Thank you! It's nice to see people like this deck, :) Check out my other good ones as well.
Have you looked into Nim Deathmantle? I've found that giving my creatures the boost + intimidate + possible unearthing is a HUGE advantage. Most of my wins actually come from me equipping Nim Deathmantle and the laughing as something like Ichor Rats or Plague Myr goes unblocked. At the very least I'd side board it for decks not playing large amounts of artifacts.
Thank you for the like! I don't know if you noticed this, but I partly modeled it after yours because you had some brilliant ideas with some of the creatures.
I would recommend blood seekers over Sangromancers simply because they start working much quicker and are cheaper. I would also recommend Hideous End, Last Kiss, Blood Tithe, and Blood Tribute to whittle down opposing creatures and life. As well as Blade of the Blood Chief if you decide to go with a lot of kill spells.
It's not a problem. I'll probably just use Elvish Harbingers or Joraga Treespeakers instead and that should speed this deck up even more. Gaea's Cradle and Doubling Season are two cards that while I would really like them... they are way out of my budget range.
I like it and it would help I'm sure... but I don't have any of those and it's a bit out of my budget range.. Brilliant suggestion though.
Right now I am stuck between using Joraga Treespeakers and Elvish Harbingers. They both produce mana but have additional abilities... I will most likely go with Joraga Treespeakers though because they are level-able.
Elspeth is definitely a nice addition in here... This deck is absolutely amazing and it's no surprise to me that you've won almost all of your games. Since you're so good with infect, I was wondering if you would check out my mono black infect deck? I would be grateful considering how amazing yours is.
It turns out that I was a bit lacking in terms of money today... I'll get the Elvish Harbingers next time.
Thank you for the advice, that seems like it will definitely improve this deck.
I realized a few crucial flaws with Sword of Body and Mind... The main one being it would provide protection with Green which would prevent me from boosting my wolves.
Thanks for the advice! Sadly... I'm trying to keep this deck at least semi-affordable... But yeah you're right. A wolf hitting you with an awesome sword like that for more wolves and milling would be great if I can find one.
You have a ratio of 36 white to 20 blue. You shouldn't even need the islands with the nonbasics you have. I don't know... I feel you could take out some blue land.
I disagree. One of my friends plays Dissipation Field and it can get annoying. Of course it's awesome if you're swinging with cards that gain you life upon entering.
I think you need 1 Skithiryx in there anyways just in case you do manage to drag it into late game... Or at least sideboard him. So you can play him against other infect decks. And... I'm going to go ahead and stress Nim Deathmantle over the whispersilk cloak. Not only do they give +2/+2 and intimidate, they can also let you regenerate stuff if you get lucky.
Ajani has turned to the darkside... If-When they make a phyrexian planeswalker you can bet it's going to be similar to Ajani in the boosting aspect... Hopefully.
Try taking out some of your other color land and putting more green in and birds of paradise. That should cover the different colors you need and get you more reliable mana ramp.
Well it's got some pretty decent control right now... Last Kiss is good. Sorin of course. Psychic Miasma is excellent and so is Blood Tithe. And... Guul Draz Specter.
... This is evil. Not quite your evilest, but still very evil. Not being able to kill the player because he's defended so well is annoying. Said player then turning around and attacking you with strong creatures that you either can't block or blocking will kill your stuff? Priceless.
Thank you a lot for the advice. It really helps. I've already spent quite a bit of money on this deck and trying to refrain from spending too much more so Oran-Rief, the Vastwoods is out. The main reason I had woodelves and farhaven else was that they were elves (synergy with wolfskull shaman) and they got me forests for howl of the nightpack. You're right though, it wasn't fast enough so I went with taking out farhaven elves to put in llanowar elves to speed it up some. Also added some forest fetching. But Arbor elves didn't really appeal to me so I decided against those.
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