
11 Decks, 100 Comments, 6 Reputation

Goblin Tunneler would be much more useful than flamekin harbinger.

1. Make your Kiln Fiend unblockable.
2. Cast lighting bolts/etc.
3. attack
4. fling.
5. ???

Also, I would take out the psychotic fury for assault strobe or double cleave. You lose the card draw, but at least you gain the ability to give kiln fiend double strike. Or you could take out the double strike for more burns. But all in all having 2 cards that only work with 4 other cards seems unlikely to be drawn.

Posted 23 September 2010 at 23:35 as a comment on rokuyukai


Coat of Arms is more likely to help your opponent than yourself. I don't see how you'll get enough barbarians into play for the +1/+1s to be significant enough to play coat of arms. And if you're facing another tribal deck (ex. elves or wolves) you'll screw yourself over.

Burns might be useful for late game when you can't get damage through. Lightning Bolt, searing blaze, etc.

Still looks like a pretty fun deck though.

Posted 22 September 2010 at 10:53 as a comment on The barbarians rage can be felt by all


Under what circumstances would you need to sideboard Lone Missionary into the deck? I personally think Brave the Elements would be a much more proper sideboard card. After all, Pyroclasm > Soul Sisters.

Ajani's Mantra should be replaced by Rest for the Weary. The 1 life a turn thing for Ajani's Pridemate really is not very useful.

Finally, Journey to Nowhere > Pacifism in most cases. O ring is fun too.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 17:39 as a comment on Life gain v2.0


probably a bad source to pull a rule from, but w/e. =)

As you can see the letter "b" in debt stands for how creatures of color "x" can't block a creature that has protection from "x"

Posted 19 September 2010 at 18:33 in reply to #87643 on Soldier


Take out the join the ranks and Inspired Charge for 4x brave the elements. You need the ability to attack without being blocked and the protection that brave the elements provides allows you to do just that.

Join the Ranks just isn't worth playing because you're only running 8 allies in a 60card deck. To fully employ join the ranks power, imo you need at least 3 allies in play. The chance of getting 3/8 of your allies is slim.

Inspired Charge is just a weak card.

I would replace Nomads' Assembly with Conqueror's pledge for the ability to attack with the soldier tokens on turn 6. Even if you play nomads' assembly on turn 6, you probably won't attack until turn 8 to maximize the token production. If you haven't won the game by turn 8 and your opponent is running mana ramp to emrakul/polymorph to emrakul/a solid deck/etc, you'll probably lose. UNLESS, you can pull off a turn 8 brave the elements (which you need), to freely attack with all your weenies.

I used to run Silver Knight because they were inexpensive and they did their job in certain games. If you have lots of money, get knights of the white orchid. If you have some money, get knight of meadowgrain. Or if you find yourself facing lots of burns decks in your play group as opposed to mono block vampire decks, replace your white knights.

Seeing as silver knight is a legacy card, you might as well run Spectral Procession. I have won way too many games with one spectral procession and two honors of the pure. 3 1/1 flying spirit tokens for 3 mana very powerful when paired with honor of the pure.

Leonin Skyhunter is better than Suntail Hawk. 1/1 flying going unblocked isn't that big a deal for your opponent. a 2/2 flyer can actually do dmg.

I'm not sure how good your mana curve is, but you ever feel as though you're too mana flooded, you should consider wasting $80 on 4x Marsh Flats and 4x Arid Mesas. After all, the pros do that in Standard. A cheaper alternative is to take out 2 plains, but who the hell would do that?

Finally, sideboard some o rings/journey to nowhere in case you ever do face a mana ramp/polymorph to Emrakul.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 18:25 as a comment on White Weenie Beat Down


You need greater auramancy and I would replace Holy Strength with Armored Ascension for the damage and flying. But the shroud from auramancy is definitely necessary if you're going to play auras. After all, terminate/path to exile/etc. on a card with auras attached to it gives card advantage.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 12:14 as a comment on Kitsune


Ajani's Mantra = Convalescence but better if you can consider it so. All in all, they're both pretty worthless.

Honor of the Pure = Crusade but better if you're only playing 1v1s.

Ghoslty Prison is sideboard because it's a waste of a card if your opponent runs no creatures. Leyline of Sanctity should be sideboarded because your opponent might not run mill/target burn.

I would throw in a playset of Brave the Elements and also add in 2 lands. Emeria, the sky ruin, if you find yourself with loads of mana most games.

Posted 17 September 2010 at 18:22 as a comment on Protect the Guards


I would take out the pyromancers for two more kabira evangel. I used to run a naya ally deck and I noticed that whenever I had a couple of akoum battlesingers and one kabira, the game was won. they won't be able to block and ur guys will have ridiculous dmg.

Also, Ajani should be replaced with some more kazuuls because the vigilance seems unnecessary for blocking when you have ondu cleric for life gain.

Posted 17 September 2010 at 16:39 as a comment on boros allies


I think you're thinking of Even the Odds.

