you need dauthi embrace for? Dauthi Warlord is far more useful.
Blow $60 and 3x arid mesa and 3x marsh flats to replace evolving wilds and Terramorphic Expanse. Otherwise take out the "fail fetch" and the adventuring gear and replace the adventuring gear with either trusty machete or Sqaudron Hawk (for quest).
Elvish piper can be a supplement way of throwing cards into play. And definitely as Jackpuddy said, you're going to need multiple land colors to help out Fist of Suns in case you don't draw into Joiner Adept (or it gets removed).
throw in 4x glacial fortress to make it more consistent for the blue mana draw. I think you should be more worried about day of judgment than path to exile. Spell Pierce/Negate might be a good replacement for Turn Aside for those turn 4 DoJs.
I think you'd be better off with Stoneforge Mystic than Captain of the Watch/Sunblast Angel. The ability to pull Argentum into play is really useful. I also don't think you should run sideboard material in your main deck; Devout Lightcaster and Celestial Purge are only usable in certain games. Oblivion Ring/Path to Exile would be good replacements for Celestial Purge.
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