I think Skithyiryx would be much better replaced with something like a Primeval Titan. After all, its infect means that it does not deal regular combat damage. It only hands out poison and -1/-1 counters. To reiterate, it seems counterproductive to have one creature swinging to hand out 10 poison counters while the others are attacking for the 20 life total.
I don't think any of your slivers have activated abilities that cost mana. This means that Heartstone seems to be useless. I don't see the point of Venser Sliver when you could throw in a sliver with an actual ability. Also, I think in most cases I would rather have a Winged Sliver than a Shadow Sliver because of the ability to block. Naturalize is bad because it takes a slot where a sliver should be. Finally, if you're going to run virulent sliver, run 4x. Otherwise I would replace that one slot with another Gemhide.
I think you mean you need 24 more cards for the main deck. You only have 36 atm. Anyways, atm Primeval Titan is usually used in red/green to ramp into 4x Valakuts for the mountain burns. It can also be used to ramp into legendary Eldrazi quite easily. However, you seem to want Titan as your win condition which doesn't seem too impressive. Lotus Cobras are pretty expensive, but when utilized with fetch lands are able to create immense amounts of mana. Summoning Trap is really nice if you're running Eldrazi or if you're playing against a white/blue control deck. Cultivate is a nice mana ramp card. 4x Overgrown Battlements with 4x Wall of Omens (splashed white) produces ridiculous amounts of mana. Ancient Stirrings is useful for the Eldrazi suggestion.
I actually run Knight of Meadowgrain in my own white deck, but if I was willing to dish out $20 for a playset of Knights of the White Orchid, I would run them instead. Also, for Demystify, I think that the slots would be much better utilized with Kor Firewalker. I don't think that too many people run enchantment/aura decks that are extremely competitive whereas RDW seem harder to beat.
What you don't need is additional damage such as from Blanchwood Armor. More so since it's an aura. If an opponent simply uses terminate/path to exile/doom blade/etc on the enchanted creature, you lose 2 cards when they only lose 1. However, something like Overrun or Overwhelming Stampede would be more useful in certain games where the opponent has plenty of chump blockers on the field. I think Explore would be a more useful card than Wild Growth because of the draw card.
I personally prefer Goblin Bushwhacker over Warren Instigator due to the amount of creatures you should have on the board by turn 2/3. Warren Instigator, in my personal opinion, seems like the type of goblin that tries to get a Siege-Tank or something relatively expensive into play. However, you may beg to differ; I really do mean beg. =) Assault Strobe is absolutely horrid in goblin. Your strongest guy is a 2/2. Oh boy one mana to let it deal 2 more dmg. If you wanted to keep Warren, then Bushwhacker could easily replace assault strobe. Finally, I prefer Searing blaze over Flame Sash because of its damage that it deals to the opponent. However, Flame Sash works wonders against wall of omens, so either burn works in the main. Perhaps a split of 2-2 for the burns? Cerebral Eruption looks like fun. =)
Leylin of Vitality is unnecessary. The life gain is minimal since you'll only be playing one creature a turn, if that. The +0/+1 is usually there to defend against pyroclasm, but the meat of your creatures is high enough. The big thing I want to point out is that you aren't running enough lands. An elf/elfdrazi deck can stand to run 16 lands, but that's because the average mana cost of the deck will be around 2-3. With this deck, you'll definitely need at least 20 minimum if you enjoy repetitive mulligans to 6. 24 lands would be the way to play it safe and prevent too many mulligans. You could throw in birds of paradise or arbor elf if you want a higher chance for a turn 2 leatherback baloth which is actually incredibly powerful. 4x Overgrown Battlements bring in a lot of mana and also provide defense for early game when the big beasts can't be played. But besides the mana curve, the creatures in the deck look pretty decent.