It's not very good.

I would trade out crusade for honor of the pure in case you go into a white aggro mirror match. Also, brave the elements can win games when you allow all of your attackers to go through the enemy defense.

Finally, what are you supposed to do vs Bankslayer? Sideboard in some paths/journey/o ring if you don't want to mainboard the creature control.

Posted 16 September 2010 at 17:40 in reply to #87643 on Soldier


The reason I think that leyline of sanctity is a sideboard card is because not all decks run cards that target the opponent. For instance, I run a white aggro deck that focuses on creatures + creature control, but never targets the opponent once.

However, depending on the standard tournaments you go to, you might find that lots of people run decks with some sort of burn or other spells that target players. If so, then leyline of sanctity would be a great main board. It's very situational otherwise.

Haha, now that I think about, the only reason I run 8x creature control is because my friend can afford bankslayers while i'm running mooched conqueror's pledges. =)

Posted 15 September 2010 at 22:58 in reply to #87452 on Knights in Monochrome - Standard (M11)


Looks like a fun deck when you're playing against another white/black deck. Otherwise when playing against a non-white, non-black deck, it seems destined to fail. =)

With its high mana cost knights for minimal power and toughness that only get boosts when playing vs black or white decks, this deck will fall behind quickly.

I would recommend going for an entirely dual white/black deck to base around deathbringer liege. which means add in nightsky mimic, nip gwyllion, edge of divinity, unmake, ass whuppin' (jk, vindicate), etc.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 22:16 as a comment on Mirrored


indestructibility does nothing vs path to exile and journey to nowhere. It's a sideboard card at best and even then...

I would take out join the ranks because they only help hada/kazandu. the chances of drawing enough hadas + kazandus to make a join the ranks worth it is way to little. replace them with more field marshalls.

replace glorious anthem with honor of the pure because the one mana makes a difference.

i would take out angelic blessing for brave the elements because of the ability to send all attackers through unblocked or to protect your field from a chain reaction board wipe.

replace makindi with more aggro soldiers like veteran swordsmith.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 21:22 as a comment on Elspeth Personified


leyline of sanctity is more of a sideboard card. i would remove unholy strength to put leyline of sanctity into the sideboard. then put 2x creature control into the main.

it's too bad knight of the white orchid is leaving standard.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 14:03 as a comment on Knights in Monochrome - Standard (M11)


Baneslayer > you. I would recommend throwing in some creature control such as o ring, journey to nowhere, path to exile to replace honor of the pure/marshal's anthem.

Posted 11 September 2010 at 21:02 as a comment on Kor Assault (standard)


I think you might have problems with the whole legendary rule effect seeing as you're running three play sets of legendaries.

Also, I would personally run 22 lands for consistency. Consider some Jund Panoramas for the black green combo. After all, without actually having green mana, you won't be able to play bloodbond march.

Finally since you're running black/green, you might want maelstrom pulse in your sideboard against certain decks. It might even be solid in your main deck, but you'll have to watch out for redirects.

Posted 11 September 2010 at 13:11 as a comment on Relentless March


Why is cyroclasm in the main deck? It can't be used if the opponent doesn't control a plains or island. Throw in pulse of the forge if you take cyroclasm out. Replacing shock for searing blaze wouldn't be too bad either.

Also sideboard combust for baneslayer decks.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 20:30 as a comment on deep burn


Path to Exile, Journey to Nowhere, Oblivion Ring, and any other creature removal owns enchantments. Your umbras can potentially give your opponents significant card advantage. I would sideboard them and add more significant level up creatures or even creature control.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 19:38 as a comment on level up


Cloud Crusader is too expensive for his abilities.
Ajani's Mantra doesn't do anything.
Get more creatures for Honor of the Pure.
Knight of the White Orchid.
You're going to need more than 17 lands.

Posted 05 September 2010 at 07:34 as a comment on Knights of DeMarea


I wouldn't run 4 coat of arms since it costs too much to play. Also there's a good chance it'll help your opponent more than it'll help you seeing as you can only have so many elephants in play.

I think Overrun would be useful in this deck for the trample effect.

Posted 04 September 2010 at 21:00 as a comment on Elephant


1. Change the name of the deck.
2. Get Baneslayer and replace the unplayable Serra Angel.
3. Silvercoat Lion sucks, Siege Mastadon sucks, Cloud Crusader sucks.
4. get 4x of the good and less expensive (mana-wise) cards which in this case is like only Elite Vanguard.
5. Don't buy a booster box to make a deck out of that. Buy singles. <3
IMO, go mono white because the black cards you run aren't amazing. Then get oblivion rings, journey to nowhere, or paths to replace the black control.
Ajani's Pridemate does not work in this deck. Ajani's mantra is bad and you only have one. Either get a playset of soul wardens and 4x Ajani's Pridemate or just take out the pridemate.

Posted 04 September 2010 at 12:44 as a comment on Blades of victory Help


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