I think that Mono Red would be a better solution. Take out the green and replace it with lightning bolts, the other land destruction card and a couple more burn spells.
Lightning Bolt? Cards that do damage equal to number of mountains?
I'll keep those in mind for a legacy version of this.
With the pump up effects of bushwhacker, wardriver, signal pest, and kiln walker along with Urabrask the Hellkite Chargers and the eldrazi tokens, that should be more than enough. Everything will get benefited by battlecry and get pumped up and then give everything first strike...
I just figured that if you gave everything first strike then it won't matter if it's being blocked or not as they are almost guaranteed to have enough power to kill the opposing creature and not die themselves.
4 Copperhorn Scout, 4 Elvish Archdruid, 4 Llanowar, 4 Joraga Treespeaker, 4 Arbor Elves and 3-4 Omnath Those are what really make a mana deck work as they allow for massive amounts of mana. Tap out all your elves then attack with a copperhorn scout to untap everything and tap again. Now if only you can pay green mana to get another attack step... then you would have an infinite combo...
Marrow-Gnawer, he's a rat ninja lord.
Ezuri, Soldier King guy
Haha, that is pretty cool. I'm still making adjustments to my deck though.
What kind of defense do you have against the Eldrazi Gods and Blightsteel? I recommend sideboarding black with Leyline of the Void.
Uh... Thank you?...
This is a pretty cool idea... I like what you did with the Harabaz Druid and the Rite of Replication, :)Check out my Esper Allies deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=176639
That's a good idea. Maybe 2 Sun Titan?
How about 4 Verdant Catacomb, some forest and Bloodbond March. If not the fetch-lands are still wonderful because they would thin out your lands amazingly well. I think there's also some other black green fetch-lands you could use if you want to use Bloodbond March.
Not much room left in this deck if I want to stick with 60 cards...I think I may have to expand the deck to 80 to fit all these awesome cards!
I would but there's literally no room.
Thank you for the advice, I'll definitely try to fit those cards in. They are all very good suggestions.
You don't have enough colorless eldrazi to make this work... I would add Kozilek, The Betrayer of Truth (who is argue-ably the best of the 3 in terms of efficiency). I would also look into Hand of Emrakul.
Thank you for the advice, it's greatly appreciated. I definitely like that card now... versus EDH? I WANT IT!
How try scrapping the Dash Hopes and instead try playing more reanimation? (that is unless there is no more good cheap reanimation stuff.)
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