Kemba, Kha Regent is a legendary so you might want to run 2 or 3 to avoid having to worry about holding a dead card in your hand due to the legendary rule. Sunspear Shikari is actually a really nice card. Also, seeing as 20 creatures sometimes draws into too few creatures for me (my friends and I play way too much control), you might want to consider Emeria, the Sky Ruin or even just more creatures. I would prefer Emeria in this case since you have so many pretty plains for the equip costs. Sideboard: Celestial Purge (depending on your metagame), Brave the Elements (for pyroclasm and such), Journey to Nowhere/condemn (creature control), Kor Firewalker (Anti-RDW) Otherwise this deck is looking pretty good seeing as you plan on taking out some Swords of Vengeance. =)
Knight of the White Orchid is a rare for a good reason; it's so useful for that turn 4 Baneslayer assuming you took the draw first and managed to grab 4 lands early on. I would personally replace Deathless Angel or Admonition Angel since the current mana curve goes from like itsy bitsy to "I can't get 9 mana even in a casual setting!" Also, its 2 for a 2/2 first strike isn't terrible for the converted mana cost.
Honor of the Pure will do nothing for 14 creatures. It's only effective when you have a decent number of creatures on the board. You're not exactly going to win the game through creature mass attack. This deck is based around having 1 or 2 creatures equipped like berserkers to swing through for damage. So I would replace the Honors of the Pure with creatures, but if you think equipment is more important then that would work as well. You already have 3x Honor of the Pure in your main deck so you can't have 4x more in your sideboard. =) I would replace them with celestial purges in the sideboard. What's the point of Ajani's Pridemate? He's essentially a 2 for a 2/2 for the entire game because when you have Ajani, the Planeswalker out, you'll be focused on using its -1 ability to give your creatures vigilance. The +1 for 2 life seems rather insignificant for making a 2/2 into a 3/3. Your sideboard could make up the 3 slots lost with Ajani's Pridemate by replacing them with Brave the Elements. After all, there is no situation in which I would want to sideboard in Ajani's Pridemate. Alright that's a lie since I would use him for 2hg with a Soul Sisters partner, but that's a different scenario. =) All in all looks like a fun deck to play. Meow!
With the mana curve, I would run 24 lands. That's especially if you plan on actually saccing lands for your Squirrel Wrangler. Also, I would run 2 Nut Collectors as opposed to 4 just because of the high mana cost. After all a one mana shock/lightning bolt etc. = 6 mana gone to trash.
Reassembling Skelly doesn't combo with kalastria since it's a skeleton and not a vampire. But as dom5513 said, 4x nighthawk is usually standard protocol for a vampire deck. Gatekeepers are iffy depending on what sort of metagame you play in. I'm not a big fan of Blood Seeker, but once again it depends on what sort of decks you play against.
Where's Ancestral Recall? Where's Jace? Where's POWER 9?!! Seems like a great idea, but without unlimited Brainstorm from Jace, I don't see how you'll manage to pull both a Djinn and an Emrakul. Sure you're running loads of card swapping fun, but it'll still be a hard combo to pull off. Still, it looks like a very fun deck.
The deck just runs out of steam way too quickly. Using the 0 mana artifacts are great, but when they don't do anything besides allow a sacrifice for Kuldotha Rebirth, you know you're going to have problems. Also, devastating summons is a terrible card because of the following: P1. Devastating summons!! I'm gonna sac 5 lands to get 2x 5/5s into play! P2. Mana Leak...-.-... P1. I lose...No mana and no 5/5s. =*( However, I do like your third turn win capability with 1. Memnite, Sac to Kuldotha Rebirth 2. Bushwhacker kicked. smack for 8 3. Bushwhacker kicked. smack for 10. Lightning Bolt. Unfortunately this assumes that the opponent will have no blockers and that you will have drawn 2x Bushwhackers which seems unlikely. It's a deck with great potential, but atm it's rather weak.
The deck's only win condition is Darksteel Reactor. This mean's that you're going to want 4x preordain, 4x ponder, a tezzeret or two, a jace the mind sculptor or two to help draw into Darksteel Reactor. None of these cards give or take away from your card advantage since you draw one discard one basically. Basically, without Darksteel Reactor, you lose. =) Also take out the Paradise Mantle. They're clogging up a card space that could be used to put counters on Darksteel Reactor or help tutor up Darksteel Reactor. You might want to consider sleep in order to halt your opponent's incoming assault. Other creature control would work as well. Finally, Darksteel Reactor takes a very long time to build up even with the counter doubling assistance from Gilder Bairn. You need to protect the life total as long as possible.
I think we were discussing how you need to boost a creature's power over 0. The toughness is plenty atm. I would try Warmonger's Chariot for the alternate way to deal damage. It also provides the +2 power that you need.
I love Join the Ranks when I have Allies swarming the board, but when there are no allies in play, drawing into a 4 mana Join the Ranks (2x weak 1/1s), seems pretty weak. Join the Ranks is a "win more" type of card that is fun but nowhere near staple. Ondu Clerics are great against certain decks (as you can see they're in my sideboard for Red Deck Wins and other fast rampaging decks), but Highland Berserkers are for the Akoum Battlesingers. In certain cases when the opponent has several 1/1s in play, I need the Berserkers in order to allow my Akoums to swing freely with their +X/+0 ability. I actually won a 2v1 (3-way FFA but I was getting completely ganged) with 2x Ondu Clerics and a handful of allies on board. Sad thing is I actually did have to top deck into Join the Ranks to win. (I gained 40 life and my opponents couldn't kill me before my final blow) So yes, Ondu Clerics and Join the Ranks are amazing in certain cases, but in others they impede my ability for a consistent 5th or so turn win.
f4113nx, Protection from red prevents all damage from a red source. Pyroclasm deals damage thus the damage is prevented. You are comparing pyroclasm to wrath of god, when it isn't. So yeah. =) Thus, protection from white does not prevent Wrath of God, but protection from red does prevent Pyroclasm, Chain Reaction, etc. Proof: 502.7e - Any damage that would be dealt by sources that have the stated quality to a permanent that has protection is prevented. Also, I stated that you were using the Mantra for Pridemate with my haughty comment of "the 1 life a turn thing for Ajani's Pridemate really is not very useful." Obviously 1 life a turn for pure lifegain is worthless. Rest for the Weary is more useful than Ajani's Mantra because it allows for a turn 3 pumped Serra Ascendent. Ajani's Mantra does nothing except for pump Ajani's Pridemate. Anyways, I don't understand why you felt the need to repeat my explanation for Ajani Mantra's usage in the deck. Instead you should create your own argument as to why Ajani's Mantra is better than Rest for the Weary. And finally, I said that "Journey to nowhere > Pacifism". The > signifies "greater than." I don't understand the need for an ellipsis at the end of your sentence pertaining to journey to nowhere. I said that Journeys are better than Pacifisms and you said that Journeys are better than Pacifisms. Monkey see, monkey do. Finally for a new comment, I would like to say that Honor of the Pure does not bode well with Soul Sisters. At least that is with my own personal experience with the deck. You might disagree, but I found that the damage from Honor of the Pure was negligible seeing as the only creatures I would attack with were Ajani's Pridemate, Serra Ascendent, and Baneslayer.
No. That is a terrible game for you. I'll explain why: You forgot to play a second land after playing explore. =) Also, I played flashfreeze on your khalni hydra and flashfreeze on your asceticism. Then Baneslayer swooped in ftw. Hypothetical fun. =) The problem this deck will have to face is white/blue control. turn 4 day of judgment on your turn 4 mini army will wreck you. You have nothing to fight against Baneslayer which will easily outrace you in a damage duel. (Here comes sideboard plummet to the rescue!) All in all, it's an expensive deck (4x vengevine = $150 or so) with minimal output. I would play 4x vines of vastwood because of all the control people play in Standard.
yeah it seems like merfolk thaumaturgist will rape your own walls since all of them only have 0 power. The standard fling deck usually seems to consist of kiln fiend, red "mind control", and goblin bazaar dude. Kiln fiend being optional of course. =)
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